Bioengineering (BME)

BME 201 Introduction to Bioengineering. (3)
fall only
Impact of bioengineering on society. Developing an awareness of the contributions of bioengineering to solve medical and biological problems. Cross-listed as STE 201. Credit is allowed for only BME 201 or STE 201. Prerequisite: ENG 101 (or 105) or 102 or 108.
General Studies: L

BME 202 Global Awareness Within Biomedical Engineering Design. (3)
not regularly offered
Introduction to ethical, legal, social, economic, and technical issues arising from the design and implementation of bioengineering technology. Lecture, critical discourse. Prerequisites: ECE 100; ECN 111 or 112; ENG 101 (or 105); 102.
General Studies: L/HU

BME 318 Biomaterials. (3)
spring only
Material properties of natural and artificial biomaterials. Tissue and blood biocompatibility. Uses of materials to replace body parts. Prerequisite: ECE 350.

BME 331 Biomedical Engineering Transport I: Fluids. (3)
fall and spring only
Transport phenomena with emphasis on biomedical engineering fluid systems. Prerequisites: MAT 274; PHY 131.

BME 334 Bioengineering Heat and Mass Transfer. (3)
spring only
Application of the principles of heat and mass transfer phenomena to solution of problems in medicine and medical device design. Prerequisite: ECE 340. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 331.

BME 350 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers. (3)
spring only
Application of principles of calculus and ordinary differential equations to modeling and analysis of responses, signals, and signal transfers in biosystems. Prerequisites: ECE 301; MAT 272, 274.

BME 411 Biomedical Engineering I. (3)
once a year
Review of diagnostic and prosthetic methods using engineering methodology. Introduction to transport, metabolic, and autoregulatory processes in the human body. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 334.

BME 412 Biomedical Engineering II. (3)
once a year
Review of electrophysiology and nerve pacing applications, introduction to biomechanics and joint/limb replacement technology, cardiovascular and pulmonary fluid mechanics, and the application of mathematical modeling. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 413 Biomedical Instrumentation. (3)
fall only
Principles of medical instrumentation. Studies of medical diagnostic instruments and techniques for the measurement of physiologic variables in living systems. Prerequisites: ECE 300, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 435. Corequisite: BME 423.
General Studies: L (if credit also earned in BME 423)

BME 415 Biomedical Transport Processes. (3)
once a year
Principles of momentum, heat, and mass transport with applications to medical and biological systems and medical device design. Prerequisites: MAT 274; PHY 131.

BME 416 Biomechanics. (3)
fall only
Mechanical properties of bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Static and dynamic analysis of human movement tasks such as locomotion. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 318.

BME 417 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design I. (3)
fall only
Technical, regulatory, economic, legal, social, and ethical aspects of medical device systems engineering design. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisite: ECE 300. Prerequisites with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 318, 334.

BME 419 Biocontrol Systems. (3)
fall only
Application of linear and nonlinear control systems techniques toward analysis of neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thermal, and mass transfer systems of the body. Prerequisites: ECE 301; MAT 274.

BME 423 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory. (1)
fall only
Laboratory experience with problems, concepts, and techniques of biomedical instrumentation in static and dynamic environments. Lab. Prerequisites: ECE 300, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 435. Corequisite: BME 413.
General Studies: L (if credit also earned in BME 413)

BME 435 Physiology for Engineers. (4)
fall only
Physiology of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, endocrine, renal, and respiratory systems. Emphasizes use of quantitative methods in understanding physiological systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: a combination of BIO 181 and CHM 116 and PHY 131 or only instructor approval.

BME 470 Microcomputer Applications in Bioengineering. (4)
spring only
Use of microcomputers for real-time data collection, analysis, and control of experiments involving actual and simulated physiological systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 100, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 435.

BME 490 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design II. (1–5)
fall and spring only
Individual projects in medical systems or medical device design and development. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: BME 417.

BME 496 Professional Seminar. (1–3)
fall and spring only
Professional and ethical aspects with a discussion of responsibilities. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 511 Biomedical Engineering. (3)
once a year
Diagnostic and prosthetic methods using engineering methodology. Transport, metabolic, and autoregulatory processes in the body.

BME 512 Biomedical Engineering II. (3)
once a year
Electrophysiology and nerve pacing applications, introduction to biomechanics and joint/limb replacement, technology, cardiovascular and pulmonary fluid mechanics, and mathematical modeling.

BME 513 Biomedical Instrumentation I. (3)
fall only
Principles of medical instrumentation. Studies of medical diagnostic instruments and techniques for the measurement of physiologic variables in living systems.

BME 514 Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation. (3)
not regularly offered
Principles of applied biophysical measurements using bioelectric and radiological approach. Prerequisites: ECE 334; MAT 274 (or its equivalent).

BME 515 Biomedical Transport Processes. (3)
not regularly offered
Principles of momentum, heat, and mass transport with applications to medical and biological systems and medical device design. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 516 Topics in Biomechanics. (3)
fall only
Mechanical properties of bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Static and dynamic analysis of human movement tasks, including in-depth project. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 518 Introduction to Biomaterials. (3)
spring only
Topics include structure property relationships for synthetic and natural biomaterials, biocompatibility, and uses of materials to replace body parts. Prerequisite: ECE 350 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.

BME 519 Topics in Biocontrol Systems. (3)
fall only
Linear and nonlinear control systems analysis of neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thermal, and mass transfer systems of the body, including in-depth project. Prerequisites: both ECE 301 and MAT 274 or only instructor approval.

BME 520 Bioelectric Phenomena. (3)
not regularly offered
Study of the origin, propagation, and interactions of bioelectricity in living things; volume conductor problem, mathematical analysis of bioelectric interactions, and uses in medical diagnostics.

BME 521 Neuromuscular Control Systems. (3)
spring only
Overview of sensorimotor brain structures. Application of nonlinear, adaptive, optimal, and supervisory control theory to eye-head-hand coordination and locomotion.

BME 522 Biosensor Design and Application. (3)
once a year
Theory and principles of biosensor design and application in medicine and biology. Principles of measurements with biosensors. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 523 Physiological Instrumentation Lab. (1)
fall only
Laboratory experience with problems, concepts, and techniques of biomedical instrumentation in static and dynamic environments. Lab. Pre- or corequisites: BME 413, 435; ECE 334.

BME 524 Fundamentals of Applied Neural Control. (3)
once a year
Fundamental concepts of electrical stimulation and recording in the nervous system with the goal of functional control restoration. Pre- or corequisite: BME 435 or instructor approval.

BME 525 Surgical Techniques. (2)
spring only
Principles of surgical techniques, standard operative procedures, federal regulations, guidelines, and state-of-the-art methods. Lecture, lab.

BME 532 Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Engineering. (3)
once a year
Analysis and critical assessment of design and control strategies for state-of-the-art medical devices used in rehabilitation engineering. Pre- or corequisite: BME 416 or 516 or EPE 610.

BME 533 Transport Processes I. (3)
fall only
Unified treatment of momentum, heat, and mass transfer from molecular theory, and continuum points of view. Continuum equations of microscopic and macroscopic systems and multicomponent and multiphase systems. Cross-listed as CHE 533. Credit is allowed for only BME 533 or CHE 533.

BME 534 Transport Processes II. (3)
spring only
Continuation of BME/CHE 533, emphasizing mass transfer. Cross-listed as CHE 534. Credit is allowed for only BME 534 or CHE 534. Prerequisite: BME/CHE 533.

BME 543 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems. (3)
fall only
Classical and statistical thermodynamics of nonideal physicochemical systems and processes; prediction of optimum operating conditions. Cross-listed as CHE 543. Credit is allowed for only BME 543 or CHE 543.

BME 544 Chemical Reactor Engineering. (3)
spring only
Reaction rates, thermodynamics, and transport principles applied to the design and operation of chemical reactors. Cross-listed as CHE 544. Credit is allowed for only BME 544 or CHE 544. Prerequisite: BME/CHE 543.

BME 551 Movement Biomechanics. (3)
spring only
Mechanics applied to the analysis and modeling of physiological movements. Computational modeling of muscles, tendons, joints, and the skeletal system with application to sports and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: BME 416 or 516 or instructor approval.

BME 566 Medical Imaging Instrumentation. (3)
not regularly offered
Design and analysis of imaging systems and nuclear devices for medical diagnosis, therapy, and research. Laboratory experiments using diagnostic radiology, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, and CAT scanning. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BME 568 Medical Imaging. (3)
not regularly offered
CT, SPECT, PET, and MRI. 3-dimensional in vivo measurements. Instrument design, physiological modeling, clinical protocols, reconstruction algorithms, and quantitation issues. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

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