Department of Chemical, Bio, and Materials Engineering

Eric J. Guilbeau
(EC G202) 602/965–3313

The faculty in the Department of Chemical, Bio, and Materials Engineering offer the B.S. degree in three exciting disciplines: chemical engineering, bioengineering, and materials science and engineering. Each of these majors builds on a broad base of knowledge within the basic and mathematical sciences and the engineering core. Each offers excellent career opportunities.

Chemical engineers design and operate processes that may include chemical change. They combine the science of chemistry with the discipline of engineering in order to solve complex problems in a wide variety of industries. Challenging job opportunities exist not only in the chemical and petroleum industries, but also in the plastics, electronics, computer, metals, space, food, drug, and health care industries. In these industries, chemical engineers practice in a wide variety of occupations including environmental control, surface treatments, energy and materials transformation, biomedical applications, fermentation, protein recovery, extractive metallurgy, and separations. In the environmental area, chemical engineers develop methods to reduce the pollution created in manufacturing processes, devise techniques to recover usable materials from wastes, design waste storage and treatment facilities, and design pollution control strategies.

Bioengineering (synonyms: biomedical engineering or medical engineering) is the discipline of engineering that applies principles and methods from engineering, the life sciences, and the medical sciences to understand, define, and solve problems in medicine, physiology, and biology. Bioengineering students typically pursue either a career in the medical-device/biotechnology industry or a career in bioengineering, medical or biotechnology research or enter a postgraduate program in clinical or veterinary medicine or dentistry. The practicing bioengineer uses engineering principles and technology to develop instrumentation, biomaterials, diagnostic and therapeutic devices, artificial organs, and other equipment needed in medicine and biology. They also discover new fundamental principles regarding the functioning and structure of living systems.

Materials science and engineering uses fundamental knowledge in chemistry and physics to correlate relationships between the structure and processing of materials and their properties. Students educated in this discipline decide how to optimize existing materials or how to develop new advanced materials and processing techniques. Students who major in materials science and engineering will find employment opportunities in a variety of industries and research facilities which include aerospace, electronics, energy conversion, manufacturing, medical devices, semiconductors, and transportation.

The following sections describe the curriculum requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in each of these disciplines. Faculty within the department also participate in the Engineering Special Studies program in premedical engineering which is described separately in “Programs in Engineering Special Studies.”

Chemical Engineering—B.S.E.





Chemical engineers are generally concerned with transfer within and between liquid, gas, and solid phases and the chemical changes that may also occur. They design and operate processes that accommodate such changes, including the chemical activation of materials. Typically this involves complex multicomponent systems wherein the interactions between species have to be considered and analyzed. The new challenge in chemical engineering is to apply the principles of fluid dynamics, mass transfer, solution thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and separation techniques to technological endeavors such as pollution control within manufacturing and the environment, integrated circuit design, solid-state surface treatments, and materials processing.

Consequently, in addition to the chemical and petroleum industries, chemical engineers find challenging opportunities in the plastics, solid-state, electronics, computer, metals, space, food, drug, and health care industries, where they practice in a wide variety of occupations, such as environmental control, surface treatments, energy and materials transformations, biomedical applications, fermentation, protein recovery, extractive metallurgy, and separations. While a large percentage of the industrial positions are filled by graduates with bachelor’s degrees, there are lucrative and creative opportunities in research and development for those who acquire postgraduate education.

Subspecializations have developed within the profession. However, the same broad body of knowledge is generally expected of all chemical engineers for maximum flexibility in industrial positions. The preparation for chemical engineering is accomplished by a blend of classroom instruction and laboratory experience.


A minimum of 128 semester hours is necessary for the B.S.E. degree in Chemical Engineering. A minimum of 50 upper-division semester hours is required.

The course work for the undergraduate degree can be classified into the following categories (in semester hours):

First-Year Composition

ENG 101, 102First-Year Composition (6)
or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)
or ENG 107, 108 English for Foreign Students (6)
Total: 6

General Studies/School Requirements

Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences

ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
SB, HU, and awareness area courses1 (13)
Total: 16

Literacy and Critical Inquiry

CHE 352Transport Laboratories L2 (3)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
Total: 6

Natural Sciences/Basic Sciences

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 335General Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S22 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory S1/S22 (1)
Total: 16


ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ECE 384Numerical Analysis for Engineers I (2)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Total: 21
General Studies/school requirements tota: 59

Engineering Core

CHE 342Applied Chemical Thermodynamics (4)
CHE 461Process Control N3 (4)
ECE 394ST: Conservation Principles (4)
ECE 394ST: Properties that Matter (4)
ECE 394ST: Engineering Systems (4)
Total: 20


CHE 311Introduction to Chemical Processing (3)
CHE 331Transport Phenomena I: Fluids (3)
CHE 332Transport Phenomena II: Energy Transfer (3)
CHE 333Transport Phenomena III: Mass Transfer (3)
CHE 432Principles of Chemical Engineering Design (3)
CHE 442Chemical Reactor Design (3)
CHE 451Chemical Engineering Laboratory (2)
CHE 462Process Design (3)
CHM 332General Organic Chemistry (3)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
ECE 385Numerical Analysis for Engineers II (2)
Technical electives (12)
Total: 43
1Engineering students may not use aerospace studies (AES) or military science (MIS) courses to fulfill HU or SB requirements. See the School of Engineering, “Selected nonengineering topics.”
2Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Consult with your department academic advisor to ensure that all requirements are met.

The technical elective courses must be selected from upper-division courses with an advisor’s approval and must include the following: two three-semester-hour chemistry courses; a three-semester-hour natural science or materials course; and a three-semester-hour chemical engineering course.

To fulfill accreditation requirements and to prepare adequately for the advanced chemistry courses, Chemical Engineering majors are required to take the CHM 113 and 116 introductory chemistry sequence (CHM 117 and 118 are acceptable substitutes). Other freshman chemistry courses are not acceptable, and transfer students who have taken another chemistry course may be required to enroll in CHM 113 and 116.

The faculty in the Department of Chemical, Bio, and Materials Engineering also offer graduate programs leading to the M.S.E., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. These programs provide a blend of classroom instruction and research. A wide variety of topical and relevant research projects are available for thesis topics. Students interested in these programs should contact the department for up-to-date descriptive literature.

Chemical Engineering Areas of Emphasis

Students who wish to specialize may develop an area of interest through the use of technical electives and selective substitutions for required courses. Substitutions must be approved by the advisor and the Department Standards Committee and must be consistent with ABET accreditation criteria. No substitution of CHE 462 is allowed. The following are possible elective areas of emphasis with suggested courses. A student may choose electives within the general department guidelines and does not have to select one of the areas listed.

Biochemical. Students wishing to prepare for a career in biotechnology, fermentation, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and other areas within biochemical engineering should select from the following:

Chemistry Electives

CHM 361Principles of Biochemistry (3)
CHM 461General Biochemistry (3)
CHM 462General Biochemistry (3)

Technical Electives

AGB 423Food and Industrial Microbiology (3)
AGB 424Food and Industrial Fermentations (4)
AGB 425Food Safety (3)
AGB 426Food Chemistry (4)
CHE 475Biochemical Engineering (3)
CHE 476Bioreaction Engineering (3)
CHE 477Bioseparation Processes (3)

Biomedical. Students who are interested in biomedical engineering but wish to maintain a strong, broad chemical engineering base should select from the following:

Chemistry Electives

CHM 361Principles of Biochemistry (3)
CHM 461General Biochemistry (3)
CHM 462General Biochemistry (3)

Technical Electives

BME 318Biomaterials (3)
BME 411Biomedical Engineering I (3)
BME 412Biomedical Engineering II (3)
BME 413Biomedical Instrumentation L2 (3)
BME 435Physiology for Engineers (4)

Environmental. ASU does not offer a B.S.E. degree in Environmental Engineering, but students with this interest are encouraged to pursue a B.S.E. degree in Chemical Engineering with this area of emphasis. Students interested in the management of hazardous wastes and air and water pollution should select from the following:

Chemistry Electives

CHM 302Environmental Chemistry (3)
CHM 361Principles of Biochemistry (3)
CHM 461General Biochemistry (3)
CHM 481Geochemistry (3)

Technical Electives

CEE 361Introduction to Environmental Engineering (4)
CEE 362Environmental Engineering (3)
CEE 561Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Waste (3)
CEE 563Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3)
CHE 474Chemical Engineering Design for the Environment (3)
CHE 478Industrial Water Quality Engineering (3)
CHE 479Air Quality Control (3)
CHE 533Transport Processes I (3)

Materials. Students interested in the development and production of new materials such as alloys, ceramics, composites, polymers, semiconductors, and superconductors should select from the following:

Chemistry Electives

CHM 441General Physical Chemistry (3)
CHM 442General Physical Chemistry (3)
CHM 453Inorganic Chemistry (3)
CHM 471Solid-State Chemistry (3)

Technical Electives

BME 318Biomaterials (3)
CHE 458Semiconductor Material Processing (3)
ECE 352Properties of Electronic Materials (4)
MSE 353Introduction to Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 354Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing I (2)
MSE 431Corrosion and Corrosion Control (3)
MSE 453Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing II (2)
MSE 454Advanced Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 470Polymers and Composites (3)

Premedical. Students planning to attend medical school should select courses from those listed under the biomedical emphasis. In addition, BIO 181, 182, and CHM 336 must be taken to satisfy medical-school requirements but are not counted toward the Chemical Engineering bachelor’s degree.

Process Engineering.The engineering core and required chemical engineering courses serve as a suitable background for students intending to enter the traditional petrochemical and chemical process industries. Students can build on this background by selecting courses with the approval of their advisor. Examples of these courses are as follows:

Energy Conversion and Conservation

CHE 528Process Optimization Techniques (3)
CHE 554New Energy Technology (3)
CHE 556Separation Processes (3)
MAE 436Combustion (3)
MAE 437Direct Energy Conversion (3)

Plant Administration and Management

CHE 479Air Quality Control (3)
CHE 528Process Optimization Techniques (3)
IEE 300Economic Analysis for Engineers (3)
IEE 431Engineering Administration (3)

Simulation, Control, and Design

CHE 494Special Topics (1–4)
CHE 527Advanced Applied Mathematical Analysis in Chemical Engineering (3)
CHE 528Process Optimization Techniques (3)
CHE 556Separation Processes (3)
CHE 563Chemical Engineering Design (3)

Semiconductor Processing. Students who are interested in the development and manufacturing of semiconductor and other electronic devices should select from the following:

Chemistry Elective

CHM 441General Physical Chemistry (3)
CHM 442General Physical Chemistry (3)
CHM 453Inorganic Chemistry (3)
CHM 471Solid-State Chemistry (3)

Technical Electives

CHE 458Semiconductor Material Processing (3)
CHE 494Special Topics (1–4)
ECE 352Properties of Electronic Materials (4)
EEE 435Microelectronics (3)
EEE 436Fundamentals of Solid-State Devices (3)
EEE 439Semiconductor Facilities and Cleanroom Practices (3)
MSE 353Introduction to Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 354Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing I (2)
MSE 453Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing II (2)
MSE 454Advanced Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 472Integrated Circuit Materials Science (3)

Chemical Engineering

Program of Study

Typical Four-Year Sequence

First Year

First Semester

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N3 (4)
Total: 15

Second Semester

CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2* (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2* (1)
Total: 15

Second Year

First Semester

CHE 311Introduction to Chemical Processing (3)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
ECE 394ST: Conservation Principles (4)
ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Total: 16

Second Semester

CHE 331Transport Phenomena I: Fluids (3)
ECE 384Numerical Analysis for Engineers I (2)
ECE 394ST: Properties that Matter (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
HU or SB elective (4)
Total: 17

Third Year

First Semester

CHE 332Transport Phenomena II: Energy Transfer (3)
CHE 342Applied Chemical Thermodynamics (4)
CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 335General Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
HU or SB elective (3)
Total: 17

Second Semester

CHE 333Transport Phenomena III: Mass Transfer (3)
CHE 352Transport Laboratories L2 (3)
CHE 432Principles of Chemical Engineering Design (3)
CHM 332General Organic Chemistry (3)
ECE 385Numerical Analysis for Engineers II (2)
ECE 394ST: Engineering Systems (4)
Total: 18

Fourth Year

First Semester

CHE 442Chemical Reactor Design (3)
CHE 451Chemical Engineering Laboratory (2)
CHE 461Process Control N3 (4)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses (3)
Technical elective (3)
Total: 15

Second Semester

CHE 462Process Design (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses (3)
Technical elective (9)
Total: 15
Total degree requirements: 128
*Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.






Bioengineering (synonyms: biomedical engineering, medical engineering) is the discipline of engineering that applies principles and methods from engineering, the physical sciences, the life sciences, and the medical sciences to understand, define, and solve problems in medicine, physiology, and biology. Bioengineering bridges the engineering, physical, life, and medical sciences. More specifically, the bioengineering program at ASU educates engineering students to use engineering principles and technology to develop instrumentation, materials, diagnostic and therapeutic devices, artificial organs, and other equipment needed in medicine and biology and to discover new fundamental principles regarding the functioning and structure of living systems. The multidisciplinary approach to solving problems in medicine and biology has evolved from exchanges of information between specialists in the concerned areas.

Because a depth of knowledge from at least two diverse disciplines is required in the practice of bioengineering, students desiring a career in bioengineering should plan for advanced study beyond the bachelor’s degree. The Bioengineering major at ASU is especially designed for students desiring graduate study in bioengineering, a career in the medical-device/biotechnology industry, a career in biomedical research, a career in biotechnology research, or entry into a medical college.

Graduate degree programs in Bioengineering are offered at ASU at both the master’s and doctoral levels. For more information concerning these degree programs, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 128 semester hours is necessary for the B.S.E. in Bioengineering degree. A minimum of 50 upper-division semester hours is required.

Graduation Requirements

In addition to fulfilling school and major requirements, majors must satisfy all university graduation requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements.”

Course Requirements

The course work, in semester hours, for the undergraduate degree can be classified into the following categories:

First-Year Composition

ENG 101, 102First-Year Composition (6)
or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)
or ENG 107, 108 English for Foreign Students (6)
Total: 6

General Studies/School Requirements

Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences

ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
SB, HU, and awareness area courses (13)
Total: 16

Literacy and Critical Inquiry

BME 413Biomedical Instrumentation L2 (3)
BME 423Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory L2 (1)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
Total: 7

Natural Sciences/Basic Sciences

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Total: 16


ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
MAT 242Elementary Linear Algebra (2)
or ECE 384 Numerical Analysis for Engineers I (2)
or ECE 386 Partial Differential Equations for Engineers I (2)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Total: 21
General Studies/school requirements total: 60

Engineering Core

ECE 210Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (3)
ECE 301Electrical Networks I (4)
ECE 334Electronic Devices and Instrumentation (4)
ECE 340Thermodynamics (3)
ECE 350Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
Total: 17


BIO 181General Biology S1/S2 (4)
BME 201Introduction to Bioengineering L1 (3)
BME 318Biomaterials (3)
BME 331Biomedical Engineering Transport I: Fluids (3)
BME 334Bioengineering Heat and Mass Transfer (3)
BME 416Biomechanics (3)
BME 417Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design I (3)
BME 435Physiology for Engineers (4)
BME 470Microcomputer Applications in Bioengineering (4)
BME 490Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design II (1–5)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
Technical electives (9)
Minimum total: 45
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

The major BME courses require a grade of “C” or higher to advance in the program and to receive a baccalaureate degree.

Bioengineering Areas of Emphasis

Students interested in a career in bioengineering may elect to emphasize either biochemical, bioelectrical, biomaterials engineering, biomechanical, bionuclear, biosystems, molecular and cellular bioengineering, or premedical engineering.

Biochemical Engineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen the student’s knowledge of chemistry and transport phenomena and is particularly well suited for students interested in biotechnology. Technical electives must include: CHM 331, 332, and 361.

Bioelectrical Engineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen the student’s knowledge of electrical systems, electronics, and signal processing. Students considering a career in bioelectrical phenomena, biocontrol systems, medical instrumentation, noninvasive imaging, neural engineering, and electrophysiology should consider this area of emphasis. Technical electives must include the following:

BME 350Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (3)
or EEE 303 Signals and Systems (3)
BME 419Biocontrol Systems (3)
EEE 302Electrical Networks II (3)
Total: 9

Biomaterials Engineering. This area of emphasis integrates the student’s knowledge of materials science and engineering with biomaterials science and engineering concepts for the design of materials intended to be used for the development of medical and diagnostic devices. It emphasizes structure-property relationships of engineering materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites) and biological materials, biomaterial-host response phenomena, technical and regulatory aspects of biomaterials testing and evaluation. Students interested in careers in the biomaterials, medical device, or biotechnology industries should consider this area of emphasis. Technical electives must include the following:

MSE 353Introduction to Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 355Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (3)
MSE 470Polymers and Composites (3)
or MSE 471 Introduction to Ceramics (3)
Total: 9

Biomechanical Engineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen the student’s knowledge of mechanics and control theory. Students interested in careers related to biomechanical design, orthotic/prosthetic devices, rehabilitation engineering, and orthopedic implants should consider this area of emphasis. It also provides the fundamentals for the study of neuromuscular control and the study of human motion. The following course is a required selection in the engineering school requirements:

ECE 384Numerical Analysis for Engineers I (2)
or MAT 242 Elementary Linear Algebra (2)

Technical electives must include the following:

BME 419Biocontrol Systems (3)
or BME 350 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (3)
or EEE 303 Signals and Systems (3)
ECE 312Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics (3)
ECE 313Introduction to Deformable Solids (3)
Total: 9

Biomedical Imaging Engineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen the student’s knowledge of radiation interactions, health physics, medical diagnostic imaging (MRI, PET, X-ray, CT), radiation protection, and nuclear instrumentation. Students considering careers in medical engineering or health physics should consider this area of emphasis. Technical electives include the following:

PHY 361Introductory Modern Physics (3)
Department-approved electives (6)
Total: 9

Biosystems Engineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen the background of students interested in physiological systems modeling and analysis and design and evaluation of artificial organs and medical devices. Analyzing physiological systems and designing artificial organs requires knowledge in integrating electrical, mechanical, transport, and thermofluid systems. Students considering careers in medical device industries, clinical engineering, or artificial organs should consider this area of emphasis. Technical electives must include the following:

BME 411Biomedical Engineering I (3)
or BME 412 Biomedical Engineering II (3)
BME 415Biomedical Transport Processes (3)
BME 419Biocontrol Systems (3)
or BME 350 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (3)
Total: 9

Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering. This emphasis is designed to strengthen and integrate the student’s knowledge of molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and biomaterials science and engineering for the design of biomolecular and cellular-based hybrid medical and diagnostic devices. It is particularly suited for students interested in pursuing graduate studies in molecular and cellular bioengineering and health-related biotechnology. Technical electives must include the following:

BIO 353Cell Biology (3)
CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 361Principles of Biochemistry (3)
Total: 9

Premedical Engineering. This emphasis is designed to meet the needs of students desiring entry into a medical, dental, or veterinary school. The course sequence provides an excellent background for advanced study leading to a career in research in the medical or life sciences. Technical electives must include the following:

CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 332General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 335General Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
CHM 336General Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
Total: 8

To fulfill medical school admission requirements, BIO 182 General Biology is also required in addition to the degree requirements.

Bioengineering Program of Study

Typical Four-Year Sequence

First Year

First Semester

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
Total: 15

Second Semester

CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
Total: 15

Second Year

First Semester

BIO 181General Biology S1/S2 (4)
BME 201Introduction to Bioengineering L1 (3)
ECE 210Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (3)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Total: 18

Second Semester

ECE 301Electrical Networks I (4)
ECE 350Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses3 (6)
Total: 16

Third Year

First Semester

BME 331Biomedical Engineering Transport I: Fluids (3)
BME 435Physiology for Engineers (4)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
ECE 340Thermodynamics (3)
ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
MAT 242Elementary Linear Algebra (2)
or ECE 384 Numerical Analysis for Engineers I (2)
or ECE 386 Partial Differential Equations for Engineers (2)
Total: 18

Second Semester

BME 318Biomaterials (3)
BME 334Bioengineering Heat and Mass Transfer (3)
ECE 334Electronic Devices and Instrumentation (4)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses3 (4)
Total: 17

Fourth Year

First Semester

BME 413Biomedical Instrumentation L2 (3)
BME 416Biomechanics (3)
BME 417Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design I (3)
BME 423Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory L2 (1)
HU, SB, and awareness area course3 (3)
Technical electives (3)
Total: 16

Second Semester

BME 470Microcomputer Applications in Bioengineering (4)
BME 490Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design II (3)
Technical electives (6)
Total: 13
Total degree requirements: 128
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Engineering students may not use aerospace studies (AES) or military science (MIS) courses to fulfill HU and SB requirements. See the School of Engineering, “Selected nonengineering topics.”

Materials Science and Engineering—B.S.E.





Materials science and engineering is concerned with the study of fundamental relationships between the structure and processing of materials and their properties. The program develops a knowledge of materials that allows graduates to decide how to optimize design of engineering components with existing materials or how to develop new advanced materials and processing techniques.

All major industries and many research laboratories are involved with the selection, utilization, and development of materials used for designing and producing engineering systems. Students who major in materials science and engineering will find employment opportunities in a variety of industries and research facilities which include aerospace, automotive, electronics, energy conversion, manufacturing, medical devices, and semiconductors.

The responsibilities of a materials engineer include research and development of materials to meet new demands of advancing technologies, to select the best material for a specific application, and to devise novel processing methods to improve the performance or cost of a material in an engineering component.

In essence, a materials engineer uses the fundamental principles of chemistry and physics for the benefit of mankind in areas such as communication, computation, medicine, and transportation.


A minimum of 128 semester hours is necessary for the B.S.E. degree in Materials Science and Engineering. A minimum of 50 upper-division semester hours is required.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling school and major requirements, majors must satisfy all university graduation requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements.”

Course Requirements. The undergraduate curriculum requires that students take a series of interdisciplinary courses of fundamental importance to an understanding of all engineering materials. Following these are additional courses that may be taken as technical electives to develop an area of emphasis. The courses for the undergraduate degree can be classified into the following categories (in semester hours):

First-Year Composition

ENG 101, 102First-Year Composition (6)
or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)
or ENG 107, 108 English for Foreign Students (6)
Total: 6

General Studies/School Requirements

Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences

ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses (13)
Total: 16

Literacy and Critical Inquiry

ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
ECE 400Engineering Communications L2 (3)
Total: 6

Natural Sciences/Basic Sciences

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory S1/S21 (1)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Total: 16


ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
MAT 242Elementary Linear Algebra (2)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Total: 21
General Studies/school requirements total: 59

Engineering Core

ECE 210Engineering Mechanics: Statics (3)
ECE 301Electrical Networks I (4)
ECE 313Introduction to Deformable Solids (3)
ECE 350Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
MSE 430Thermodynamics of Materials (3)
Total: 16


ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
MSE 353Introduction to Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 354Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing I (2)
MSE 355Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (3)
MSE 420Physical Metallurgy (3)
MSE 421Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (1)
MSE 430Thermodynamics of Materials (3)
MSE 440Mechanical Properties of Solids (3)
MSE 450X-ray and Electron Diffraction (3)
MSE 470Polymers and Composites (3)
MSE 471Introduction to Ceramics (3)
MSE 482Materials Engineering Design (3)
MSE 490Capstone Design Project (3)
Select two of the following four courses3 (6)
CHM 325 Analytical Chemistry (3)
CHM 331 General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 341 Elementary Physical Chemistry (3)
PHY 361 Introductory Modern Physics (3)
Technical electives4 (8)
Total: 50
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3In order to take CHM 341 Elementary Physical Chemistry, CHM 331 Organic Chemistry must be taken as the prerequisite.
4Three of the eight hours must be a non-MSE upper-division engineering elective course.

Materials Science and Engineering Areas of Emphasis

Technical electives may be selected from one or more of the following areas. A student may, with prior approval of the department, select a general area or a set of courses that would support a career objective not covered by the following categories.

Biomaterials. Students interested in the materials used in the body and other living systems to improve or replace body components should choose from the following technical electives:

BME 318Biomaterials (3)
BME 411Biomedical Engineering I (3)
BME 412Biomedical Engineering II (3)
BME 413Biomedical Instrumentation (3)
BME 416Biomechanics (3)

Ceramic Materials. Students who want to develop an understanding of the chemistry and processing that control the structure and properties of ceramics and their application should select from these technical electives:

CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 332General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 471Solid-State Chemistry (3)
EEE 435Microelectronics (3)
EEE 436Fundamentals of Solid-State Devices (3)
EEE 439Semiconductor Facilities and Cleanroom Practices (3)
MSE 453Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing II (2)
MSE 454Advanced Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 472Integrated Circuit Materials Science (3)

Energy Systems. Students interested in the materials used in energy conversion systems such as solar energy or nuclear energy should choose from the following technical electives:

MAE 441Principles of Design (3)
MAE 442Mechanical Systems Design (3)
MSE 431Corrosion and Corrosion Control (3)
MSE 441Analysis of Material Failures (3)

Integrated Circuit Materials. Students interested in the materials used in the semiconductor industry and in how they are processed to achieve the desired properties should choose from the following technical electives:

CHE 458Semiconductor Material Processing (3)
EEE 435Microelectronics (3)
EEE 436Fundamentals of Solid-State Devices (3)
EEE 439Semiconductor Facilities and Cleanroom Practices (3)
MSE 453Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing II (2)
MSE 454Advanced Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 471Introduction to Ceramics (3)

Manufacturing and Materials Processing. Students interested in the manufacturing and processing of materials for a broad base of applications should choose from the following technical electives:

CHE 458Semiconductor Material Processing (3)
MAE 422Mechanics of Materials (4)
MAE 441Principles of Design (3)
MAE 442Mechanical Systems Design (3)
MSE 431Corrosion and Corrosion Control (3)
MSE 441Analysis of Material Failures (3)
MSE 453Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing II (2)
MSE 454Advanced Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 472Integrated Circuit Materials Science (3)

Mechanical Metallurgy. Students interested in the materials used in the semiconductor industry and in how they are processed to achieve the desired properties should choose from the following technical electives:

MAE 415Vibration Analysis (4)
MAE 422Mechanics of Materials (4)
MAE 441Principles of Design (3)
MAE 442Mechanical Systems Design (3)
MSE 431Corrosion and Corrosion Control (3)
MSE 441Analysis of Materials Failures (3)

Metallic Materials Systems. Students interested in building an understanding of the basis for the design and processing of metals and alloys should choose from the following technical electives:

MAE 351Manufacturing Processes (3)
MSE 431Corrosion and Corrosion Control (3)
MSE 441Analysis of Material Failures (3)
MSE 472Integrated Circuit Materials Science (3)

Polymers and Composites. Students who desire to build an understanding of the chemical and processing basis for the properties of polymers and their applications, including composite systems, should select from the following technical electives:

CHM 331General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 332General Organic Chemistry (3)
CHM 471Solid-State Chemistry (3)
MSE 441Analysis of Material Failures (3)
MSE 472Integrated Circuit Materials Science (3)

Materials Science and Engineering

Program of Study

Typical Four-Year Sequence

First Year

First Semester

CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
Total: 15

Second Semester

CHM 116General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 1 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
Total: 15

Second Year

First Semester

ECE 210Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (3)
ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
MAT 242Elementary Linear Algebra (2)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Total: 16

Second Semester

ECE 301Electrical Networks I (4)
ECE 313Introduction to Deformable Solids (3)
ECE 350Structure and Properties of Materials (3)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
Total: 16

Third Year

First Semester

ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
MSE 353Introduction to Materials Processing and Synthesis (3)
MSE 355Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (3)
Advanced science course4 (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses3 (4)
Total: 16

Second Semester

MSE 354Experiments in Materials Synthesis and Processing I (2)
MSE 420Physical Metallurgy (3)
MSE 421Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (1)
MSE 430Thermodynamics of Materials (3)
MSE 450X-ray and Electron Diffraction (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses3 (6)
Total: 18

Fourth Year

First Semester

MSE 440Mechanical Properties of Solids (3)
MSE 470Polymers and Composites (3)
MSE 471Introduction to Ceramics (3)
MSE 482Materials Engineering Design (3)
Technical elective (4)
Total: 16

Second Semester

ECE 400Engineering Communications L2 (3)
MSE 490Capstone Design Project (3)
Advanced science course4 (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area course3 (3)
Technical electives (4)
Total: 16
Degree requirements total: 128
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Engineering students may not use aerospace studies (AES) or military science (MIS) courses to fulfill HU and SB requirements. See the School of Engineering, “Selected nonengineering topics.”
4In order to take CHM 341 Elementary Physical Chemistry, CHM 331 Organic Chemistry must be taken as the prerequisite.

Bioengineering (BME) Courses
Chemical Engineering (CHE) Courses
Mateials Science and Engineering (MSE) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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