SED 400 Principles of Effective Instruction in Secondary Education. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Examines different models of education. Develops and applies appropriate teaching practices for each model to secondary school classrooms. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SED 403 Middle and Secondary School Principles, Curricula, and Methods. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Advanced level of development of knowledge and skills of instructional planning and methods of teaching and evaluating in the middle and secondary schools. Requires observation/participation. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SED 478 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools. (3 – 15)
fall and spring
Practice of teaching. Relationship of theory and practice in teaching. Fee. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SED 480 Special Methods of Teaching Social Studies. (3)
fall and spring
Interdisciplinary approaches; production and collection of materials. Prerequisite: ITC admission.
SED 496 Field Experience. (0)
fall and spring
Applies course content in a secondary school setting. Emphasizes observation, pupil management, planning and delivering instruction, and assessment. Fee. Corequisite: SED 403.
SED 501 Introduction to Effective Instruction. (6)
fall, spring, summer
Introductory course for postbaccalaureate certification program in secondary education. Emphasizes developing basic classroom management, instruction, and evaluation. Includes a field assignment of at least 120 hours. Prerequisite: admission to postbaccalaureate certification program.
SED 522 Secondary School Curriculum Development. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Social processes, issues, principles, patterns, and procedures in curriculum development.
SED 533 Improving Instruction in Secondary Schools. (3)
fall, spring, summer
Analyses of procedures, methods, techniques, and experiments in teaching in secondary schools. Prerequisites: SED 478, 578.
SED 577 Issues and Trends in Secondary Education. (3)
selected semesters
Analyses of lay and professional reports; problems and issues in American secondary education. Prerequisites: SED 478, 578.
SED 578 Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools. (3 – 15)
fall and spring
Practice of teaching. Relationship of theory and practice in teaching. Postbaccalaureate students only. Fee. Prerequisites: completion of approved postbaccalaureate program; minimum 2.50 GPA; approval of the Office of Professional Field Experiences.
SED 588 Human Relations in the Secondary Schools. (3)
once a year
Problems in human relations inherent in the interaction of pupils, teachers, administrators, nonprofessional staff, and laymen. Prerequisites: SED 478, 578.
SED 598 Special Topics. (1 – 4)
selected semesters
Topics may include the following:
• | Using Math Manipulatives/Middle Schools
Fee. |
SED 711 Secondary Curriculum Development. (3)
spring and summer
Theories and processes of developing curriculum; evaluation of research. Prerequisites: SED 478, 522 (or its equivalent), 578.
SED 722 Improvement of Instruction in the Secondary School. (3)
Evaluates the research; issues and theories related to the improvement of instruction. Prerequisite: SED 533.
Omnibus Courses. For an explanation of additional courses offered but not specifically listed, see “Omnibus Courses.”