Urban and Environmental Planning (PUP)

PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design. (3)
fall and spring only
Survey of environmental design: includes historic examples and the theoretical, social, technical, and environmental forces that shape them. Cross-listed as APH 100/DSC 100. Credit is allowed for only APH 100 or DSC 100 or PUP 100.
General Studies: HU, G, H

PUP 161 Graphic Communication. (3)
fall and spring only
Development of drawing skills and understanding of the graphic communication systems used by planning, homebuilding, and landscape architecture professions. Studio. Cross-listed as HUD 161/PLA 161. Credit is allowed for only HUD 161 or PLA 161 or PUP 161.

PUP 200 The Planned Environment. (3)
fall only
Environmental, aesthetic, social, economic, political, and other factors influencing urban development.
General Studies: HU, H

PUP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3)
fall and spring only
Fundamentals of computer operation, geographic information systems, geometric modeling of three-dimensional forms and rendering of light, mathematical modeling of processes using spreadsheets. Lab. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.
General Studies: CS

PUP 261 Urban Planning I. (4)
fall only
Planning communication: communication techniques for urban planning and landscape architecture communication. Prerequisites: ADE 120; PLA 261 (or PUP 262).

PUP 262 Urban Planning II. (4)
spring only
Reading the landscape: observing, experiencing, and graphically expressing the symbolic and aesthetic significance of natural landscapes. Studio. Prerequisites: ADE 120; GPH 111.

PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Theoretical and practical aspects of city planning. Interrelationships among physical planning, environment, government, and society.
General Studies: L

PUP 322 Computers in Planning. (3)
spring only
Planning methods using database, word processors, spreadsheets, CAD, and mapping packages on microcomputers. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as PLA 322. Credit is allowed for only PLA 322 or PUP 322.

PUP 361 Urban Planning III. (4)
fall only
Site planning: analysis of natural and cultural features; site systems and implications for plan making and design. Studio. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.

PUP 362 Urban Planning IV. (4)
spring only
Neighborhood planning: local community plan making; urban development and neighborhood improvement. Studio. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: PUP 361 or instructor approval.

PUP 412 History of the City. (3)
fall only
The city from its ancient origins to the present day. Emphasis on European and American cities during the last five centuries. Cross-listed as APH 414. Credit is allowed for only APH 414 or PUP 412.
General Studies: H

PUP 420 Theory of Urban Design. (3)
spring only
Analysis of the visual and cultural aspects of urban design. Theories and techniques applied to selected study models. Prerequisite: junior standing.
General Studies: HU

PUP 424 Planning Methods. (4)
fall only
Tools useful for urban planning research; emphasis on research design and survey methods. Studio. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.

PUP 425 Urban Housing Analysis. (3)
fall only
Nature, dimensions, and problems of urban housing, government policy environment, and underlying economics of the housing market.

PUP 430 Transportation Planning and the Environment. (3)
spring only
Overview of transportation planning from the perspective of land use planning, economic development, environmental planning, and social needs. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: junior standing or instructor approval.

PUP 432 Planning and Development Control Law. (3)
fall only
Case studies on police power, eminent domain, zoning, subdivision controls, exclusion, preservation, urban redevelopment, and aesthetic and design regulation.

PUP 433 Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations, and Building Codes. (3)
fall and spring only
Analysis of zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, and other planning implementation techniques relative to local development.

PUP 442 Environmental Planning. (3)
fall only
Environmental planning problems, including floodplains, water quality and quantity, solid and hazardous waste, air quality, landslides, and noise. Field trips. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.

PUP 444 Preservation Planning. (3)
spring only
History, theory, and principles of historic preservation. Emphasis on legal framework and methods practiced. Lecture, off-campus field study. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

PUP 445 Women and Environments. (3)
fall only
Examines the role women play in shaping the built environment; ways built/natural forms affect women’s lives. Focus on contemporary U.S. examples. Prerequisite: upper division or graduate status.
General Studies: C

PUP 452 Ethics and Professional Practice. (3)
fall only
Ethical problems and issues in planning, professional practice, and decision making. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.
General Studies: L

PUP 461 Urban Planning V. (4)
fall only
Comprehensive planning: collection and analysis of economic, social, and environmental data relevant to urban planning; development of land-use plans. Studio. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: PLA 362 or PUP 362 or instructor approval.

PUP 462 Urban Planning VI. (4)
spring only
Capstone studio: project focusing on synthesis aspects of plan making. Studio. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: PUP 461 or instructor approval.

PUP 475 Environmental Impact Assessment. (3)
spring only
Criteria and methods for compliance with environmental laws; development of skills and techniques needed to prepare environmental impact statements/assessments.

PUP 484 Internship. (1–12)
fall, spring, summer (summer session 1 only)
Full-time internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locale. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: school major or instructor approval.

PUP 485 International Field Studies in Planning and Landscape Architecture. (1–12)
fall, spring, summer
Organized field study of planning and landscape architecture in specified international locations. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Study abroad. Cross-listed as PLA 485. Credit is allowed for only PLA 485 or PUP 485.
General Studies: G

PUP 494 Special Topics. (1–4)
fall and spring only
Possible topics:
(a)Environmental Planning Economics. (3)

PUP 498 Pro-Seminar. (1–7)
fall only
Possible topics:
(a)Senior Pro-Seminar. (1)

PUP 501 The Idea of Planning. (3)
fall only
Comprehensive review of planning profession within a political, governmental, multicultural, and gender framework.

PUP 510 Citizen Participation. (3)
spring only
Theory and practice of citizen participation in planning. Examines and critiques participation techniques and roles of planners. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

PUP 520 Planning Theories and Processes. (3)
fall only
Review of past and current theoretical developments related to social change perspectives, the role and ethics of planners. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

PUP 524 Planning Methods I: Planning Research Methods. (3)
fall only
Tools useful for urban planning research; emphasis on research design and survey methods. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.

PUP 525 Urban Housing Analysis. (3)
fall only
Nature, dimensions, and problems of urban housing, government policy environment, and underlying economics of the housing market.

PUP 531 Planning and Development Control Law. (3)
spring only
Case studies on police power, eminent domain, zoning, subdivision controls, exclusion, preservation, urban redevelopment, and aesthetic and design regulation.

PUP 532 Advanced Urban Planning Law. (3)
spring only
Advanced study on selected issues in planning law, such as urban design controls, exclusionary practices, compensable regulation, and tax policy. Prerequisite: PUP 432 or instructor approval.

PUP 544 Urban Land Use Planning. (3)
spring only
Theory and methods of urban land use planning, including the rational planning process, comprehensive, functional, and neighborhood plans. Prerequisite: PUP 301 or instructor approval.

PUP 546 Urban Design Policy. (3)
not regularly offered
Advanced study of local, state, and federal urban design policy. Prerequisite: PLA 420 or PUP 420.

PUP 561 Urban Design Studio. (4)
not regularly offered
Current urban form and urban landscape design problems within the Phoenix-centered region. Studio. Prerequisite: PLA 420 or PUP 420 or instructor approval.

PUP 572 Planning Studio I: Data Inventory and Analysis. (4)
fall only
Comprehensive planning workshop dealing with real community problems. Focus on the data gathering and analysis steps of the planning process. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: Master of Environmental Planning major or instructor approval.

PUP 574 Planning Studio II: Options and Implementation. (4)
spring only
Comprehensive planning workshop dealing with real community problems. Focus on the development of options, plan making, and plan implementation. Studio. Fee or deposit. Prerequisite: PUP 572 or instructor approval.

PUP 575 Environmental Impact Assessment. (3)
spring only
Criteria and methods for compliance with environmental laws; development of skills and techniques needed to prepare environmental impact statements/assessments.

PUP 584 Internship. (3)
fall, spring, summer (summer session 1 only)
Internship under the supervision of practitioners in the Phoenix area or other locales. Credit/no credit.

PUP 599 Thesis. (1–12)
not regularly offered
Fee or deposit.

PUP 622 Planning Methods II: Quantitative Planning Analysis. (3)
spring only
Methods and models used as the basic quantitative techniques of urban, regional, and environmental planning and policy analysis. Prerequisites: PUP 424; statistics; instructor approval.

PUP 642 Land Economics. (3)
fall only
Land use and locational impact of economic activity and the urban real property market. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

PUP 644 Public Sector Planning. (3)
spring only
Urban fiscal problems and public goods provision in state and local governments. Prerequisites: instructor approval; 1 course in microeconomics.

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