Portuguese (POR)

POR 101 Elementary Portuguese. (5)
fall only
Basic grammar with intensive drills in class and laboratory directed toward conversational fluency. 5 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: 1 year of Spanish or French or Italian or instructor approval. Fee or deposit.

POR 201 Intermediate Portuguese. (5)
spring only
Continuation of POR 101. Intensive drill of fundamentals in class and laboratory directed toward conversational fluency. 5 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: POR 101 or instructor approval. Fee or deposit.
General Studies: G

POR 313 Portuguese Composition and Conversation. (3)
fall only
Designed to develop skill in written Portuguese and corrected oral expression. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: POR 201 or instructor approval.
General Studies: G

POR 314 Portuguese Composition and Conversation. (3)
spring only
Continuation of POR 313. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval.
General Studies: G

POR 321 Luso-Brazilian Literature. (3)
not regularly offered
Representative masterpieces of Portuguese and Brazilian literature from the beginning to the present. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU

POR 472 Luso-Brazilian Civilization. (3)
not regularly offered
Lectures, readings, and discussion of important aspects of Luso-Brazilian civilization. Topics from music, art, folklore, literature, history, and politics. Prerequisite: POR 313 or instructor approval.
General Studies: HU, G

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