Higher and Postsecondary Education (HED)

HED 510 Introduction to Higher Education. (3)
fall only
An overview of American higher education, including philosophical, political, and social aspects.

HED 515 Student Diversity in Higher Education. (3)
spring only
Orients students to the demographic profile of college students and addresses diverse students’ access, retention, and graduation. Lecture, collaborative learning.

HED 527 Seminar: Student Affairs Administration. (3)
fall only
Organizational models, administrative competencies and skills, and emerging challenges of student affairs administration. Lecture, discussion, group projects, written assignments.

HED 533 The Community-Junior College. (3)
fall and spring only
History, functions, organization, and current issues. Meets Arizona community college course requirement for certification.

HED 602 Institutional Research/Strategic Planning. (3)
fall only
Provides an overview of policy research and planning in higher education at the campus system and governing/coordinating agency levels. Lecture, group discussion, research projects. Prerequisite: HED 510.

HED 603 Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis. (3)
spring only
Emphasizes the applied and computing aspects of qualitative research design, data analysis, and reporting of results. Lecture, lab, demonstrations. Prerequisite: COE 503 (or its equivalent).

HED 611 Curriculum and Instruction. (3)
spring only
Curriculum development, instructional organization, and improvement of instruction in higher education. Prerequisite: HED 510.

HED 644 Higher Education Finance and Budgeting. (3)
spring only
Financial planning and budgeting in higher education institutions. Issues related to financing public and private colleges and universities. Prerequisite: HED 510.

HED 649 Law of Higher Education. (3)
fall only
Analysis of legal issues related to higher education; examination of key court decisions. Prerequisite: HED 510.

HED 679 The American College Student. (3)
spring only
Overview of American college student from demographic, background characteristics and values/attitudes/perspectives. Includes access, persistence, and degree completion. Lecture, group discussion, research projects. Cross-listed as CED 656. Credit is allowed for only CED 656 or HED 679.

HED 687 Governance, Coordination, and External Influences in Higher Education. (3)
spring in odd years only
Study of governance and coordination in higher education systems and the impact of external forces on them. Lecture, discussion.

HED 688 Organizational Theory. (3)
spring only
Major views of organizations and their influence on role definition and participant behaviors in educational organization. Seminar, discussion. Cross-listed as SPF 622. Credit is allowed for only HED 688 or SPF 622.

HED 689 Leadership in Higher Education. (3)
fall only
Theory and practice of leadership and administration in higher education institutions.

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