Industrial Technology Management (ITM)

ITM 343 Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. (3)
fall only
Health and safety movement, accident theories and effects, OSHA standards and liability, safeguarding, hazards, workers’ compensation, ergonomics, and safety. Prerequisite: junior standing.

ITM 344 Industrial Organization. (3)
spring only
Industrial organization concepts. Topics relate to industrial relations, governmental regulations, organizational structure, labor relations, human factors, and current industrial practices. Prerequisite: IMC 346.

ITM 345 Public Sector Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Management in government and public agencies. Includes mission, planning and organizing to provide services, human resource issues, conflict resolution, coordination. Prerequisite: junior standing.

ITM 402 Industrial Laws, Contracts, and Regulations. (3)
fall only
Review of city, state, county, and federal laws that affect industrial and construction operations, materials, supplies, and acquisition procedures. Prerequisite: IMC 346.

ITM 430 Ethical Issues in Technology. (3)
spring only
Topics in social responsibility for industrial technology and engineering. Prerequisite: IMC 346.

ITM 440 Introduction to International Business. (3)
spring only
International business principles and operations, including partnerships, trade agreements, currency issues, international sales, and cultural differences between countries. Prerequisite: IMC 346.
General Studies: G

ITM 445 Industrial Internship. (1–10)
fall, spring, summer
Work experience assignment in industry commensurate with student’s program. Specialized instruction by industry with university supervision. Pass/fail. Prerequisites: advisor approval; junior standing; 2.50 GPA.

ITM 451 Materials Control. (3)
not regularly offered
Activities of material handling, including purchasing, receiving, warehousing, traffic, plant layout, inventory, and production control and shipping relating to technical procedures. Prerequisites: IMC 346; ITM 343.

ITM 452 Industrial Human Resource Management. (3)
fall only
Concepts and practices of human resource management in a global industrial environment. Prerequisite: IMC 346.

ITM 453 Safety Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Development and management of safety programs, education and training, and relationships within an organization. Prerequisite: ITM 343 or instructor approval.

ITM 455 Industrial Marketing Concepts. (3)
not regularly offered
Customer and sales strategies for industrial organizations, including current practice and future planning. Prerequisites: ECN 111; IMC 346; junior standing.

ITM 456 Introduction to Organized Labor. (3)
spring only
Introduction to labor relations, unions, federations, collective bargaining, grievances, and labor legislation. Prerequisites: IMC 346; ITM 344.

ITM 461 Operations Management. (3)
fall only
Introduction to supervisory principles as applied to production of goods and services. Prerequisites: IMC 346; ITM 344.

ITM 480 Organizational Effectiveness. (3)
spring only
Human aspects of supervisory behavior in the industrial setting and how they influence efficiency, morale, and organizational practices. Prerequisite: IMC 346.

ITM 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered

ITM 501 Managerial Economics. (3)
not regularly offered
Basic managerial economic tools and techniques applied to unique concerns of scientifically intensive firms operating in rapidly evolving industrial sectors.

ITM 502 Financial Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Examination of corporate financial and managerial accounting systems, budgeting, and financial policy, using microcomputers to analyze, forecast, and report information.

ITM 503 Marketing Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Modern methods and industrial case studies of planning, pricing, promoting and distributing, goods and services in the global marketplace. Prerequisites: ITM 480 (or its equivalent); instructor approval.

ITM 504 Law and Ethics for Technical Professionals. (3)
not regularly offered
Analysis of legal and ethical framework for making managerial decisions in the corporate environment of engineering- and technology-related industries.

ITM 520 Strategic Management of Technology. (3)
not regularly offered
Analysis of entrepreneurial dynamics and technology development, methods of research and development management, new technology implementation, and start-up organization. Prerequisites: ITM 480 (or its equivalent); instructor approval.

ITM 540 International Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Practices and procedures for effective management of multinational business organizations, including partnerships, joint ownerships, and global subsidiaries.

ITM 549 Research Techniques and Applications. (3)
fall and spring only
Selection of research problems, analysis of literature, individual investigations, preparing reports, and proposal writing. Prerequisite: STP 420 (or its equivalent).

ITM 550 Industrial Training and Development. (3)
not regularly offered
Training techniques and learning processes. Planning, developing, evaluating, and managing industrial and governmental programs. Prerequisite: ITM 480.

ITM 552 Global Management Philosophies. (3)
not regularly offered
Analysis and comparison of significant supervision philosophies developed in various industrial nations and their potential application in the United States.

ITM 560 Managerial Decision Making. (3)
fall only
Analysis of common decision-making bias and techniques to overcome them. Uses both subjective quantitative decision tools and computerized decision aids.

ITM 570 Advanced Project Management. (3)
spring only
Planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling staff and project groups to accomplish the project objective.

ITM 593 Applied Project. (1–12)
not regularly offered

ITM 598 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Quantitative Research Analysis

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