Environmental Design and Planning (EPD)

EPD 700 Interdisciplinary Research Methods. (3)
fall only
Introduction to the philosophy and methodology of interdisciplinary research in environmental design and planning. Seminar. Fee or deposit.

EPD 710 Current Research in Design. (3)
spring only
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in architecture, building science, interior design, industrial design, and landscape architecture. Seminar. Fee or deposit.

EPD 712 Current Research in Planning. (3)
spring only
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in environmental planning, landscape ecology, urban design, and urban and regional planning. Seminar. Fee or deposit.

EPD 714 Current Research in History, Theory, and Criticism. (3)
spring only
Review and critical evaluation of contemporary literature and method in the theory and history of architecture, design, and planning. Seminar. Fee or deposit.

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