Department of Aeronautical Management Technology

William K. McCurry
(SIM 205) 602/727–1381
FAX 602/727–1730






Graduates are prepared for entry into the aviation and aerospace industry in productive, professional employment or, alternatively, for graduate study. Curricula emphasize principles underlying the application of technical knowledge as well as current technology, preparing the graduate to adapt to the rapid and continual changes in aviation and aerospace technology.


New and transfer students who have been admitted to the university and who meet the requirements for admission to the College of Technology and Applied Sciences are admitted without separate application to the Department of Aeronautical Management Technology. Transfer credits are reviewed by department faculty advisors. To be acceptable for department credit, transfer courses must be equivalent in both content and level of offering.


The faculty in the Department of Aeronautical Management Technology offer a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Management Technology and includes options in airway science flight management and airway science management.

A Master of Technology degree is offered for graduate study. For more information about the graduate program, see the Graduate Catalog.


The Aeronautical Management Technology curricula are designed to provide a thorough technical background combined with an interdisciplinary general university education. The graduate is prepared to assume responsibilities in a wide area of managerial and technically related areas of aviation. The student gains a background in aircraft structures, reciprocating and turbine engines, aircraft performance, design, management skills, business principles, systems analysis, and a variety of course work specific to aircraft flight, airport operations, and air transportation systems. The degree offers two options: airway science flight management and airway science management, both of which have the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration as Airway Science programs. The options are described separately below.

All degree requirements are shown on curriculum check sheets for the options that are available through the department. Requirements include First-Year Composition, university General Studies (see “General Studies”), and the Aeronautical Management Technology Core. Note that all three General Studies awareness areas are required. Consult your advisor for an approved list of courses. Refer to individual option degree requirements for additional required courses. Students must complete each Aeronautical Management Technology course with a grade of “C” or higher.

Aeronautical Management Technology Core

AMT 101Introduction to Aeronautical Management Technology (1)
AMT 182Private Pilot Ground School (3)
AMT 201Air Traffic Control (3)
AMT 220Aviation Meteorology (3)
AMT 280Aerospace Structures, Materials, and Systems (4)
AMT 287Aircraft Powerplants (4)
AMT 308Air Transportation G (3)
AMT 396Aviation Professional (1)
AMT 410Aviation Safety and Human Factors (3)
AMT 442Aviation Law/Regulations (3)
ETC 100Languages of Technology N3 (4)
ETC 201Applied Electrical Science (4)
Total: 36

Airway Science Flight Management Option

Flight training is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Airway science flight management combines academic studies and flight training to prepare graduates for a wide variety of positions within the air transportation industry, including general, airline, and military aviation. Ground school and flight training are available, allowing the student to obtain private pilot, commercial pilot, and flight instructor certificates and also the instrument pilot, instrument instructor, and multiengine pilot ratings. Type rating in the Boeing 737 airliner is an available option.

This curriculum concentrates on flying plus the technical management and computer-related applications necessary to operate in the high-density environment of modern airspace. The program also emphasizes critical thinking, analytical skills, and oral and written communication skills. A career in airway science flight management leads to the development, administration, and enforcement of safety regulations, including airworthiness and operational standards in civil aviation. The airway science flight management option is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration as an airway science program.

While enrolled at ASU students do not receive college credit for flight activity or instruction received at flight schools other than those entities with which the university has currently contracted for such instruction. Consideration is given for flight experience received before enrollment at the university.

Flight instruction costs are not included in university tuition and fees. The estimated cost of flight training is $35,000 in addition to normal university costs.

Degree Requirements

Airway science flight management students are required to complete 128 semester hours with a 2.00 cumulative GPA, including a minimum of 50 semester hours of upper-division courses. All degree requirements are shown on the student’s curriculum check sheet.

Course Requirements

In addition to the required courses for First-Year Composition, university General Studies (see “General Studies”), and the Aeronautical Management Technology core, the following additional courses are required for the airway science flight management option:

AET 300Aircraft Design I (3)
AMT 100Flight Safety I (1)
AMT 200Flight Safety II (2)
AMT 222Instrument Pilot Ground School (3)
AMT 300Flight Safety III (2)
AMT 314Commercial Pilot Ground School (3)
AMT 382Air Navigation (3)
AMT 385Flight Instructor Ground School (3)
AMT 387Multiengine Pilot Ground School (1)
AMT 392Flight Instructor Instrument Ground School (2)
AMT 400Flight Safety IV (1)
AMT 408National Aviation Policy (3)
AMT 444Airport Management and Planning (3)
AMT 482Airline Instrument Procedures (3)
AMT 489Airline Administration (3)
AMT 496Airline Aircraft Systems Capstone (3)
IMC 346Management Dynamics (3)
Technical electives (6)
Total: 48

Suggested Course Pattern for Freshmen

First Semester

AMT 101Introduction to Aeronautical Management Technology (1)
AMT 182Private Pilot Ground School (3)
AMT 220Aviation Meteorology (3)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 170Precalculus N1 (3)
Total: 13

Second Semester

AMT 100Flight Safety I (1)
AMT 222Instrument Pilot Ground School (3)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
ETC 100Languages of Technology N3 (4)
MAT 260Technical Calculus I N1 (3)
PHY 111General Physics S1/S2* (3)
PHY 113General Physics Laboratory S1/S2* (1)
Total: 18
*Both PHY 111 and 113 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Airway Science Management Option

The airway science management option is designed to prepare graduates for managerial and supervisory positions throughout the air transportation industry. An in-depth technical education is included along with broad exposure to business and management courses. This program of study is interdisciplinary in nature and prepares the aeronautical career-oriented student for positions such as air traffic control specialist, air carrier manager, airport manager, and general aviation operations manager.

Degree Requirements

Airway science management students are required to complete 128 semester hours with a 2.00 cumulative GPA, including a minimum of 50 semester hours of upper-division courses. All degree requirements are shown on the student’s curriculum check sheet.

Course Requirements

In addition to the required courses for First-Year Composition, university General Studies (see “General Studies”), and the Aeronautical Management Technology core, the following additional courses are required in the airway science management option:

ACC 230Uses of Accounting Information (3)
AMT 408National Aviation Policy (3)
AMT 444Airport Management and Planning (3)
AMT 489Airline Administration (3)
AMT 491Aviation Management Capstone (3)
IMC 346Management Dynamics (3)
ITM 343Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (3)
ITM 430Ethical Issues in Technology (3)
ITM 452Industrial Human Resource Management (3)
ITM 456Introduction to Organized Labor (3)
ITM 480 Organizational Effectiveness (3)
Technical electives (15)
Total: 48

Suggested Course Pattern for Freshmen

First Semester

AMT 101Introduction to Aeronautical Management Technology (1)
AMT 182Private Pilot Ground School (3)
AMT 220Aviation Meteorology (3)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 170Precalculus N1 (3)
Total: 13

Second Semester

ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
ETC 100Languages of Technology N3 (4)
MAT 260Technical Calculus I N1 (3)
PHY 111General Physics S1/S2* (3)
PHY 113General Physics Laboratory S1/S2* (1)
General Studies elective (3)
Total: 17
*Both PHY 111 and 113 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.


The department hosts the local chapter of Alpha Eta Rho, an international professional aviation fraternity open to all students with an interest in aviation. The American Association for Airport Executives (AAAE) is open to all students with an interest in airport management. The Precision Flight Team competes in regional and national flying safety competitions.

Aeronautical Management Technology (AMT) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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