Women’s Studies (WST)

WST 100 Women and Society. (3)
once a year
Interdisciplinary introduction examining critical issues in women’s studies. Not open to students who have credit for WST 300.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 294 Special Topics. (1–4)
not regularly offered
Possible topics:
(a)Women and Social Action
Fee or deposit.

WST 300 Women in Contemporary Society. (3)
once a year
Intensive interdisciplinary examination of such topics as gender roles, work, education, sexuality, politics, health, and law. Not open to students who have credit for WST 100.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 313 Women and Sexuality. (3)
fall and spring only
Explores feminist theories about women’s sexuality and the relationship of these theories and related research to women’s experience. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB

WST 372 Women in Judaism. (3)
spring only
Study of the legal, social, and cultural status of Jewish women in various historical and contemporary societies. Cross-listed as REL 373. Credit is allowed for only REL 373 or WST 372.

WST 373 Latina/Chicana Issues. (3)
fall and spring only
Course examines the roles Mexican American, Chicana, and/or Latina immigrant women play historically, socially, and politically in the United States. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 375 Women and Social Change. (3)
fall and spring only
Combines research and theory on a contemporary social problem with a community action experience focusing on women’s social change initiatives. Lecture, field placement. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 377 Creation of Feminist Consciousness. (3)
fall and spring only
Explores the development of feminist theory from its roots to 1960. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: L, C

WST 378 Contemporary Feminist Theory. (3)
fall and spring only
Contemporary feminist theories and exploration of the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and class through critical analysis. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: L, C

WST 380 Gender, Race, and Class. (3)
fall and spring only
Cultural diversity, class, and gender issues in American social life are explored. Lecture, seminar, analysis papers, and writing. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: L/SB, C

WST 457 Gender, Culture, and Development. (3)
fall and spring only
Economic, cultural, and sociopolitical contexts for understanding women’s roles related to health, family, work, education, and politics in developing countries. Prerequisite: 6 hours of social science credit or instructor approval.
General Studies: L/SB, G

WST 460 Women and the Body. (3)
fall and spring only
An interdisciplinary look at how representations of woman as body permeate culture and affect a woman’s sense of self. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 477 Women and Violence. (3)
fall only
Global examination of forms of violence against women at the individual, institutional, and cultural levels, and efforts to control it. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: SB, C

WST 484 Internship. (1–3)
fall and spring only
Practical experience to enhance the academic perspectives that emerge from women’s studies instruction. Prerequisite: preapproval by internship coordinator required.

WST 498 PS: Theoretical Issues in Women’s Studies. (3)
fall and spring only
Reading and research on important theoretical issues in women’s studies. Prerequisite: WST 100 or 300 or instructor approval.
General Studies: L

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