Scandinavian (SCA)

SCA 250 Introduction to Scandinavian Culture. (3)
spring only
Scandinavian identity from an interdisciplinary perspective with an historic overview. Lecture, discussion.
General Studies: HU, G, H

SCA 314 Medieval Scandinavia. (3)
fall and spring only
Study in English translation of the Sagas, Edda and Skaldic poetry, history and mythology of the Vikings.

SCA 315 Old Norse. (3)
fall and spring only
Readings and study of grammatical structures of Medieval Scandinavian with emphasis on the Sagas and Edda poetry and historical writings.

SCA 316 Scandinavian Cinema. (3)
fall and spring only
Presentation of Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Swedish film, with English subtitles, as representatives of contemporary historical culture.
General Studies: HU, G

SCA 450 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature. (3)
spring only
Scandinavian literature in translation in its cultural and historical contexts.
General Studies: L/HU

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