Linguistics (LIN)

LIN 500 Research Methods. (3)
fall only
Methodology and resource materials for research. Analysis of criticism and scholarship, including evaluation of sources.

LIN 505 American English. (3)
spring only
Development of the English language in America, including a survey of geographical and social dialects.

LIN 510 English Linguistics. (3)
fall only
Current approaches to the study of the English language.

LIN 511 Phonetics and Phonology. (3)
spring only
Current trends in phonological theory and its basis in acoustic and articulatory phonetics. Prerequisite: LIN 510 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.

LIN 513 Semantics. (3)
fall in even years only
Current approaches to linguistic meaning with particular attention to English. Prerequisite: LIN 510 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.

LIN 514 Syntax. (3)
spring only
The analysis of syntactic structure by contemporary theoretical models with a focus on English. Prerequisite: LIN 510 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.

LIN 516 Pragmatics and Discourse Theory. (3)
fall in odd years only
The study of language use in context and of language structures in conversation and written text. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: LIN 510 (or its equivalent) or instructor approval.

LIN 548 Studies in English Language. (3)
not regularly offered
This course offers selected authors or issues and may be repeated for credit.

LIN 572 Theories Underlying the Acquisition of English as a Second Language. (3)
fall only
Theories of second language acquisition including the linguistic, cognitive, affective, and sociocultural aspects.

LIN 574 The Teaching of English as a Second Language. (3)
spring only
Methods of teaching English as a second language, language teaching trends, practical applications, and the teaching of different skills. Prerequisite: LIN 572 or instructor approval.

LIN 575 Advanced Studies in the Teaching of English as a Second Language. (3)
once a year
Current research issues in the teaching and learning of English as a second language. Prerequisite: LIN 572 or instructor approval.

LIN 576 Sociolinguistic Aspects of Second Language Acquisition. (3)
not regularly offered
A survey of studies in second language acquisition in the context of recent sociolinguistic theory.

LIN 577 Grammar for TESL. (3)
not regularly offered
A survey of major grammatical structures in English and how they can be taught to ESL speakers. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: LIN 510.

LIN 591 Seminar. (3)
fall and spring only
Selected topics.

LIN 593 Applied Project. (3)
fall and spring only
Preparation of a supervised applied project that is a graduation requirement in the TESL professional major. Independent study with consultation.

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