School of Art

Julie F. Codell
(ART 102) 602/965–3468





All students registering in a School of Art degree program enroll through the College of Fine Arts. Each degree program and area of specialization has its own check sheet, which describes the particulars of course sequence and special requirements. Check sheets are available in the School of Art Undergraduate Advising office.


The faculty in the School of Art offer three concentrations for students in the B.A. degree in Art program: art history, photographic studies, and studio art. These concentrations are intended to give the student a broadly based general education in the field with some specialized work at the upper-division level.


The major in Art consists of 45 to 48 semester hours, depending on the concentration, and includes the requirements listed below for each concentration. B.A. programs are especially suited for pursuing interdisciplinary studies or a minor in another discipline. All courses in the major must be completed with a “C” or higher.


In addition to fulfilling the major requirements, students must meet all university graduation requirements and college degree requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements” and College of Fine Arts, “College Degree Requirements.”

Art History

Related Subject Field. Select three courses (nine semester hours) from those with the prefix APH, ARA, ARE or from the following:

ART 111Drawing I (3)
ART 112Two-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 113Color (3)
ART 115Three-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 260Ceramics for Nonmajors (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 294Special Topics (3)

Also required is an approved upper-division elective. Six semester hours of ART courses are recommended.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ARS 101Art of the Western World I HU, H (3)
ARS 102Art of the Western World II HU, H (3)
ARS 480Research Methods L2 (3)
ARS 498PS: Art History (3)
Total: 12

Also required is at least one course from each of the following areas: ancient, baroque, medieval, modern, non-Western, and renaissance art.

This concentration consists of a minimum of 45 semester hours as approved by the student’s advisor. It requires 33 semester hours of art history courses and 12 semester hours in related fields. At least 18 of the 45 semester hours must be upper-division credit. Satisfactory completion of ARS 480 Research Methods is required before the senior year. Demonstrated proficiency in at least one foreign language is required, equivalent to the level obtained through the completion of two years of study at the college level. For specific courses, see the “Department of Languages and Literatures.” (ASL is not acceptable for Art History majors).

Art History Minor

The School of Art offers a minor in Art History consisting of 18 semester hours of course work, including 12 upper-division electives. A minimum grade of “C” is required of all classes in the minor and for those pursuing a minor, a minimum GPA of 2.00 is required. Courses may not be double counted in a major and the minor, and a minimum of 12 hours of resident credit at ASU Main is required. A “Minor Approval Form” must be submitted.

Required Courses. Select two of the following four required courses:

ARS 101Art of the Western World I HU, H (3)
ARS 102Art of the Western World II HU, H (3)
ARS 201Art of Asia (3)
ARS 202Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas (3)

Elective Courses. Students pursuing an art history minor will select four three-semester-hour upper-division courses. A seminar is strongly recommended for those considering graduate study. Students need to be aware of necessary lower-division prerequisites for all upper-division courses.

Studio Art

Core Curriculum. The following courses make up the core curriculum:

ARS 101Art of the Western World I HU, H (3)
ARS 102Art of the Western World II HU, H (3)
ART 111Drawing I (3)
ART 112Two-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 113Color (3)
ART 115Three-Dimensional Design (3)
Total: 18

Specialization. Eighteen semester hours of ART courses, including 12 upper-division semester hours are required. Courses in area of specialization must have a focus.

Art History. Nine semester hours of ARS courses are required, which must include three semester hours of non-Western art. At least six semester hours must be upper-division ARS courses.

Photographic Studies

Art History. The following art history courses are required:

ARS 101Art of the Western World I HU, H (3)
ARS 102Art of the Western World II HU, H (3)
ARS 35019th-Century Photography HU (3)
ARS 35120th-Century Photography HU (3)
ARS 454Research and Writing in Photography (3)
ARS 458Critical Theories in the Visual Arts HU (3)
ARS 494ST: History of Photography (3)
ARS elective (modern art) (3)
Total: 24

Photography. The following photography courses are required:

ARA 202Introduction to Photo Aesthetics (3)
ARA 494ST: Advanced Photo Aesthetics (3)
ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 301Photography II (3)
ART 304Advanced Photography (3)
ART 409Photographic Exhibition (3)
ART 494ST: 19th-Century Photo Processes (3)
Total: 21

This concentration consists of 48 semester hours as approved by the student’s advisor. Demonstrated proficiency in at least one foreign language is required, equivalent to the level obtained through the completion of two years of study at the college level. For specific courses, see the “Department of Languages and Literatures.”



The major in Art consists of 75 semester hours, with a concentration in one area selected on the basis of the student’s interests. The following concentrations are available to the student: art education, ceramics, drawing, fibers, intermedia, metals, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.

Core Curriculum. All students in this degree program follow the same core curriculum in art for the first two semesters:

ARS 101Art of the Western World I HU, H (3)
ARS 102Art of the Western World II HU, H (3)
ART 111Drawing I (3)
ART 112Two-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 113Color (3)
ART 115Three-Dimensional Design (3)
Total: 18

At least 30 upper-division semester hours must be earned within the major, with a minimum of 12 semester hours within the concentration.

All course work counted in the major must be completed with a “C” or higher. The specific requirements for each concentration are recommended by the faculty advisors of the area and are listed on School of Art check sheets.

Courses from other departments, when approved by the advisor and the School of Art, may be applied to the major if deemed appropriate to the student’s program of study. Art courses that do not have the same title and description as ASU catalog courses must have the approval of the School of Art standards committee.


In addition to fulfilling the major requirements, students must meet all university graduation requirements and college degree requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements” and College of Fine Arts, “College Degree Requirements.”

Art Education

Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ARE 450Studio Art: Art History I (3)
ARE 460Disciplines of Art Education (3)
ARE 470Art Criticism: Aesthetics (3)
ARE 482Studio Art: Art History II (3)
ARE 486Art Education: Strategies and Applications (3)
ARE 494Special Topics (3)
ARE 496Methods and Assessment of Learning in Art (3)
Total: 21

Area of Proficiency. Twenty-one semester hours are required with a minimum of 15 semester hours in a specific area of studio or art history with at least 12 upper-division semester hours.

Art History. Six semester hours of ARS upper-division electives are required with one course in art during the 20th century.

Additional Requirements. The following courses are additional requirements:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
or ART 261 Ceramic Survey (3)
or ART 272 Jewelry I (3)
or ART 274 Wood I (3)
or ART 276 Fibers I (3)
Total: 9

The concentration in art education consists of 75 semester hours with 21 semester hours in art education and 21 semester hours in an art proficiency approved by an art education advisor. The art proficiency courses must include a minimum of 15 semester hours in a specific area of studio art or art history. Twelve of these semester hours must be upper-division credits. The art proficiency can be in art history, ceramics, drawing, fibers, intermedia, metals, painting, photography, printmaking, or sculpture. Teaching experience is provided in the Children’s Art Workshop, which is an on-campus program based in studio and art history for children ages five to 15. Participation in the workshop is part of the requirements for ARE 486 Art Education: Strategies and Applications. ARE 486 meets the state certification requirements for the elementary methods class, and ARE 496 Methods and Assessment of Learning in Art meets the requirements for the secondary methods class in the subject area. Both of these courses have prerequisites.

A student pursuing a B.F.A. degree in Art with a concentration in art education may also choose to become certified for teaching art K–12. If certification is elected while pursuing the art education undergraduate degree, additional semester hours are required in the College of Education. Students must make special application to the professional education program in the College of Education three months before the beginning of the junior year. To be considered for admission to the professional program, students must have successfully completed the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) or the ACT during the sophomore year. In addition, as part of the certification process, students must meet the U.S. and Arizona constitution requirement. Certification may also be pursued after receiving an undergraduate degree in art through the postbaccalaureate program in the College of Education. Interested students should contact an advisor in the College of Education and in art education for admission requirements to the postbaccalaureate program. Art education courses for this program are as follows:

ARE 450Studio Art: Art History I (3)
ARE 482Studio Art: Art History II (3)
ARE 486Art Education: Strategies and Applications (3)
ARE 496Methods and Assessment of Learning in Art (3)
Total: 12

The B.F.A. degree in Art with a concentration in art education and the postbaccalaureate program for certification in art have special art education application procedures. This procedure is separate from, and in addition to, the admission requirements of ASU. Acceptance is based on a 2.50 GPA, completion of foundations courses (ART 111, 112, 113, and 115), completion of 12 semester hours of art history courses (ARS 101 and 102 and two upper-division courses), and a “B” or higher in ARE 450 and 460. In addition, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students seeking K–12 certification should check requirements and deadlines for admission to the College of Education professional program.

Student teaching in art education occurs only in the spring semester. To be accepted into student teaching, a student must be recommended in writing by the art education faculty and must have completed all art education classes except for ARE 496, which should be taken concurrently with student teaching. Students who are not recommended may complete the B.F.A. degree in Art with a concentration in art education without certification or may reapply after meeting deficiencies in knowledge and skills related to the teaching of art.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 360Ceramic Throwing (3)
ART 364Ceramic Handbuilding I (3)
ART 365Ceramic Handbuilding II (3)
ART 460Ceramic Clay (3)
ART 463Ceramic Glaze (3)
ART 466Special Problems in Ceramics (6)
Total: 27

Art History. Six semester hours of upper-division ARS, including three semester hours of a 20th-century elective and three semester hours of non-Western art are required.

Additional Requirements. One of the following four courses is required:

ART 211Drawing II (3)
ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 443Intermedia (3)

Two of the following three courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 272Jewelry (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Fifteen semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 211Drawing II (3)
ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 311Drawing III (3)
ART 314Life Drawing II (3)
ART 315Life Drawing III (3)
ART 494Drawing/Painting (3)
Total: 24

Also required are six semester hours of ART 411 and/or 414 and three semester hours in printmaking.

Art History. Three semester hours of non-Western art are required as well as six semester hours of upper-division ARS courses.

Additional Requirements. Two of the following six courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Nine semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, or ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 276Fibers I (3)
ART 376Fibers: Loom Techniques (3)
ART 377Surface Design (3)
ART 476Fibers: Multiple Harness Weaving (6)
ART 477Printed Textiles (6)
Total: 21

History. Six semester hours of upper-division ARS courses are required, including a 20th-century elective.

Additional Requirements.Three of the following six courses (nine hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 354Screen Printing I (3)

Art Electives. Twenty-one semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 439Mixed Media (3)
ART 440New Media Concepts (3)
ART 443Intermedia (3)
Total: 9

Two of the following five courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Two of the following nine courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 211Drawing II (3)
ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 351Intaglio I (3)
ART 352Lithography I (3)
ART 354Screen Printing I (3)
ART 355Photo Process for Printmaker I (3)

Two of the following three courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 439Mixed Media (3)
ART 440New Media Concepts (3)
ART 442Folk/Outsider Art (3)
ART 443Intermedia (3)
ART 444Computer Art I N3 (3)
ART 446 Computer Art II N3 (3)
ART 448 Computer Animation I (3)
ART 449Computer Animation II (3)
ART 494 ST: (Intermedia elective) (3)

Art History. Three semester hours of non-Western ARS 438 Art of the 20th Century I and 439 Art of the 20th Century II are required.

Art Electives. Twenty-one semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.

Admission to upper-division computer graphics courses is by portfolio only. Application dates are September 15 to October 15 for spring enrollment and February 15 to March 15 for fall enrollment.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 372Jewelry II (3)
ART 373Metalworking I (3)
ART 472Advanced Jewelry (6)
ART 473Advanced Metalworking (6)
ART 494ST: Metals (3)
Total: 24

Art History. Six semester hours of upper-division ARS courses are required, including a 20th-century elective.

Additional Requirements. Three of the following six courses (nine semester hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Eighteen semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 211Drawing II (3)
ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 311Drawing III (3)
ART 314Life Drawing II (3)
ART 323Painting II (3)
ART 324Painting III (3)
or ART 327 Watercolor II (3)
ART 325Figure Painting (3)
ART 423Advanced Painting (3)
or ART 427 Advanced Watercolor (3)
Total: 30

One of the following five courses (three semester hours) is required:

ART 327Watercolor II (3)
ART 411Advanced Drawing (3)
ART 423Advanced Painting (3)
ART 425Advanced Figure Painting (3)
ART 494ST: Drawing/Painting (3)

Art History. Nine semester hours of ARS courses are required and must include three semester hours of non-Western art. At least six semester hours must be upper-division ARS courses.

Additional Requirements. Two of the following six courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Nine semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ARA 202Introduction to Photo Aesthetics (3)
ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 301Photography II (3)
ART 304Advanced Photography (3)
Total: 12

Three of the following nine courses (nine semester hours) are required:

ART 305Color Photography I (3)
ART 401Nonsilver Photography (3)
ART 403Senior Photographic Projects (3)
ART 404Portraiture Photography (3)
ART 405Advanced Color Photography (3)
ART 406Photo Techniques (3)
ART 407View Camera (3)
ART 409Photographic Exhibition (3)
ART 494ST: Photo (3)

Art History. ARS 350 and 351 are required, as well as six semester hours of additional ARS courses, including a non-Western elective.

Additional Requirements. The following courses are additional requirements:

ART 211Drawing II (3)
ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 443Intermedia (3)
Total: 15

One of the following five courses (three hours) is required:

ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Eighteen semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 211Drawing II (3)
or ART 214 Life Drawing I (3)
ART 351Intaglio I (3)
ART 352Lithography I (3)
ART 354Screen Printing I (3)
Total: 12

Three of the following 10 courses (nine semester hours) are required:

ART 352Lithography I (3)
ART 355Photo Process for Printmaking I (3)
ART 451Advanced Intaglio (3)
ART 452Advanced Lithography (3)
ART 454Advanced Screen Printing (3)
ART 455Advanced Photo Processes for Printmaking (3)
ART 456Fine Printing and Bookmaking I (3)
ART 457Fine Printing and Bookmaking II (3)
ART 458Papermaking (3)
ART 459Monoprinting (3)

Two of the following five courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 214Life Drawing I (3)
ART 311Drawing III (3)
ART 314Life Drawing II (3)
ART 315Life Drawing III (3)
ART 411Advanced Drawing (3)

Art History. Six semester hours of upper-division ARS courses are required.

Additional Requirements. Two of the following eight courses (six semester hours) are required:

ART 201Photography I (3)
ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 227Watercolor I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)

Art Electives. Eighteen semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses make up the specialization:

ART 223Painting I (3)
ART 231Sculpture I (3)
ART 274Wood I (3)
ART 331Sculpture II (3)
ART 332Sculpture III (3)
ART 431Special Problems in Sculpture (3)
Total: 18

Five of the following nine courses (15 semester hours) are required (note that all are repeatable except ART 333):

ART 333Foundry Casting Methods (3)
ART 374Wood II (3)
ART 431Special Problems in Sculpture (3)
ART 432Neon Sculpture (3)
ART 436Architectural Sculpture (3)
ART 437Film Animation (3)
ART 438Experimental Systems in Sculpture (3)
ART 474Advanced Wood (3)
ART 494Special Topics (3)

Art History. Six semester hours of upper-division ARS courses are required.

Additional Requirements. The following courses are required:

ART 261Ceramic Survey (3)
ART 272Jewelry I (3)
ART 276Fibers I (3)
Total: 9

Art Electives. Fifteen semester hours of ARA, ARE, ARS, and ART courses are required.


The faculty in the School of Art offer programs leading to the M.A. degree in Art, with a concentration in art education or art history, and the Master of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in ceramics, drawing, fibers, intermedia, metals, painting, photographic studies, photography, printmaking, or sculpture. In cooperation with the College of Education, the Doctor of Education degree is offered with a concentration in art education. Consult the Graduate Catalog for requirements for all graduate degrees.

Art Auxiliary (ARA) Courses
Art Education (ARE) Courses
Art History (ARS) Courses
Art (ART) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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