Computer Engineering Technology (CET)

CET 100 C/C++ Programming. (3)
fall and spring only
Applied and practical problem solving using the C programming language. Introduction to C++. Prerequisite: ETC 100.

CET 150 Digital Systems I. (4)
fall and spring only
Number systems, Boolean algebra, combinational logic, K-maps, flip-flops, sequential circuits, state machines, and minimization techniques.
General Studies: CS

CET 191 First-Year Seminar. (1–3)
not regularly offered

CET 200 JAVA Programming. (3)
fall only
Concepts of JAVA programming language addressing advanced topics such as JAVA archive files, threads, inheritance, dialog boxes, and JAVA beans. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 230 Applied Data Structures. (3)
fall only
Introduction to data structures: strings, stacks, queues, binary trees, recursion, searching, and sorting. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 236 Introduction to Visual BASIC. (3)
fall only
Introduction to BASIC and programming in the Visual BASIC environment. Prerequisite: CET 100.

CET 250 Computer and Network Technology. (3)
spring only
Computer technology as related to digital communications and networking. Network operating systems, protocols and routing technology. Prerequisite: CET 100, 150.

CET 256 C Programming for Engineering Technology. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Applied and practical problem solving using the C programming language. Prerequisite: ETC 100.

CET 294 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

CET 300 Object-Oriented Software Development III. (3)
fall only
Increases skills in OO concepts and present C++. Covers JAVA concepts of threads, serialization, and JAVA Beans. C++ language concepts. Prerequisites: CET 200, 256.

CET 326 Modern Programming Languages. (3)
fall only
Concepts and semantical and syntactical construction of modern programming languages. Prerequisite: CET 200.

CET 350 Digital Systems II. (4)
fall and spring only
Analysis and design of synchronous and asynchronous state machines. Introduction to VHDL. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CET 150.

CET 354 Microcomputer Architecture and Programming. (4)
fall and spring only
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, I/O considerations, exception and interrupt handling. Introduction to interfacing. Prerequisite: CET 150.

CET 386 Operating Systems Principles. (3)
spring only
Fundamentals of operating systems, process management, scheduling and synchronization techniques, memory and file management, protection and security issues. Prerequisite: CET 256.

CET 400 Software Engineering Technology. (3)
spring only
Software life-cycle models; project management; team development environments; software specification, design, implementation techniques and tools, validation, and maintenance; user documentation. Prerequisite: senior standing in Technology.

CET 401 Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia. (3)
fall only
Application of DSP techniques to multimedia. Digital filter analysis and design. Time and frequency techniques. Computer applications. Cross-listed as EET 401. Credit is allowed for only CET 401 or EET 401. Prerequisites: EET 301; MAT 262.

CET 425 Systems Programming. (3)
fall only
Design and implementation of systems programs, including text editors, file utilities, monitors, assemblers, relocating linking loaders, I/O handlers, and schedulers. Prerequisite: CET 300.

CET 426 Software Tools for the Semiconductor Industry. (3)
spring only
Introduction to software tools commonly used in the semiconductor industry, such as SUPREM IV, PSPICE, VIEWLOGIC, and ICED. Cross-listed as UET 426. Credit is allowed for only CET 426 or UET 426. Prerequisite: UET 331.

CET 433 Database Technology. (3)
fall only
Introduction to database technologies and DBMS, data models, and languages. Prerequisites: CET 230, 300.

CET 436 Applications of Visual Basic. (3)
fall only
Applications of visual basic to graphics, graphical user interfaces, error handling, file processing, OO programming, DBMS, networking, and multimedia. Prerequisite: CET 236.

CET 450 Advanced Internetworking Technologies. (3)
spring only
Effects and benefits, design and functions of internetworking protocols. Prepares students for the Cisco certification examination. Prerequisite: CET 250.

CET 452 Digital Logic Applications. (4)
spring only
Design of sequential machines using system design techniques and complex MSI/LSI devices with lab. Prerequisite: CET 350.

CET 454 Microcontrollers. (3)
spring only
Microcontroller input/output ports and advanced features. Microcontrollers as an embedded system and their interfacing considerations. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

CET 456 Assembly Language Applications. (3)
fall only
Programming using BIOS and DOS routines. High-level language interfacing. Disk operations, TSR routines, and device drivers. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 457 Microcomputer Systems Interfacing. (4)
spring only
Applications of microcomputer hardware and software. Special purpose controllers, interface design. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CET 354; CSE 183; EET 310.

CET 458 Digital Computer Networks. (3)
once a year
Network technology, topologies, protocols, control techniques, reliability, and security. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 473 Digital/Data Communications. (4)
fall only
Signals, distortion, noise, and error detection/correction. Transmission and systems design. Interface techniques and standards. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CET 354; EET 372.

CET 483 UNIX with C Applications. (3)
spring only
Generate user proficiency in the use of the UNIX operating system, its shells, environment, and 4th generation language and tools. Prerequisite: senior standing in the ECET department (or its equivalent).

CET 484 Internship. (1–12)
fall and spring only

CET 485 Digital Testing Techniques I. (3)
once a year
Hardware/software aspects of digital testing technology; systems, board, and logic testing and equipment. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as UET 485. Credit is allowed for only CET 485 or UET 485. Prerequisites: CET 350; EET 310.

CET 486 Hardware Description Languages: VHDL. (3)
spring only
Introduction to hardware description languages using VHDL. Techniques for modeling and simulating small digital systems using a VHDL simulator. Prerequisites: CET 350, 483.

CET 487 Hardware Description Languages: VERILOG. (3)
fall only
Introduction to hardware description languages, digital modeling, and simulation techniques using the VERILOG HDL. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

CET 488 UNIX Systems Administration. (3)
fall only
Generate user proficiency in administration of UNIX operating system, its processes, system calls, kernel, file structure, and interprocess communication tools. Prerequisites: CET 483 (or its equivalent); C or C++ language.

CET 489 Network Programming Applications. (3)
fall only
Generate user proficiency in writing C programs and scripts to control and administer a UNIX operating system network. Prerequisites: CET 473, 488 (or their equivalents); C or C++ language.

CET 490 Reading and Conference. (1–12)
fall and spring only

CET 492 Honors Directed Study. (1–6)
not regularly offered

CET 493 Honors Thesis. (1–6)
not regularly offered

CET 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Computer Project

CET 498 Pro-Seminar. (1–7)
not regularly offered

CET 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3)
not regularly offered

CET 501 Digital Signal Processing Applications. (3)
fall only
Application of DSP techniques to the design and analysis of digital filters. Solution of filtering problems using computer techniques. Cross-listed as EET 501. Credit is allowed for only CET 501 or EET 501. Prerequisite: EET 401 or instructor approval.

CET 520 Computer Architecture. (3)
fall only
The basics of computer architecture. RTN, RISC, CISC concepts; computer arithmetic; ALUs; memory systems; I/O. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 533 Database Management Systems. (3)
fall only
Systems aspects of relational databases: relational database design, index and access structures, implementation and performance evaluation, query processing and optimization. Prerequisite: CET 433.

CET 546 Computer Vision. (3)
spring only
Image segmentation and enhancement. Object recognition and modeling. Morphological operation for object recognition and measurement. Prerequisite: CET 300.

CET 552 Digital Systems Design. (3)
spring only
Digital system design techniques and applications. Prerequisite: CET 452 or instructor approval.

CET 554 Distributed Computing. (3)
spring only
Topics in distributed systems, including communications, distributed operating systems, fault-tolerance, and performance issues. Prerequisites: CET 354, 386.

CET 556 Windows Programming. (3)
fall only
Programming techniques in the MS Windows and X Window environments. Prerequisite: CET 256 (or its equivalent).

CET 557 Microcomputers and Applications. (3)
fall only
Applications of small computer systems, mini- and microcomputer hardware and software. Prerequisites: CET 354; CSE 100 (or 183); EET 310.

CET 566 Principles and Practices of Operating Systems. (3)
spring only
Principles and practices of operating systems: virtual memory systems, I/O devices and systems, file systems and organization, and other topics. Prerequisite: CET 386.

CET 576 Embedded Real-Time Programming. (3)
fall only
Topics in real-time embedded operating systems such as synchronization, communications, file systems, and memory sharing. Prerequisites: CET 300, 386.

CET 580 Practicum. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 583 Network Programming. (3)
fall only
Generate user proficiency in writing C programs and scripts to control and administer a UNIX operating system network. Prerequisites: CET 473, 488 (or their equivalents); C or C++ language.

CET 584 Internship. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 585 Digital Testing Techniques II. (3)
fall only
Testing technology as applied to digital systems, boards, and chips. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CET 354.

CET 586 Digital Modeling Techniques. (3)
spring only
Digital system modeling and simulation using hardware description languages. Prerequisites: CET 350, 354.

CET 590 Reading and Conference. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 591 Seminar. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 592 Research. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 593 Applied Project. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 594 Conference and Workshop. (1–12)
not regularly offered

CET 595 Continuing Registration. (1)
not regularly offered

CET 598 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

CET 599 Thesis. (1–12)
not regularly offered

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