Management (MGT)

MGT 301 Management and Organization Behavior. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Administrative, organizational, and behavioral theories and functions of management, contributing to the effective and efficient accomplishment of organizational objectives. Prerequisites: 1 psychology (social and behavioral) course and 1 sociology course.

MGT 311 Human Resource Management. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Human resource planning, staffing, training and development, compensation, appraisal, and labor relations. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 352 Human Behavior in Organizations. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Human aspects of business as distinguished from economic and technical aspects and how they influence efficiency, morale, and management practice. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 380 Management and Strategy for Nonmajors. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Introduction to the functions and applications of management in organizations, including controlling, decision making, leadership, motivation, planning, and social responsibility.

MGT 394 Special Topics. (3)
not regularly offered

MGT 413 Compensation Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Establishing base and incentive pay with job analysis, job evaluation, and wage surveys; performance appraisal; conformance to compensation laws. Prerequisites: MGT 311; professional program business student.

MGT 422 Training and Development. (3)
fall and spring only
Learning theory, orientation and basic level training, management development, resource materials and methods. Prerequisites: MGT 311; professional program business student.

MGT 423 Employee-Management Relations. (3)
fall and spring only
Employment relationship in union/nonunion setting. Employee-management rights/responsibilities, complaint administration, negotiations, union structure, and mock government negotiations.

MGT 424 Employee Selection and Appraisal. (3)
fall and spring only
Concepts and methods of personnel selection and performance appraisal. Includes job analysis, measurement, and legal issues. Experiential exercises emphasized. Prerequisite: MGT 311.

MGT 433 Management Decision Analysis. (3)
fall and spring only
Decision-making concepts and methods in the private and public sectors and their application to organizational problems. Understanding of individual and group decision making. Prerequisites: MGT 301; professional program business student.

MGT 434 Social Responsibility of Management. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Relationship of business to the social system and its environment. Criteria for appraising management decisions. Managers as change agents. Prerequisites: MGT 301; professional program business student.

MGT 440 Small Business and Entrepreneurship. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Opportunities, risks, and problems associated with small business development and operation.

MGT 441 Venture Design and Development. (3)
not regularly offered
Analysis, design, and development of a business plan for a new venture. Prerequisite: ACC 240.

MGT 442 Small Business Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Students, acting as management consultants, apply business principles and make recommendations to small businesses while learning to manage small firms. Prerequisite: business core except MGT 463.

MGT 445 Business Plan Development. (3)
fall and spring only
Develops a complete strategic business plan emphasizing the planning process undertaken by successful small business owners and entrepreneurs. Lecture, discussion, experiential exercise. Prerequisite: MGT 440.

MGT 459 International Management. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Concepts and practices of multinational and foreign firms. Objectives, strategies, policies, and organizational structures for operating in various environments. Students taking MGT 459 may not get additional credit for either IBS 494 ST: Multinational Management or IBS 494 ST: International Management. Prerequisite: IBS 300 or MGT 301.

MGT 463 Strategic Management. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Strategic formulation and administration of the total organization, including integrative analysis and strategic planning. To be taken last semester of senior year. Prerequisites: completion of 108 hours, including all other business administration core requirements; professional program business student.
General Studies: L

MGT 468 Management Systems. (3)
fall and spring only
Systems theory and practice applied to organization process and research. Organizations seen as open systems interacting with changing environments. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 480 Team Management Skills. (3)
fall and spring only
A cooperative education class teaching team skills in active listening, conflict resolution, decision making, effective meetings, norming, and team roles. Cooperative learning.

MGT 484 Internship. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Nonmajor elective credit only.

MGT 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered
Current topics in management, primarily designed for business majors. See the Schedule of Classes for current offerings. Possible topics:
(a)Applied International Management. (3)
(b)Cultural Factors in International Business. (3)
Prerequisite: IBS 300 or MGT 301 or IBS 494 or MGT 459.

MGT 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3)
not regularly offered

MGT 502 Organization Theory and Behavior. (3)
once a year
Important concepts and applications in management, including communication, decision making, group dynamics, leadership, motivation, organization change, and organization design. Prerequisites: computer literacy; graduate degree program student.

MGT 522 Human Resource Activity and the Management of Diversity. (3)
once a year
Managerial approach to HR/diversity.

MGT 570 Management Consulting. (3)
once a year
Developing an understanding of how internal and external consultants add value. Prerequisites: ability to use common business software, including Microsoft Office; familiarity with spreadsheets.

MGT 589 Strategic Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Formulation of strategy and policy in the organization, emphasizing the integration of decisions in the functional areas. Prerequisite: completion or concurrent enrollment in all other core courses in the M.B.A. program.

MGT 591 Seminar. (1–12)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Business Plan Competition. (3)
(b)Entrepreneurship. (3)
(c)Human Resource Activity and the Management of Diversity. (3)
(d)Human Resource Management and Service Delivery. (3)
(e)Human Resources and High-Technology Management. (3)
(f)International Management. (3)
(g)Management Consulting. (3)
(h)Organizational Change and Business Process Consulting. (3)

MGT 593 Applied Projects. (3)
once a year
Cross-functional teams initiate (possibly implement) organizational change within a local firm. Lecture, discussion, experiential learning. Prerequisite: completion or concurrent enrollment in all core courses in the M.B.A. program.

MGT 598 Special Topics. (3)
not regularly offered
Graduate special topics chosen from human resources, strategic management, and international management including special topics in international management in Asia or Europe. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

MGT 791 Seminar: Doctoral Seminar in Management. (1–12)
once a year
Short module seminars. Possible topics:
(a)Causal Modeling. (1)
(b)Change and Coping. (1)
(c)Cognition: Micro and Macro Perspectives. (1)
(d)Dysfunction in Workplace. (1)
(e)Economic Theories of the Firm. (1)
(f)Levels of Analysis. (1)
(g)Motivation and Attitudes. (1)
(h)Organizational Identity and Identification. (1)
(i)Organizational Learning and Organizational Identity. (1)
(j)Organizational Performance and Reward Systems. (1)
(k)Organizational Strategy and Culture. (1)
(l)Organizational Structure, Technology, and Information Systems. (1)
(m)Organizational Withdrawal. (1)
(n)Performance Appraisal. (1)
(o)Power and Organizational Change. (1)
(p)Selection. (1)
(q)Strategy Overview. (1)
(r)Teams, Groups, and Leadership. (1)
(s)The Craft of Research. (1)

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