Social Work (SWU)

SWU 271 Introduction to Social Work. (3)
fall and spring only
Descriptive and analytical historical perspective of the profession of social work, social problems, and the social welfare system. Designed for freshmen and sophomores considering this major. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101.
General Studies: SB, H

SWU 291 Social Service Delivery Systems. (3)
fall and spring only
Knowledge and skills necessary to utilize community resources to be a competent case manager. Includes 40 hours of observational experience in local agencies. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 271.

SWU 295 Foundations of Social Work Practice. (3)
fall and spring only
Provides theoretical foundation and skill base necessary for social work interventions with individuals, small groups, and larger systems. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291.

SWU 301 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I. (3)
fall and spring only
Analyzes theories of personality and life span development from methodological, ecological, and systems perspectives up to adolescence. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291, 295.
General Studies: L/SB

SWU 302 Human Biology for Social Workers. (3)
fall and spring only
Overview of human anatomy and physiology, and the reciprocal relationship between physical and social environments. Lecture, discussion. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291.

SWU 310 Social Work Practice I. (3)
fall and spring only
Introduction to social work methods, emphasizing the following skills: cross-cultural interviewing, assessment, referrals, and process and psychological recording. Prerequisite: SWU 295. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 301.

SWU 320 Research Methods in Social Work. (3)
fall and spring only
Application of scientific principles to field practice, impact assessment, intervention procedures, and problem formulation in social work. Lecture, cooperative learning. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 310.

SWU 321 Statistics for Social Workers. (3)
fall and spring only
Teaches social work students how to use and interpret descriptive and inferential statistics in social work practice. Lecture, small group work. Prerequisites: MAT 114, 117. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 320.
General Studies: CS

SWU 340 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II. (3)
fall and spring only
Life span development from middle childhood to maturity. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: SWU 301. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 302, 310.
General Studies: SB

SWU 374 Diversity and Oppression in a Social Work Context. (3)
fall and spring only
Issues of social inequality related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. Emphasis on populations of the Southwest. Prerequisite: SWU 310.
General Studies: C

SWU 410 Social Work Practice II. (3)
fall and spring only
Knowledge and skills in social work practice with individuals and families. Prerequisites: PHI 101 (or 306); SWU 310; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 412, 413.

SWU 411 Social Work Practice III. (3)
fall and spring only
Knowledge and skills in social work practice with groups, communities, and organizations. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 414, 415.

SWU 412 Field Instruction I. (5)
fall and spring only
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 413.

SWU 413 Field Instruction Seminar I. (1)
fall and spring only
Field-focused seminar, including practice evaluation. 1.5 hours a week. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 412.

SWU 414 Field Instruction II. (3)
fall and spring only
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisites: SWU 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 415.

SWU 415 Integrative Field Seminar. (3)
fall and spring only
Field-focused seminar to help students integrate practice and theory. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 414.

SWU 432 Social Policy and Services. (3)
fall and spring only
Contemporary social, political, and economic issues. Special emphasis on poverty and inequality in the Southwest. Analysis and development of social welfare policies and programs. Prerequisites: ECN 111; POS 110 (or 310); Social Work major. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413.

SWU 442 Introduction to Practice with Children and Families in Child Welfare. (3)
fall and spring only
Focuses on the characteristics, strengths, and service needs of families and children in the Child Welfare System. Lecture, cooperative learning. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major.

SWU 444 Issues in School Social Work. (3)
fall and spring only
Demonstrates how community, family, and school are interdependent using an ecological metaphor, and introduces school social work. Lecture, cooperative learning. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major.

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