Military Science (MIS)

MIS 101 Introduction to the Military. (3)
fall only
Overview of mission, organization, and structure of the Army and its role in national defense; discussion of current military issues. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.

MIS 102 Land Navigation, First Aid, and Survival. (3)
spring only
Introduction to military maps and land navigation; first aid, and lifesaving techniques; basic outdoor survival skills. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.

MIS 201 American Military History. (3)
fall only
A study of the role of the military in American life during war and peace from colonial times to the present day. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.

MIS 202 Introduction to Leadership Dynamics. (3)
spring only
Introduction to interpersonal dynamics involved in military team operations; theory and application of military leadership principles. 3 hours lecture/conference, 2 hours lab.

MIS 205 ROTC Basic Camp. (4)
summer only
Six-week training program emphasizing practical hands-on skills and leadership development. Taken in lieu of MIS 101, 102, 201, 202. Conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

MIS 301 Advanced Military Science I. (3)
fall only
Theory and dynamics of the individual soldier and military units in offensive combat operations. 2 hours lecture-conferences, 1.5 hours of Leadership Practical Application, 1 2-day field exercise, 3 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 101, 102, 201, 202 (or their equivalents). Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).

MIS 302 Advanced Military Science II. (3)
spring only
Theory and dynamics of military units in defensive combat operations. 2 hours lecture-conferences, 1.5 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 3-day field exercise, 2 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 101, 102, 201, 202 (or their equivalents). Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).

MIS 303 ROTC Advanced Camp. (4)
summer only
Six-week training program emphasizing leadership development and advanced military skills, including tactics, land navigation, and physical training. Conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302.

MIS 401 Advanced Military Science III. (3)
fall only
The military legal system; preparation and conduct of military training; leadership development; ethics and professionalism of the military officer. 3 hours lecture-conferences, 2 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 2-day field exercise, 3 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).

MIS 402 Advanced Military Science IV. (3)
spring only
Military correspondence; career planning and personal affairs in service; conduct of training; leadership development; ethics and professionalism of the military officer. 3 hours lecture, 2 hours Leadership Practical Application, 1 3-day field exercise, 2 1-day field exercises. Prerequisites: MIS 301, 302. Corequisite: EPE 105 Physical Education Activity (Army Master Fitness).

MIS 410 American Defense Policy I. (3)
fall only
Evolution, organization, and execution of U.S. national security policy.
General Studies: SB

MIS 412 American Defense Policy II. (3)
spring only
Contemporary problems and analytical issues in the formation and implementation of U.S. national security. Prerequisite: MIS 410.
General Studies: SB

MIS 414 Comparative Defense Policy Analysis. (3)
fall only
Historical problems and analytical issues in the evolution, organization, application, and control of effective military establishments in various political systems.
General Studies: SB

MIS 416 Soviet/C.I.S. Foreign and Defense Policies. (3)
spring only
Analysis of foreign and security policies of the Soviet Union/C.I.S. and of the successor states to the Warsaw Pact.
General Studies: SB

MIS 499 Individualized Instruction: National Defense Analysis. (1–3)
not regularly offered

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