Chinese (CHI)

CHI 101 Elementary Chinese. (5)
fall only
Pronunciation, grammar, elementary conversation, and development of basic reading and writing skills. Standard dialect. 5 class hours. Fee or deposit.

CHI 102 Elementary Chinese. (5)
spring only
See CHI 101. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: CHI 101 (or its equivalent).

CHI 107 Chinese for International Professions I. (10)
fall only
Accelerated program alternative to CHI 101, 102 sequence. Functional approach to needs of international professions. 10 class hours. Fee or deposit.

CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese. (5)
fall only
Systematic review of grammar. Development of vocabulary through reading and writing. Drill in aural/oral skills. 5 class hours. Prerequisite: CHI 102 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese. (5)
spring only
See CHI 201. Prerequisite: CHI 201 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

CHI 205 Chinese Calligraphy. (1)
fall and spring only
An introduction to styles and techniques of Chinese writing. Knowledge of Chinese or Japanese is not required.

CHI 207 Chinese for International Professions II. (10)
spring only
Continuation of CHI 107, alternative to CHI 201, 202 sequence. Expansion of communicative proficiency in specific areas of international professions. 10 class hours. Prerequisite: CHI 107 or instructor approval.
General Studies: G

CHI 309 Chinese Conversation. (2)
fall only
Aural/oral drills using contemporary stories, articles, and essays. For students with lower-level proficiency. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 310 Chinese Conversation. (2)
spring only
See CHI 309. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 311 Chinese Conversation. (2)
fall only
Intensive aural/oral practice in Modern Chinese. For students who have lived in China or a Chinese-speaking environment. Discussion, drill. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 312 Chinese Conversation. (2)
spring only
See CHI 311. Discussion, drill. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 313 Advanced Chinese. (3)
fall only
The modern language in general or specific areas depending on the student’s needs or interests. 3 hours lecture, arranged lab. Prerequisite: CHI 202 (or its equivalent).
General Studies: G

CHI 314 Advanced Chinese. (3)
spring only
Continuation of CHI 313. Prerequisite: CHI 313.
General Studies: G

CHI 321 Chinese Literature. (3)
fall only
Masterworks of the tradition from the 6th century B.C.E. through the 13th century. Readings, lectures, and examinations are in English.
General Studies: L/HU

CHI 322 Chinese Literature. (3)
spring only
Masterpieces from the later tradition and its transition to modern times. Readings, lectures, and examinations are in English.
General Studies: L/HU, G

CHI 413 Introduction to Classical Chinese. (3)
fall only
Reading in various genres of pre-20th century literature (wen-yen), with analysis of the structure of the classical writings. Prerequisite: CHI 314 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

CHI 414 Introduction to Classical Chinese. (3)
spring only
Continuation of CHI 413. Prerequisite: CHI 413.
General Studies: HU

CHI 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

CHI 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3)
not regularly offered

CHI 500 Bibliography and Research Methods. (3)
not regularly offered
Introduction to research materials on China in Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages. Overview of research methods. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 514 Advanced Classical Chinese. (3)
not regularly offered
Close readings in selected premodern texts, with focus on special grammatical features, and increased vocabulary. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 520 Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language. (3)
not regularly offered
Theory and practice of teaching Chinese, including presentation, interaction, and evaluation, with consideration given to cultural factors. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 535 Advanced Readings. (3)
not regularly offered
Readings in primary and secondary sources in history, art, religious studies, economics, or other fields. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 543 Chinese Language and Linguistics. (3)
fall only
Analysis and discussion, within the framework of linguistic theory, of selected problems in Chinese phonetics, morphology, and syntax. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 585 Problems of Translation. (3)
not regularly offered
Theories and practice of translation: strategies for handling a variety of Chinese texts. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 591 Seminar. (3)
not regularly offered
Topics in literary, linguistic, or cultural studies.

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