College of Integrative Sciences and Arts policies
The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts stands out for its focus on applied degrees and career-connected learning, designed to meet industry needs and prepare students for today's evolving marketplace. Through its three schools, the School of Applied Professional Studies, the School of Applied Sciences and Arts, and the School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology, CISA offers programs that integrate the sciences, humanities and arts. With a strong presence at ASU's Polytechnic, Tempe and Downtown Phoenix campuses and online, CISA advances ASU's mission by fostering hands-on learning and practical applications, helping students succeed locally, nationally and globally.
Academic integrity
Academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, projects, partnerships, internships, academic transactions and records. Possible sanctions include appropriate grade penalties, loss of registration privileges and disqualification. The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts adheres strictly to the ASU academic integrity policy, and all concerns related to academic integrity must be reported to the college's academic integrity officer.
For more information on academic integrity or to report a concern, students should visit the college's student academic integrity website.
Notice of nondiscrimination
ASU prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students should review ASU's policy ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.
Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. As required by Title IX, ASU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that we operate, including in admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the ASU Title IX coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or to both. For more information, Students should email, call 480-965-0696, or visit the office located at 1120 S. Cady Mall, INTDSB 284. For information on making a report, students should reference the Report It website.
Undergraduate policies
Academic standing
To be considered in academic good standing in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. All College of Integrative Sciences and Arts students who are not in good standing are required to complete the CISA Rising Scholars Online Workshop. This workshop provides additional information on academic standing status and helps students explore strategies to return to good standing.
Academic warning
Students who do not achieve a 2.00 GPA at the completion of their first term of study are placed on academic warning. Upon the completion of a second term, students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher are placed in university good standing. Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher after the completion of a second term are placed on university academic probation.
Students who do not achieve a 2.00 GPA are placed on university academic probation and must meet with an academic success advisor to discuss academic success strategies. Students on academic probation are required to enroll in UNI 220: Mindset Connections. UNI 220 appears on these students' DARS as a graduation requirement.
Within one semester, a student on academic probation must do either of the following:
- Achieve a cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00 or higher to return to academic good standing.
- Obtain a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher to be continued on probation. Students on continued academic probation may continue for as many semesters as needed to achieve academic good standing.
Students who fail to meet the criteria for continued probation may be disqualified from ASU. Students who have been disqualified may attend summer sessions but not fall or spring sessions.
Once readmitted, the student is placed on academic probation for at least one semester. Students on probation have one semester to raise their cumulative or semester GPA to meet ASU academic good standing (2.00). Failure to do so results in disqualification from the university.
Academic policy appeals
Academic appeals regarding college policies or other variances or exceptions should be discussed with the student's academic success advisor, and students may be required to submit a College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Standards Committee petition. Some petitions may require a secondary review by the ASU University Undergraduate Standards Committee.
Medical/compassionate withdrawal
A medical or compassionate withdrawal request may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or injury (medical) or another extraordinary personal situation, such as a death in the family (compassionate), prevents a student from continuing their classes, and "I" (incomplete) grades or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible. Students should review the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts medical/compassionate withdrawal requirements and procedures for more information.
Academic advising
All students are encouraged to seek advising from their academic success advisor before registration. Students must review their Degree Audit Report, major map or curriculum checksheet, and the academic calendar each semester for information and deadlines pertaining to enrollment, including course adds, drops and withdrawals.
The ASU academic catalog is the governing source for all degree requirements. Students are expected to read the requirements for university general studies, college graduation and major degree requirements.
Mandatory advising
The following students in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts must receive advising clearance before course registration:
- new students in their first semester of attendance
- readmitted students in their first returning semester
- students on academic probation or continued probation
- students who have been disqualified
Students are encouraged to check their advising status requirements on My ASU each semester before attempting any registration transactions.
Credit and registration
Students enrolling in courses offered by the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts are expected to follow the rules and deadlines specified in this catalog and the current registration and tuition payment guide. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic success advisor before registration.
Course load
Students may enroll in a maximum of 18 credit hours per fall or spring semester, with a maximum of nine credits taken in session A or session B. Students may enroll in a maximum of 14 credit hours for a summer session, with no more than seven credits in session A or session B. Students may enroll in a maximum of nine credit hours for the summer session C (eight weeks).
Any student who wishes to enroll in more than 18 credit hours in the fall or spring (or 14 in summer) or more than nine credit hours in an A or B session (or seven hours in summer) should first meet with their academic success advisor to discuss a course overload request. Some overload requests may require College of Integrative Sciences and Arts standards petition approval.
The ASU catalog has further details on credit hour limits. Students should refer to the CISA petitioning process before submitting a standards petition.
Repeat and replace policy
Students who wish to repeat courses and possibly replace prior course grades must follow SSM 203-06, the repeat and replace policy in the University Student Services Manual, regarding the number of credit hours that can be repeated and the types of courses that are eligible for a grade replacement.
Students who wish to repeat a course for a third time must petition the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Standards Committee.
Pass/fail grade options
A "P" grading option is used to indicate a passing grade of "D" or higher in a class when an individual student receives permission from both the class instructor and their college or school. When a student earns a "P" grade, they earn credit hours, but the grade is not used for computing GPA. If requirements for the "P" grade are not met, a failing "E" grade is applied. The "E" grade is calculated in GPA. The "P" grade does not meet requirements for course or program progression in which a "C" or better is required.
The pass/fail grade option may be used under the following conditions:
- The pass/fail option is available for the specific course.
- Approval has been granted by the instructor and the college offering the course before the start of class.
- Enrollment for the pass/fail option must be indicated during registration and may not be changed after the add period.
- A maximum of 12 credit hours taken for pass/fail may be counted toward graduation.
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts students may not enroll under the pass/fail option for the following:
- courses that meet first-year composition requirements
- major, minor, concentration area or certificate program required courses
- honors credit courses
- courses that meet language proficiency requirements
- courses that meet general studies requirements
Satisfactory ("Y") grade option
The "Y" grade is generally used for successfully completed internships, projects, reading and conference, research, seminars, theses, dissertations and workshops. Students earn credit hours for a "Y" grade, but the grade is not used for computing GPA. If requirements for the "Y" grade are not met, a failing "E" grade is applied. The failing grade of "E" is calculated into GPA. The "Y" grade may meet requirements for which a "C" or better is required. However, some exceptions may be made. For more information about the "Y" grade option, students should contact their academic advisor.
The "Y" grade option may be used only under the following conditions:
- The "Y" grading option is available for the specific course.
- Approval has been granted by the instructor and the college offering the course.
- The "Y" grading option was chosen during initial registration for the course.
Grade appeals
Students enrolled in a course within the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts who believe they have been unfairly or improperly graded can seek fair treatment and consideration through the grade appeal process outlined below. Grade grievances must be initiated within the regular semester immediately following the course in question, regardless of whether the student is currently enrolled at the university.
Grade appeals are only applicable to the final course grade, not to individual assignments or exams. Appeals can only be requested at the end of the semester and may proceed for one of the following three reasons:
- There was an error in calculating the final grade (arithmetic error).
- The criteria for determining the final grade were changed from those stated in the syllabus (e.g., four quizzes were given instead of five).
- The evaluation system was not applied consistently and fairly to all students.
For more information on grade appeals for CISA students, please visit the college's grade appeal website.
Degree requirements
All candidates for graduation with a bachelor's degree are required to complete at least 120 credit hours, of which at least 45 hours must be upper-division courses. A minimum ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required for graduation. All new College of Integrative Sciences and Arts first-year students are required to enroll in an ASU 101 course during their first ASU semester.
Associate degrees
Students in the Associate of Arts programs should refer to their major map or curriculum checksheet and the university associate degree graduation requirements policy for minimum credit hour, GPA and other degree requirements
The college offers minors in many of its disciplines. All minors must entail a minimum of 15 credit hours in the discipline, and at least 12 of those hours must be upper-division courses.
- Six of the upper-division credit hours must be taken from courses offered by the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.
- Students may not use courses in their minors for major core requirements, and, similarly, students may not use courses in their major core requirements to fulfill the requirements of their minors. Students should see an academic success advisor for more details.
- Some disciplines are too close in content for a student to choose a particular combination of minor and major.
Concurrent degrees
The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts allows undergraduate students to request approval to pursue a concurrent degree through the university approval process. Students must have completed at least 30 graded credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.00. Concurrent degrees may not be from the same discipline or have overlap in the courses required for each major. Students must earn at least 30 distinct credit hours for each degree.
To request a concurrent degree, students must meet with an academic success advisor in each degree program as part of the approval process.
Students who have been disqualified from ASU may be readmitted to the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts for a fall or spring semester if they do either of the following:
- Achieve a cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00 by taking ASU summer session courses.
- Complete 12 or more transferable credit hours at a community college or university with no grade lower than a "C" and a GPA of 2.50 or higher. Courses in which the student failed or received a "D" at ASU should not be repeated at another institution.
Once readmitted, the student may be placed on academic probation for at least one semester. Students on probation have one semester to raise their cumulative or semester GPA to meet the required 2.00 GPA to remain at ASU. Failure to do so results in disqualification from the university.
Graduate policies
Students should review the ASU Graduate College policy manual.
Students must fulfill all requirements of their individual graduate programs to remain in good academic standing, and they must abide by all university policies, including those established by the Graduate College and the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.