Information and Management Core (IMC)

IMC 294 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

IMC 331 Quality Assurance. (3)
spring only
Instrumentation and methodologies for materials testing and quality control in various manufacturing processes. Lecture, field trips.

IMC 346 Management Dynamics. (3)
fall and spring only
Management challenges and the leadership skills needed to achieve organizational objectives in the changing industrial and technical environments. Prerequisite: junior standing.

IMC 396 Professional Orientation. (1)
fall and spring only
Senior advisement, industry presentations, and career counseling.

IMC 470 Project Management. (3)
spring only
Introduction to techniques for managing small groups within larger organizations, including team building, motivating, planning, tracking activities, and computer tools. Prerequisites: ECN 111; IMC 346; ITM 344.

IMC 498 Pro-Seminar. (1–7)
not regularly offered

IMC 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3)
not regularly offered

IMC 584 Internship. (1–12)
fall and spring only

IMC 590 Reading and Conference. (1–12)
not regularly offered

IMC 592 Research. (1–12)
fall and spring only

IMC 593 Applied Project. (1–12)
fall and spring only

IMC 595 Continuing Registration. (1)
not regularly offered

IMC 599 Thesis. (1–12)
fall and spring only

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