Ancient Greek (GRK)

GRK 101 Elementary Ancient Greek. (4)
fall only
Ancient Greek grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on developing reading skills. For beginning students only.

GRK 201 Intermediate Ancient Greek. (4)
spring only
Continuation of GRK 101. Increased emphasis on reading texts adapted from Aristophanes, Demosthenes, and Plato. Prerequisite: GRK 101 or instructor approval.

GRK 301 Ancient Greek Literature. (3)
fall only
Readings in the masterpieces of ancient Greek literature; advanced grammar. Authors read are changed each year in accordance with needs of the class. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: GRK 201 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

GRK 302 Ancient Greek Literature. (3)
spring only
Continuation of GRK 301. Prerequisite: GRK 201 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

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