Social Work (SWG)

SWG 501 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I. (3)
fall only
Analyzes theories of personality and life-span development from methodological, ecological, and systems perspectives up to adolescence.

SWG 502 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II. (3)
spring only
Life span development from middle childhood to maturity. Prerequisite: SWG 501.

SWG 510 Foundation Practice I. (3)
fall only
Basic social work methods with an emphasis on the problem-solving process as it pertains to individuals, families, and small groups. Prerequisite: Social Work major.

SWG 511 Foundation Practice II. (3)
spring only
Theory and methods of direct practice with groups and selected practice models. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: SWG 510.

SWG 517 Aging and Wellness. (3)
fall and spring only
One-on-one service/experiential learning with seniors from the community. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as GRN 540. Credit is allowed for only GRN 540 or SWG 517.

SWG 519 Research Methods in Social Work. (3)
spring only
Conceptual foundations and methods of nomothetic research in social work. Includes problem identification, hypothesis formulation, measurement, sampling, and experimental design. Prerequisites: Social Work major; an approved course in statistics.

SWG 531 Social Policy and Services I. (3)
fall only
Conceptual, analytical, and historical perspectives on the social welfare institution. Emphasis on poverty and inequality. Principles of policy analysis.

SWG 533 Diversity and Oppression in a Social Work Context. (3)
fall and spring only
Explores issues of social inequality related to disability, ethnicity, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Emphasis on populations of the Southwest.

SWG 541 Field Practicum I. (3)
fall and spring only
With SWG 542, two consecutive semesters (480 hours) of supervised social work practice in an approved placement. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 510.

SWG 542 Field Practicum II. (3)
fall and spring only
See SWG 541. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 511.

SWG 580 Community and Organizational Change. (3)
fall and spring only
Examines communities and human service organizations as social systems. Introduces strategies for initiating planned change.

SWG 605 Substance Abuse. (3)
not regularly offered
Psychological and sociocultural determinants of substance abuse. Overview of social policies and treatment approaches. Prerequisite: SWG 502 or instructor approval.

SWG 606 Assessment of Mental Disorders. (3)
fall only
Theories and concepts of mental health and illness. Attention to classification systems and nomenclature used in assessing mental disorders. Prerequisite: SWG 502.

SWG 611 Social Work with Families. (3)
fall only
Theory, concepts, and skills for working with diverse family populations. Emphasis on a systems and integrative approach. Prerequisites: SWG 511, 542.

SWG 612 Social Work with Groups. (3)
not regularly offered
Practice applications of knowledge and skill to social work with groups.

SWG 613 Social Work with Individuals. (3)
spring only
Treatment of prevalent disorders encountered by social workers, selected from the following: anxiety disorders, personality disorders, depression, and schizophrenia. Lecture, seminar. Prerequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 614 Social Work with Families in Transition. (3)
spring only
Analyzes the psychosocial dynamics of families disrupted by divorce, separation, or death of a parent. Offers differential social work interventions. Prerequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 616 Social Work with Chemically Dependent Families. (3)
spring only
The dynamics of the chemically dependent family are examined and clinical approaches for intervening in the family system and subsystems are presented. Prerequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 617 Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents. (3)
spring only
Theory, research, intervention that focus on children and adolescents. Prerequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 618 Family Violence. (3)
spring only
Theory, research, intervention, and prevention strategies relevant to child maltreatment, partner abuse, and elder abuse. Prerequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 619 Practice-Oriented Research. (3)
fall only
Accelerated course in application of scholarly and scientific principles to field practice, problem formulation, interventional procedures, and impact assessment. Prerequisite: SWG 519.

SWG 621 Integrative Seminar. (3)
spring only
Explores the fit between theoretical frameworks and practice with clients. Requires presentation of empirical studies with clients. Prerequisite: SWG 611. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 613 or 614 or 616 or 617 or 618.

SWG 623 Agency and Community-Based Research in Social Work. (3)
spring only
Research design techniques to data collection in human service agencies and communities. Statistical analysis for program evaluation and needs assessment. Prerequisites: SWG 519, 541, 542. Corequisite: SWG 680.

SWG 632 Social Policy and Services II. (3)
spring only
Development of advanced knowledge and skills in social welfare policy analysis, policy formulation, and advocacy and intervention for policy change. Prerequisite: SWG 531.

SWG 633 Child Welfare Services. (3)
fall only
Examines, using ecological and system theories, services which supplement, support, and substitute for parental care of children. Prerequisite: SWG 542.

SWG 641 Advanced Practicum: Direct Practice I. (3)
fall and spring only
With SWG 642, two consecutive semesters (480 hours) of supervised social work practice in an approved placement related to the student’s career goal. Prerequisites: SWG 541, 542. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 611.

SWG 642 Advanced Practicum: Direct Practice II. (3)
fall and spring only
See SWG 641. Prerequisites: SWG 541, 542, 611. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 614 or 616 or 617 or 618.

SWG 643 Advanced Practicum: Planning, Social Work Administration, and Community Practice I. (3)
fall and spring only
With SWG 644, two consecutive semesters (480 hours) in social work practice in an approved placement related to the student’s career goal. Prerequisites: SWG 541, 542. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 680.

SWG 644 Advanced Practicum: Planning, Social Work Administration, and Community Practice II. (3)
fall and spring only
See SWG 643. Prerequisite: SWG 643. Pre- or corequisite: SWG 681 or 682.

SWG 680 Program Planning in Social Services. (3)
spring only
The social services planning process includes needs assessment, goals and objectives, program design, budgeting, management information systems, and program evaluation. Prerequisites: SWG 681, 682. Corequisite: SWG 623.

SWG 681 Social Work Administration. (3)
fall only
Administrative skill building and theory application within human service nonprofit social work settings. Prerequisites: SWG 542, 580.

SWG 682 Community Participation Strategies. (3)
fall only
Course reviews strategies to involve citizens and the consumers of social and human services in community decision making systems. Participation is viewed as means to facilitate the empowerment of oppressed peoples. Prerequisites: SWG 542, 580.

SWG 683 Developing Grants and Fund Raising. (3)
not regularly offered
Identification of potential funding sources, technical and interpersonal/political aspects of proposal development and fund raising.

SWG 720 Philosophy of Science Issues in Social Work. (3)
fall only
Critical examination of social science, social work practice and policy in terms of philosophical assumptions and varying frames of reference.

SWG 721 Empirical Social Work Practice. (3)
spring only
Application of scientific principles to problem formulation, assessment, and intervention procedures with an emphasis on the direct use of scientific tools in the conduct and evaluation of practice at all levels.

SWG 730 Families Across the Life-Span. (3)
fall only
Policy and practice analysis of issues which affect families with a focus on the development of interventive strategies.

SWG 731 Social Welfare Policy Analysis and Development. (3)
fall only
Methods of policy analysis, critique of social welfare policies against proposed models, and case studies of policy development emphasizing southwestern populations. Prerequisite: SWG 730.

SWG 732 Social Work Administration in a Systems Context. (3)
fall only
Case studies of social work administration from initial conceptualization of policy through implementation at national, state, and local levels.

SWG 740 Community Research in Social Work. (3)
fall only
Substantive, value, and methodological issues in community-based research as applied to social work topics.

SWG 741 Integrative Research Seminar. (3)
fall only
Integration of theory, research methods, and statistics in community social work topics of specific interest to students.

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