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Academic and Administrative Documents
General and Graduate Catalogs

ARCHIVE: 1998–99 General Catalog

NOTEThe ASU 1998–99 General Catalog is the official source of information for programs and requirements of ASU and its colleges, schools, and departments. This catalog has been converted and archived to an online format in PDF and HTML. In the PDF version, courses match the printed catalog. In the HTML version, courses may be more current. The electronic site is a work in progress and may not contain complete information. Refer to the printed version which, in accordance with Arizona public records laws and requirements, serves as the official, permanent record. This document is available for inspection at University Archives.
A PDF version is available at: http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/pdf-catalogs.html#general-catalog.
Information requests. Please send requests for application or admission materials to Undergraduate Admissions.
Catalog distribution. Please call the ASU Bookstore (602/965-7928) to purchase a paper copy of the General Catalog.

Introduction and Summary Information
Important Information
Accreditation and Affiliation
General Information
Student Services
Fees, Deposits, and Other Charges
Classification of Courses
Undergraduate Enrollment
University Graduation Requirements
General Studies
Minors, Certificates, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Colleges and Schools
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
College of Fine Arts
College of Law
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Nursing
College of Public Programs
School of Social Work
Other Opportunities
College of Extended Education
Graduate College
University Honors College
Summer Sessions
International Programs
Other Campuses
ASU East
ASU West
Descriptions of Courses

Introduction and Summary Information - Back to top

Academic Definitions
Academic Organization
Baccalaureate Degrees and Majors Offered at ASU Main and ASU East
Course Prefix Index
Frequently Asked Questions
President’s Message
University Calendar

Important Information

Accreditation and Affiliation - Back to top

General Information - Back to top

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
History of Arizona State University
University Campuses and Sites
University Libraries and Collections
Performing and Fine Arts Facilities
Computing Facilities and Services
Alumni Association
Program Assessment and the Office of University Evaluation
Division of Undergraduate Academic Services
Service Learning Internships
Research Centers, Institutes, and Laboratories
Consortium for Instructional Innovation

Student Services - Back to top

Undergraduate Admissions
Student Financial Assistance
Residential Life
Student Development
Educational Development
Student Life
Counseling and Consultation
Student Health
Student Publications
Memorial Union
Associated Students of Arizona State University
Career Services
Student Recreation Complex and Recreational Sports
Arizona Prevention Resource Center
Intercollegiate Athletics
Religious Activities
Other Opportunities for Student Involvement

Fees, Deposits, and Other Charges - Back to top

1998–99 Resident and Nonresident Tuition
Residency Classification Procedures and Policies
1997–98 Typical Student Budgets
Financial Aid
Special Class Fees and Deposits

Classification of Courses - Back to top

Undergraduate Enrollment - Back to top

Undergraduate Admission
Special Programs for Advanced Placement and Credit
Placement Examinations
Academic Advising
Readmission to the University
Academic Renewal
Cooperative Programs
Grading System
Retention and Academic Standards
Student Records

University Graduation Requirements - Back to top

General Studies - Back to top

General Studies Courses

Minors, Certificates, and Interdisciplinary Studies - Back to top

Concurrent and Dual Degrees
Interdisciplinary Studies
Military Officer Training
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies—B.I.S.

Colleges and Schools

Architecture and Environmental Design, College of - Back to top

College of Architecture and Environmental Design Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Architecture, School of
Design, School of
Planning and Landscape Architecture, School of

Business, College of - Back to top

College of Business Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Accountancy and Information Management, School of
Business Administration, Department of
Economics, Department of
Finance, Department of
Health Administration and Policy, School of
International Business Studies
Management, Department of
Marketing, Department of

Education, College of - Back to top

College of Education Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Curriculum and Instruction, Division of
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Division of
Psychology in Education, Division of

Engineering and Applied Sciences, College of - Back to top

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Construction, Del E. Webb School of
Engineering, School of
Chemical, Bio, and Materials Engineering, Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Department of
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of
Programs in Engineering Special Studies

Fine Arts, College of - Back to top

College of Fine Arts Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Art, School of
Dance, Department of
Music, School of
Theatre, Department of

Law, College of - Back to top

Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of - Back to top

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Aerospace Studies, Department of
African American Studies Program
Anthropology, Department of
Biology, Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of
Chicana and Chicano Studies, Department of
Computer Science
English, Department of
Exercise Science and Physical Education, Department of
Family Resources and Human Development, Department of
Geography, Department of
Geology, Department of
History, Department of
Interdisciplinary Humanities Program
Languages and Literatures, Department of
Mathematics, Department of
Microbiology, Department of
Military Science, Department of
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Philosophy, Department of
Physics and Astronomy, Department of
Plant Biology, Department of
Political Science, Department of
Psychology, Department of
Religious Studies, Department of
Sociology, Department of
Speech and Hearing Science, Department of
Women’s Studies Program

Nursing, College of - Back to top

Public Programs, College of - Back to top

College of Public Programs Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
Asian Pacific American Program
Communication, Department of
Journalism and Telecommunication, Walter Cronkite School of
Justice Studies, School of
Public Affairs, School of
Recreation Management and Tourism, Department of

Social Work, School of - Back to top

Other Opportunities

Extended Education, College of - Back to top

Graduate College - Back to top

Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (Degrees, Majors, Concentrations, and Certificates) Overseen by the Graduate College
Graduate Degrees and Majors Offered at ASU Main and ASU East

University Honors College - Back to top

Summer Sessions - Back to top

International Programs - Back to top

Other Campuses

ASU East - Back to top

East College
Technology and Applied Sciences, College of
Aeronautical Management Technology, Department of
Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology, Department of
Information and Management Technology, Department of
Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology, Department of
Agribusiness and Resource Management, School of
ASU East Administrative and Academic Personnel
ASU East Directory
ASU East Faculty and Academic Professionals

ASU West - Back to top

ASU West Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations
ASU West Directory
ASU West Administrative and Academic Personnel
ASU West Faculty and Academic Professionals


Faculty and Academic Professionals
Regents’ Professors
Administrative and Academic Personnel
ASU Main Directory
ASU Web Directory
Building Abbreviations

Descriptions of Courses

A - Back to Top

AADArchitectural Administration and Management
ADEArchitectural Design and Technology Studios
AESAerospace Studies
AETAeronautical Technology
AFRAfrican American Studies
AJS Administration of Justice. See the ASU West Catalog.
AMS American Studies. See the ASU West Catalog.
AMTAeronautical Management Technology
ANPEnvironmental Analysis and Programming
APAAsian Pacific American Studies
APHArchitectural Philosophy and History
ARAArt Auxiliary
AREArt Education
ARPArchitecture Professional Studies
ARSArt History
ASEAnalysis and Systems
ATEArchitectural Technology
AVCArchitectural Communication

B - Back to Top

BISBachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
BLEBilingual Education
BUEBusiness Education
BUSBusiness Administration

C - Back to Top

CCSChicana and Chicano Studies
CDEChild Development
CEDCounselor Education
CEECivil Engineering
CETComputer Engineering Technology
CGCComputer Graphic Communications
CHEChemical Engineering
CISComputer Information Systems
CLSClinical Laboratory Sciences/Medical Technology
COBCollege of Business
COECollege of Education
CPPCollege of Public Programs
CPYCounseling Psychology
CSEComputer Science and Engineering
CSHChicana and Chicano Studies
CSSChicana and Chicano Studies

D - Back to Top

DAHDance History
DCICurriculum and Instruction

E - Back to Top

ECDEarly Childhood Education
ECEEngineering Core
EDAEducational Administration and Supervision
EDPEducational Psychology
EEDElementary Education
EEEElectrical Engineering
EETElectronics Engineering Technology
EMCEducational Media and Computers
EPDEnvironmental Design and Planning
EPEExercise Science/Physical Education
ERSEnvironmental Resources
ETCEngineering Technology Core
ETMEnvironmental Technology Management

F - Back to Top

FASFamily Studies
FLAForeign Languages
FONFood and Nutrition
FRDFamily Resources and Human Development

G - Back to Top

GCUCultural Geography
GLBGlobal Business. See the ASU West Catalog.
GPHPhysical Geography
GRAGraphic Design
GRKAncient Greek

H - Back to Top

HCRHealth Care Related
HEDHigher and Postsecondary Education
HEEHome Economics Education
HESHealth Science
HPSHistory and Philosophy of Science
HRMHuman Resources Management. See the ASU West Catalog.
HSAHealth Services Administration
HUDHousing and Urban Development

I - Back to Top

IAPInterdisciplinary Arts and Performance. See the ASU West Catalog.
IASIntegrative Studies. See the ASU West Catalog.
IBSInternational Business Studies
IEDIndian Education
IEEIndustrial and Management Systems Engineering
IMCInformation and Management Core
INDIndustrial Design
INTInterior Design
IPOInternational Program Overseas
ISMInformation Systems Management. See the ASU West Catalog.
ITMIndustrial Technology Management

J - Back to Top

JACJoint Admission Continuous Enrollment
JUSJustice Studies


L - Back to Top

LESLegal and Ethical Studies
LIALiberal Arts and Sciences
LISLibrary Science
LNTLearning and Instructional Technology
LSCLife Sciences. See the ASU West Catalog.

M - Back to Top

MAEMechanical annd Aerospace Engineering
MCBMolecular and Cellular Biology
MCEMulticultural Education
MCOMass Communication
METManufacturing Engineering Technology
MHLMusic History/Literature
MISMilitary Science
MSEMaterials Science and Engineering
MTCMusic Theory and Composition
MTEMathematics Education
MUEMusic Education
MUPMusic Performance

N - Back to Top


O - Back to Top

OPMOperations and Production Management

P - Back to Top

PAFPublic Affairs
PHSPhysical Sciences
PLALandscape Architecture
PLBPlant Biology
POLPolitics. See the ASU West Catalog.
POSPolitical Science
PUBScholarly Publishing
PUPUrban and Environmental Planning

Q - Back to Top

QBAQuantitative Business Analysis

R - Back to Top

RDGReading Education
REAReal Estate
RELReligious Studies

S - Back to Top

SBSSocial and Behavioral Sciences. See the ASU West Catalog.
SCMSupply Chain Management
SEDSecondary Education
SEMScience and Engineering of Materials
SHSSpeech and Hearing Science
SPESpecial Education
SPFEducational Policy Studies
STESociety, Values, and Technology
STPStatistics and Probability
SWGSocial Work
SWUSocial Work

T - Back to Top

THPTheatre Performance and Production

U - Back to Top

UETMicroelectronics Engineering Technology

V - Back to Top


W - Back to Top

WACWriting Across the Curriculum
WSTWomen’s Studies




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