Journalism (JRN)

JRN 201 Journalism Newswriting. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Writing news for the print media. Prerequisites: MCO 110 (or 120); successful completion of English proficiency requirement; demonstrated typing ability of 30 words per minute. Prerequisite: ENG 101 (or 105).
General Studies: L

JRN 301 Reporting. (3)
fall and spring only
Fundamentals of news gathering, interviewing, and in-depth reporting. Prerequisites: JRN 201; professional program admission; major.
General Studies: L

JRN 313 Introduction to Editing. (3)
fall and spring only
Copyediting and headline writing. Electronic editing on personal computer terminals. Prerequisites: JRN 301; professional program admission.

JRN 351 Photojournalism I. (3)
fall and spring only
Taking, developing, and printing pictures for newspapers and magazine production on a media deadline basis. Students should have their own cameras. Prerequisites: JRN 201 (or instructor approval); professional program admission.

JRN 401 Public Relations Techniques. (3)
fall and spring only
Theory and practice of publicity, public relations, and related techniques and procedures. Prerequisites: JRN 301 (or TCM 315); professional program admission.

JRN 412 Editorial Interpretation. (3)
not regularly offered
The press as an influence on public opinion. The role of the editorial in analyzing and interpreting current events. Prerequisites: JRN 301; professional program admission.

JRN 413 Advanced Editing. (3)
fall and spring only
Theory and practice of newspaper editing, layout and design, picture, and story selection. Prerequisites: JRN 313; professional program admission.

JRN 414 Electronic Publication Design. (3)
fall and spring only
Theory, organization, and practice of layout, typography, and design in traditional and multimedia publishing. Prerequisites: JRN 401; professional program admission.

JRN 415 Writing for Public Relations. (3)
fall and spring only
Development of specific writing techniques for the practitioner in public relations agencies and divisions of major organizations. Prerequisites: JRN 401; professional program admission.

JRN 417 Public Relations Campaigns. (3)
fall only
Theory, principles, and literature of public relations and how they relate to audiences, campaigns, and ethics. Prerequisites: both JRN 401 and 415 or only instructor approval; professional program admission.

JRN 420 Reporting Public Affairs. (3)
fall and spring only
Instruction and assignments in reporting the courts, schools, government, city hall, social problems, and other areas involving public issues. Prerequisites: JRN 301; professional program admission.

JRN 440 Magazine Writing. (3)
fall and spring only
Writing and marketing magazine articles for publication. Prerequisites: JRN 301 (or instructor approval); professional program admission.

JRN 451 Photojournalism II. (3)
fall and spring only
Theory and practice of photojournalism with emphasis on shooting, lighting, and layout for the media. Prerequisites: JRN 351; professional program admission.

JRN 452 Photojournalism III. (3)
fall and spring only
Advanced theory and practice of photojournalism with emphasis on the photo essay and illustrations in black and white and color. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab. Prerequisites: JRN 451; professional program admission.

JRN 465 Precision Journalism. (3)
spring only
An advanced writing course with focus on reporting polls and surveys and other numerically-based stories as well as on understanding the concepts that underlie polls and surveys. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: JRN 301 (or instructor approval); professional program admission.

JRN 470 Depth Reporting. (3)
fall and spring only
The course is designed to introduce students to strategies for writing in-depth newspaper or magazine articles. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: JRN 301; professional program admission; instructor approval.

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