Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM 301 Supply Chain Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Examines the purchasing, materials, and logistics management areas. Techniques for acquiring, storing, processing, and moving material inventory are presented. Prerequisite: professional program business student.

SCM 345 Logistics Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Managing logistics activities with emphasis on integrating transportation needs with inventory, warehousing facility location, customer service, packaging, and materials handling. Prerequisites: OPM 301; professional program business student.

SCM 355 Supply Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Management of the supply function, including organization, procedures, supplier selection, quality, inventory decisions, and price determination. Prerequisite: professional program business student.

SCM 405 Urban Transportation. (3)
not regularly offered
Economic, social, political, and business aspects of passenger transportation. Public policy and government aid to urban transportation development. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval.

SCM 432 Materials Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Study of managing the productive flow of materials in organizations, including MRPII, JIT, quality, facility planning, and job design. Prerequisites: OPM 301; professional program business student.

SCM 440 Productivity and Quality Management. (3)
fall and spring only
Productivity concepts at the national, organizational, and individual levels. Quality management and its relationship to productivity in all organizations. Prerequisite: professional program business student.

SCM 455 Research and Negotiation. (3)
fall and spring only
Current philosophy, methods, and techniques used to conduct both strategic and operations supply chain management research and negotiation. Includes negotiation simulations. Prerequisites: SCM 355; professional program business student.
General Studies: L

SCM 460 Carrier Management. (3)
not regularly offered
Analysis of carrier economics, regulation, management, and rate-making practice; evaluation of public policy issues related to carrier transportation. Prerequisite: upper-division standing or instructor approval.

SCM 463 Global Supply Chain Management. (3)
once a year
Supply chain activities in international business with special emphasis on management of transportation, global sourcing, customs issues, and facility location in a global environment. Prerequisite: SCM 345 or instructor approval.

SCM 479 Supply Chain Strategy. (3)
fall and spring only
Synthesis of purchasing, production, transportation, and distribution systems to provide an integrated perspective of supply chain management. Prerequisites: SCM 345, 432; professional program business student. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: SCM 355.

SCM 532 Supply Chain Design and Development Strategies. (3)
fall only
A strategic orientation toward the design and development of the supply chain for purchasing, materials, and logistics systems.

SCM 541 Supply Chain Management and Control. (3)
spring only
Management and control of purchasing and logistics management systems. Total Quality Management to assess and assure customer satisfaction. Global strategies.

SCM 545 Supply Chain Continuous Improvement Strategies. (3)
spring only
Leading edge strategies such as reengineering high-performance teams and expert systems for continuous improvement of the supply chain. Seminar.

SCM 591 Seminar. (1–12)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Global Supply Chain Management. (3)
(b)New Product Development. (3)
(c)Quality and Productivity Management. (3)
(d)Services Operations Management. (3)

SCM 791 Doctoral Seminar. (1–12)
once a year
Possible topics:
(a)Logistics, Transportation, and Physical Distribution Management. (3)
(b)Purchasing and Materials Management. (3)

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