Educational Psychology (EDP)

EDP 301 Learning and Motivation in Education. (2)
fall and spring only
Using a case format, learning and motivation principles are applied to education contexts. Prerequisite: education major.

EDP 302 Assessment and Evaluation in Education. (1)
fall and spring only
Using a case format, assessment and evaluation principles are applied to education contexts. Prerequisite: education major.

EDP 303 Human Development. (3)
fall and spring only
Selected aspects of child and adolescent development. Emphasis on possibilities for influence by teachers and parents. Prerequisites: CDE 232 (or its equivalent); education major.
General Studies: L

EDP 310 Educational Psychology. (1–6)
fall, spring, summer
Human behavior in educational situations presented through instructional modules. May be repeated for credit for total of 6 hours.
General Studies: SB

EDP 313 Childhood and Adolescence. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Principles underlying total development of pre- and early-adolescent children. Emphasis on physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development with practical implications for teachers grades 5–9. Prerequisite: EDP 303 or admission to College of Education postbaccalaureate program.

EDP 454 Statistical Data Analysis in Education. (3)
fall, spring, summer
The role of data analysis in research and decision making. Elements of exploratory data analysis, descriptive indexes, and statistical inference. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MAT 117.
General Studies: CS

EDP 502 Introduction to Quantitative Methods. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Topics in statistical analysis, measurement, and research design. Exploratory data analysis, estimation theory, and statistical inference. Use of computers for data analysis. Cross-listed as COE 502. Credit is allowed for only COE 502 or EDP 502.

EDP 503 Introduction to Qualitative Research. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Terminology, historical development, approaches (including ethnography, ethnomethodology, critical theory, grounded theory, and hermeneutics), and qualitative versus quantitative social sciences; methods of inquiry. Cross-listed as COE 503. Credit is allowed for only COE 503 or EDP 503.

EDP 504 Learning and Instruction. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduction to psychology of learning and instruction. Includes the foundations of learning theories and their application to educational practice. Cross-listed as COE 504. Credit is allowed for only COE 504 or EDP 504.

EDP 510 Essentials of Classroom Learning. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Theoretical and empirical foundations of learning in the classroom milieu. Critical exposure to research and method in instructional psychology. Cross-listed as LNT 510. Credit is allowed for only EDP 510 or LNT 510.

EDP 513 Child Development. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Examination of problems and achievements experienced by children growing up in a technological society. Emphasis on discovering the child’s perspective.

EDP 514 Psychology of the Adolescent. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Cognitive, physical, and social development of adolescents in contemporary society. Impact of family, school, and workplace on adolescent development. Prerequisite: EDP 310 or PGS 101 (or its equivalent).

EDP 530 Theoretical Issues and Research in Human Development. (3)
fall only
Psychological theories, research, and methods relevant to human development, emphasizing the relations between early development and later performance.

EDP 535 Applied Behavior Analysis. (3)
fall only
Principles of conditioning as applied to behavior. Current research on the experimental analysis of behavior in educational psychology.

EDP 536 Physiology of Behavioral Disorders. (3)
fall only
Critical study of nervous system, brain function for fundamental behaviors, and system dysfunctions in mental/neurological disorders. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

EDP 540 Theoretical Views of Learning. (3)
fall and spring only
Classical and cognitive theories of learning, plus recent orientations. Illustrative experimental and rational foundations; implications for educational practice. Cross-listed as LNT 540. Credit is allowed for only EDP 540 or LNT 540.

EDP 542 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction. (3)
spring only
Critical review and evaluation of research on learning variables relevant to acquisition and retention of instructional materials. Lab. Cross-listed as LNT 542. Credit is allowed for only EDP 542 or LNT 542.

EDP 544 Psychology of Reading. (3)
fall only
Alternate analyses of the reading process; designs and procedures for investigating instructional and noninstructional variables related to reading achievement.

EDP 550 Introduction to Measurement in Education. (3)
fall and spring only
Nature and types of educational measures. Critiquing and selecting appropriate measuring devices. Constructing measuring devices. Social controversies about tests. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 502 or instructor approval.

EDP 552 Quantitative Data Analysis in Education I. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Continued treatment of statistical estimation, testing, and research synthesis. Inferential techniques including ANOVA and multiple regression with computers. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 502 or instructor approval.

EDP 554 Quantitative Data Analysis in Education II. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Advanced issues in applied multiple regression and ANOVA. Introduction to ANCOVA. Use of computers for data analysis. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 552 or instructor approval.

EDP 556 Data Processing Techniques in Measurement and Research. (3)
once a year
Use of statistical packages for data analysis. Emphasis on data management, data structures, and related statistical procedures. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 552. Pre- or corequisite: EDP 554 or instructor approval.

EDP 560 Individual Intellectual Assessment. (3)
fall and spring only
Issues in administration and interpretation of individual intelligence tests. Theoretical basis, ethical considerations, and diagnostic use of test results. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: admission to a program in professional psychology or instructor approval.

EDP 561 Lab in Psychological Assessment. (3)
spring only
Lab experience in administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual intelligence tests. Lab. Prerequisite: admission to a program in professional psychology or instructor approval. Corequisite: EDP 560.

EDP 562 School Psychology: Theory and Practice. (3)
fall only
Development and present status of school psychology, including an overview of assessment and intervention strategies and professional issues.

EDP 563 Interventions in School Psychology. (3)
fall only
Examination of case-based consultation and consultation research relevant to school psychology practice. Field experience. Prerequisite: school psychology program or instructor approval.

EDP 564 Curriculum-Based Assessment and Academic Interventions. (3)
spring only
Constructing, administering, and scoring outcome-based measures. Use of measures for using the various educational decisions.

EDP 566 Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties. (3)
spring only
Clinical diagnosis of learning difficulties, emphasizing specific academic problems. Use and interpretation of diagnostic instruments in practical school situations. Prerequisites: EDP 560, 562 (or their equivalents); instructor approval.

EDP 567 School Psychological Services to Minority Students. (3)
spring only
Historical perspectives and major issues in psychological and academic assessment and interventions with minority school children.

EDP 568 Diagnosis and Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Emotional Handicaps. (3)
fall only
Clinical diagnosis of emotional handicaps in children and adolescents with emphasis on interpretation of diagnostic instruments and designing appropriate interventions in school settings. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: EDP 566; PSY 578 (or its equivalent).

EDP 651 Methods and Practices of Qualitative Research. (3)
spring only
Advanced course for students familiar with theory and extant work. Topics include data collection, analysis, reporting, and an extensive fieldwork project. Prerequisite: COE 503.

EDP 652 Multivariate Procedures in Data Analysis I. (3)
fall only
Introduction to matrix algebra. Application of MANOVA, MANCOVA, power analysis, effect size, discriminant and repeated measures analysis with computers. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 554 or instructor approval.

EDP 654 Multivariate Procedures in Data Analysis II. (3)
spring only
Treatment of applied multivariate multiple regression, canonical correlation, factor analysis, log-linear models, and structural equation models with computers. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: EDP 652 or instructor approval.

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