Fire Service Management (FSM)

FSM 304 Fire Personnel Management. (3)
fall only
Topics include promotion, personnel development, career and incentive systems, validation of physical requirements, managerial and supervisory procedures.

FSM 305 Quality Emergency Services. (3)
not regularly offered
Covers quality issues relating to services delivered by progressive fire departments. Covers management of personnel and resources during organizational change.

FSM 306 Fire Prevention Organization and Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Examination and evaluation of the techniques, procedures, programs, and agencies involved in preventing fires.

FSM 363 Computer Applications in Emergency Management. (3)
spring only
Specific computer programs are explored which are currently in use for contingency planning, tracking chemical inventories, and response resources. Cross-listed as ETM 363. Credit is allowed for only ETM 363 or FSM 363.

FSM 400 Human Behavior and the Fire Threat. (3)
not regularly offered
Proper ways of conducting post-fire interviews; emphasizes the psychological effects of communications during emergencies.

FSM 421 Political and Legal Consideration in Fire Science. (3)
spring only
Study of legal and political considerations that affect the decision making of fire service managers.

FSM 425 Fire Service Administration. (3)
fall only
Presentation of modern management and planning techniques that apply to organizing a fire department.

FSM 460 Incident Management Systems and Emergency Operations Center. (3)
fall only
Covers IMS, terminology, players, and management philosophy. EOC setup, activation, operation, and termination. EOC funding and politics. Cross-listed as ETM 460. Credit is allowed for only ETM 460 or FSM 460.

FSM 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

FSM 598 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

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