Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Exploration of issues that philosophers have traditionally considered, including morality, reality, and knowledge.
General Studies: HU

PHI 103 Principles of Sound Reasoning. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Fallacies, validity, and soundness of arguments. May include syllogistic, elementary symbolic, inductive logic, and scientific method. Prerequisite: ENG 101 (or 105).
General Studies: L/HU

PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics. (3)
once a year
Philosophical examination of such questions as, How should we live? Is morality a social invention? Does anything matter?
General Studies: HU

PHI 300 Philosophical Argument and Exposition. (3)
spring only
The development of techniques of philosophical argument and exposition. Frequent written exercises. Course content may vary with instructor. Prerequisites: major; instructor approval.
General Studies: L

PHI 301 History of Ancient Philosophy. (3)
fall only
History of western philosophy from its beginnings through the Hellenistic period.
General Studies: HU, H

PHI 302 History of Modern Philosophy. (3)
spring only
History of western philosophy from the Renaissance through Kant.
General Studies: HU, H

PHI 304 Existentialism. (3)
not regularly offered
Covers such topics as absurdity, authenticity, the meaning of life and death, responsibility, and subjectivity. May include readings in phenomenology.
General Studies: HU

PHI 305 Ethical Theory. (3)
once a year
Current theories about the nature of morality (metaethics) and about what is right and wrong (normative ethics). Prerequisite: PHI 306 or 307 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

PHI 306 Applied Ethics. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Philosophical discussion of contemporary moral and political issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, animal rights, affirmative action, and sexual rights.
General Studies: HU

PHI 307 Philosophy of Law. (3)
once a year
Nature and source of law and its relation to morality. Legal rights, legal enforcement of morals, civil disobedience, liability and responsibility, punishment, judicial reasoning, justice, property, and differences between theories of natural and positive law.
General Studies: HU

PHI 308 Philosophy of Art. (3)
once a year
Central problems in philosophy of art, e.g., the nature of a work of art, modern and traditional theories of art, aesthetic perception and experience, and objectivity and relativity in art criticism.
General Studies: HU

PHI 309 Social and Political Philosophy. (3)
once a year
Alternative principles and methods relevant to problems of human association and conflict; justice and power, freedom and equality, and autonomy and order are discussed. Prerequisite: PHI 305 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

PHI 310 Environmental Ethics. (3)
once a year
Examination of a full range of philosophical positions pertaining to our moral relationship to the natural world; anthropocentrism, individualism, biocentrism.
General Studies: HU

PHI 311 Philosophy in Literature. (3)
once a year
Selected works of literature introduce philosophical problems such as the nature of moral goodness and people’s relation to the world and other people.
General Studies: HU

PHI 312 Theory of Knowledge. (3)
once a year
Nature, sources, and limits of human knowledge. Topics may include truth, a priori knowledge, empirical knowledge, perception, induction, and skepticism. Prerequisite: 1 course from among PHI 101, 103, 300, 301, 302, 333.
General Studies: HU

PHI 314 Philosophy of Science. (3)
once a year
The structure and justification of scientific theories, explanation, and theory change. The roles of observation and laws, theoretical concepts and entities, reduction, probability, confirmation, space and time, and causation.
General Studies: HU

PHI 315 Philosophy of Language. (3)
once a year
Problems pertaining to the nature of language, including meaning, reference, truth, definition, analyticity, translatability, synonymy, and contributions of contemporary linguistics. Prerequisite: PHI 103 or 300 or 333.
General Studies: HU

PHI 316 Metaphysics. (3)
once a year
Problems pertaining to the nature of reality. Topics may include nature of person, minds, substance, universals, space, time, causation, and modality. Prerequisite: 1 course from among PHI 101, 103, 300, 301, 333.
General Studies: HU

PHI 317 Philosophy of Mind. (3)
once a year
Nature of consciousness. The common sense view of mind, behaviorism, materialism, dualism, functionalism, self-knowledge, and knowledge of other minds. Prerequisite: 1 course from among PHI 101, 103, 300, 301, 302, 333.
General Studies: HU

PHI 318 Philosophy of Religion. (3)
once a year
Classical arguments for the existence of God. The argument from evil against the existence of God. Justification of religious belief.
General Studies: HU

PHI 319 Philosophy of Computing. (3)
not regularly offered
Philosophical problems surrounding the theory of computation. Turing machines, mind and AI, neural network computing, ethics, and epistemology of computing. Lecture, lab, discussion.
General Studies: CS/HU

PHI 325 Philosophy of Social Science. (3)
not regularly offered
Philosophical problems surrounding the aims, structure, and methods of the social sciences.
General Studies: HU/SB

PHI 332 19th-Century Philosophy. (3)
not regularly offered
The history of 19th-century philosophical thought, emphasizing either the German or the British traditions. Prerequisite: PHI 302.
General Studies: HU

PHI 333 Introduction to Symbolic Logic. (3)
once a year
Symbolic techniques, emphasizing deductions and proofs in the propositional and first order predicate calculi.

PHI 335 History of Ethics. (3)
once a year
Major works of moral philosophy, both ancient and modern, such as those by Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, and Mill. Prerequisite: PHI 101 or 306 or 307 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

PHI 401 Rationalism. (3)
not regularly offered
Examination of classical philosophical rationalism, as in Descartes, Spinoza, Malebranche, or Leibniz. Contemporary rationalist thought may also be examined. Prerequisites: PHI 302; 1 course from among PHI 305, 309, 312, 316, 317.

PHI 402 Empiricism. (3)
not regularly offered
Examination of representatives of either classical or contemporary philosophical empiricism, e.g., Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Butler, Berkeley, Reid, Hume, Mill, Carnap, and Ayer. Prerequisites: PHI 302 and 305 (or 309 or 312 or 316 or 317).
General Studies: HU

PHI 403 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy. (3)
once a year
Aims and methods of such 20th-century philosophers as Frege, Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Ayer, Wisdom, Ryle, Austin, Strawson, Quine, and Sellars, with application to metaphysics and epistemology. Prerequisites: PHI 302; 1 course from among PHI 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 401, 402.
General Studies: HU

PHI 413 Advanced Symbolic Logic. (3)
not regularly offered
Properties of formal systems axiomatizing propositional and 1st-order predicate logic. May also include modal logic, number theory, and limits of logicism. Prerequisite: PHI 333.

PHI 420 Topics in Philosophy. (3)
once a year
Course descriptions on file in department. May be repeated for credit. Possible topics:
(a)History of Philosophy
(c)Philosophy of Language/Logic
(d)Philosophy of Science
(e)Value Theory
Prerequisite: one relevant upper-division PHI course or instructor approval.

PHI 494 Special Topics. (3)
not regularly offered

PHI 591 Seminar. (1–12)
once a year
Possible topics:
(a)Aesthetics. (1–3)
(b)Epistemology. (1–3)
(c)Ethics. (1–3)
(d)History of Philosophy. (1–3)
(e)Logic. (1–3)
(f)Metaphysics. (1–3)
(g)Philosophy of Language. (1–3)
(h)Philosophy of Law. (1–3)
(i)Philosophy of Science. (1–3)
(j)Social and Political Philosophy. (1–3)

PHI 599 Thesis. (1–12)
not regularly offered

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