Special Class Fees and Deposits
for ASU Main and ASU East

Special Fees
Class Fees Paid in Class or at Location Listed

Refunds of special class fees and deposits are processed automatically if the related course is dropped during the first week of class. After the first week, refunds, if any, are determined by the department offering the course. Refund determination is based on withdrawal date, type of activity, and costs already incurred by the department. For special class fees and deposits at ASU West, see the ASU West 1998–99 Catalog. For more information, see “Fees, Deposits, and Other Charges” and “Refunds.”

Special Fees
AMT 222Instrument Pilot Ground School$100.00
AMT 280Aerospace Structures, Materials, and Systems$10.00
AMT 314Commercial Pilot Ground School$100.00
ART 115Three-Dimensional Design$10.00
ART 201Photography I$25.00
ART 214Life Drawing I$25.00
ART 227Watercolor I$40.00
ART 231Sculpture I$40.00
ART 260Ceramics for Nonmajors$25.00
ART 261Ceramic Survey$25.00
ART 272Jewelry I$25.00
ART 274Wood I$25.00
ART 276Fibers I$25.00
ART 294ST: Fibers for Nonmajors$25.00
ART 294ST: Introduction to Printmaking$30.00
ART 301Photography II$25.00
ART 304Advanced Photography$25.00
ART 305Color Photography I$30.00
ART 314Life Drawing II$25.00
ART 315Life Drawing III$25.00
ART 324Painting III (fall only)$40.00
ART 325Figure Painting$25.00
ART 327Watercolor II$40.00
ART 331Sculpture II$40.00
ART 332Sculpture III$40.00
ART 333Foundry Casting Methods$40.00
ART 351Intaglio I$40.00
ART 352Lithography I$40.00
ART 354Screen Printing I$35.00
ART 355Photo Process for Printmaking I$25.00
ART 360Ceramic Throwing$25.00
ART 364Ceramic Handbuilding I$25.00
ART 365Ceramic Handbuilding II$25.00
ART 372Jewelry II$15.00
ART 373Metalworking I$15.00
ART 374Wood II$25.00
ART 376Fibers: Loom Techniques$25.00
ART 377Surface Design$25.00
ART 394ST: Carving$25.00
ART 394ST: Ceramics$15.00
ART 394ST: Fibers Design for Nonmajors$25.00
ART 394ST: Relief Printmaking$35.00
ART 394ST: Turning$25.00
ART 401Nonsilver Photography$30.00
ART 403Senior Photographic Projects$25.00
ART 404Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 405Advanced Color Photography$35.00
ART 407View Camera$25.00
ART 414Advanced Life Drawing$25.00
ART 415Art Anatomy$20.00
ART 423Advanced Painting (fall only)$40.00
ART 425Advanced Figure Painting$25.00
ART 427Advanced Watercolor$40.00
ART 431Special Problems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 432Neon Sculpture$45.00
ART 436Architectural Sculpture$40.00
ART 437Film Animation$20.00
ART 438Experimental Systems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 444Computer Art I$40.00
ART 446Computer Art II$35.00
ART 448Computer Animation$20.00
ART 451Advanced Intaglio$40.00
ART 452Advanced Lithography$40.00
ART 454Advanced Screen Printing$35.00
ART 455Advanced Photo Processes for Printmaking$30.00
ART 456Fine Printing and Bookmaking I$30.00
ART 457Fine Printing and Bookmaking II$30.00
ART 458Papermaking$20.00
ART 459Monoprinting$20.00
ART 460Ceramic Clay$25.00
ART 463Ceramic Glaze$25.00
ART 466Special Problems in Ceramics$25.00
ART 472Advanced Jewelry$15.00
ART 473Advanced Metalworking$15.00
ART 474Advanced Wood$25.00
ART 476Fibers: Multiple Harness Weaving$25.00
ART 477Printed Textiles$30.00
ART 494ST: Advanced Sculpture$20.00
ART 494ST: Carving$25.00
ART 494ST: Color for Jewelry$15.00
ART 494ST: Computer Animation II$40.00
ART 494ST: Computer Animation III$40.00
ART 494ST: Experimental Paper$25.00
ART 494ST: Fibers and Surface$25.00
ART 494ST: Forging Techniques$15.00
ART 494ST: Foundry$40.00
ART 494ST: Introduction to Printmaking$30.00
ART 494ST: Mold Making and Casting$15.00
ART 494ST: Neon Workshop$40.00
ART 494ST: Photo Design$25.00
ART 494ST: Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 494ST: Print Textiles$25.00
ART 494ST: Relief Printmaking$35.00
ART 494ST: Turning$25.00
ART 494ST: Vapor Glazes$15.00
ART 494ST: View Camera$35.00
ART 494ST: Watercolor$40.00
ART 494ST: Wood Carving$30.00
ART 498PS: Landscape Photography: Theory$25.00
ART 551Intaglio Projects$40.00
ART 594Carving$25.00
ART 594Turning$25.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Color Photography$35.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Photo Processes for Printmaking$30.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Screen Printing$35.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Sculpture$20.00
ART 598ST: Architectural Sculpture$40.00
ART 598ST: Art Anatomy$20.00
ART 598ST: Ceramic Clay$25.00
ART 598ST: Ceramic Glaze$25.00
ART 598ST: Experimental Paper$25.00
ART 598ST: Experimental Systems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 598ST: Fibers and Surface$25.00
ART 598ST: Figure Painting$25.00
ART 598ST: Fine Printing and Bookmaking I$30.00
ART 598ST: Fine Printing and Bookmaking II$30.00
ART 598ST: Forging Techniques$15.00
ART 598ST: Foundry$40.00
ART 598ST: Introduction to Printmaking$30.00
ART 598ST: Jewelry Metalworking$15.00
ART 598ST: Life Drawing$25.00
ART 598ST: Lithography$40.00
ART 598ST: Mold Making and Casting$15.00
ART 598ST: Monoprinting$20.00
ART 598ST: Neon Sculpture$45.00
ART 598ST: Neon Workshop$40.00
ART 598ST: Nonsilver Photography$30.00
ART 598ST: Papermaking$20.00
ART 598ST: Photo Processes for Printmaking I$25.00
ART 598ST: Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 598ST: Printed Textiles$30.00
ART 598ST: Relief Printmaking$35.00
ART 598ST: Screen Printing$35.00
ART 598ST: Special Problems in Ceramics$25.00
ART 598ST: Special Problems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 598ST: View Camera$35.00
ART 598ST: Watercolor$40.00
ART 598ST: Wood$25.00
ART 598ST: Wood Carving$30.00
ART 621Studio Problems: Ceramics$25.00
ART 621Studio Problems: Metals$15.00
ART 621Studio Problems: Printmaking$25.00
BIO 181General Biology$10.00
BIO 301Field Natural History$25.00
BIO 370Vertebrate Zoology$25.00
BIO 502Transmission Electron Microscopy$20.00
BIO 505Scanning Electron Microscopy$20.00
BLE 401Teaching Science and Social Studies to Children$5.00
BLE 496Field Experience$10.00
BUS 502Managerial Communication8.00
CHI 101Elementary Chinese$15.00
CHI 102Elementary Chinese$15.00
CHI 107Chinese for International Professions I$15.00
CHM 101Introductory Chemistry1$15.00
CHM 107Chemistry and Society1$15.00
CHM 113General Chemistry1$15.00
CHM 114General Chemistry for Engineers1$15.00
CHM 115General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis1$15.00
CHM 116General Chemistry1$15.00
CHM 117General Chemistry for Majors I1$15.00
CHM 118General Chemistry for Majors II1$15.00
CHM 235Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 319Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors I1$15.00
CHM 320Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors II1$15.00
CHM 326Analytical Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 335General Organic Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 336General Organic Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 343Physical Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 367Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 422Instrumental Analysis Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 424Separation Science1$15.00
CHM 431Qualitative Organic Analysis1$15.00
CHM 444General Physical Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 452Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 464Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 467General Biochemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 480Methods of Teaching Chemistry1$15.00
CHM 593Applied Project: Glass Blowing1$25.00
CLS 310Principles of Clinical Chemistry I$25.00
CLS 320Principles of Clinical Microbiology I$25.00
COM 484Communication Internship$20.00
COM 584Communication Internship$20.00
DCI 396Field Experience I$10.00
DCI 397Field Experience II$10.00
ECD 496Field Experience$10.00
EDP 560Individual Intellectual Assessment$12.50
EED 320Teaching Science to Children$5.00
EED 401Teaching Science and Social Studies to Children$5.00
EED 478Student Teaching in the Elementary School$25.00
EED 496Field Experience$10.00
EED 578Student Teaching in the Elementary School$25.00
EED 598ST: Using Math Manipulatives/Elementary Schools$5.00
EED 598ST: Using Math Manipulatives/Middle Schools$5.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Archery)$15.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Bowling)$25.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Fencing)$45.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Golf)$45.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Quest Boxing)$30.00
EPE 105Physical Education Activity (Rock Climbing)$35.00
EPE 110Movement Analysis Laboratory (Golf)$45.00
EPE 110Movement Analysis Laboratory (Fencing)$45.00
EPE 205Physical Education Activity (Archery)$15.00
EPE 205Physical Education Activity (Bowling)$25.00
EPE 205Physical Education Activity (Golf)$45.00
EPE 305Physical Education Activity (Golf)$45.00
EPE 335Biomechanics$15.00
EPE 340Physiology of Exercise$15.00
EPE 345Motor and Developmental Learning$15.00
EPE 370Advanced First Aid$8.00
EPE 505Applied Exercise Physiology Techniques$15.00
FON 142Applied Food Principles$35.00
FON 341Introduction to Planning Therapeutic Diets$15.00
FON 442Experimental Foods$15.00
FON 445Quantity Food Production$15.00
FON 446Human Nutrition Assessment Lecture/Laboratory$25.00
FON 545Recent Developments in Institutional Feeding$15.00
FON 598Research Methods in Nutrition$15.00
FRE 101Elementary French$15.00
FRE 102Elementary French$15.00
FRE 107French for International Professions I$15.00
FRE 111Fundamentals of French$15.00
FRE 201Intermediate French I$15.00
FRE 202Intermediate French II$15.00
FRE 207French for International Professions II$15.00
GER 101Elementary German$15.00
GER 102Elementary German$15.00
GER 111Fundamentals of German$15.00
GER 201Intermediate German$15.00
GER 202Intermediate German$15.00
GLG 102Introduction to Geology II (Historical)$20.00
GLG 103Introduction to Geology I—Laboratory$5.00
GLG 294Geology of the Planets$10.00
GLG 305Geology of the Earth, Moon, and Planets$10.00
GLG 310Structural Geology$5.00
GLG 336Invertebrate Paleontology$10.00
GLG 405Geology of the Moon$10.00
GLG 406Geology of Mars$10.00
GLG 420Volcanology$35.00
GLG 424Petrology$5.00
GLG 435Sedimentology$15.00
GLG 436Principles of Stratigraphy$20.00
GLG 441Ore Deposits$20.00
GLG 455Advanced Field Geology$35.00
GLG 456Cordilleran Regional Geology$10.00
GLG 490Clastic Sedimentology and Petrology$20.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Moon$10.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Pyroclastic Rocks$25.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Remote Sensing$10.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Volcano$25.00
GLG 510Advanced Structural Geology$10.00
GLG 520Advanced Physical Volcanology$35.00
GLG 524Advanced Igneous Petrology$20.00
GLG 525Advanced Metamorphic Petrology$5.00
GLG 591Volcanology$35.00
GLG 598ST: Advanced Field Geology$35.00
GLG 598ST: Clastic Sedimentology and Petrology$20.00
GLG 598ST: Cordilleran Regional Geology$10.00
GLG 598ST: Geology of Mars$10.00
GLG 598ST: Ore Deposits$20.00
GLG 598ST: Petrology-Petrography$5.00
GLG 598ST: Principles of Stratigraphy$20.00
GLG 598ST: Sedimentology$15.00
GLG 598ST: Volcanology$35.00
GPH 111Introduction to Physical Geography$8.00
GPH 211Landform Processes$15.00
GPH 418Landforms of the Western United States$20.00
GPH 491Geographic Field Methods$20.00
HEB 101Elementary Modern Hebrew$15.00
HEB 102Elementary Modern Hebrew$15.00
HEB 201Intermediate Modern Hebrew$15.00
HEB 202Intermediate Modern Hebrew$15.00
HES 394ST: Step Aerobics$20.00
IDN 101Elementary Indonesian I$15.00
IDN 102Elementary Indonesian II$15.00
IDN 201Intermediate Indonesian I$15.00
IDN 202Intermediate Indonesian II$15.00
IEE 591Seminar: Manufacturing Strategy$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: Effects of Economics/New Products Market$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: Strategic Product Development$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: New Product Strategic$50.00
ITA 101Elementary Italian$15.00
ITA 102Elementary Italian$15.00
ITA 201Intermediate Italian$15.00
ITA 202Intermediate Italian$15.00
JPN 101Elementary Japanese$15.00
JPN 102Elementary Japanese$15.00
JPN 107Japanese for International Professions I$15.00
JPN 201Intermediate Japanese$15.00
JPN 202Intermediate Japanese$15.00
JPN 207Japanese for International Professions II$15.00
JUS 484Internship$20.00
JUS 584Internship$20.00
MIC 206Microbiology Laboratory$25.00
MIC 302Advanced Bacteriology Laboratory$25.00
MIC 421Experimental Immunology$20.00
MIC 470Bacterial Diversity and Systematics$25.00
MUP 111Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 121Studio Instruction$40.00
MUP 127Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 311Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 321Studio Instruction$40.00
MUP 327Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 511Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 521Studio Instruction$40.00
MUP 527Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 727Studio Instruction$60.00
NOR 101Elementary Norwegian$15.00
NOR 102Elementary Norwegian$15.00
NOR 201Intermediate Norwegian$15.00
NOR 202Intermediate Norwegian$15.00
NUR 211Nurse-Client Relationships$15.00
NUR 214Health Assessment in Nursing Practice$15.00
NUR 217Basic Clinical Skills$15.00
NUR 314Health Assessment for Registered Nurses$15.00
NUR 330Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Adults$15.00
NUR 427Community Health Nursing$9.00
NUR 428Management of Client in Health Care Settings$30.00
NUR 429Community Health Nursing: Clinical$15.00
NUR 430Home Health Care$15.00
NUR 560Advanced Health Assessment (spring 1998)$45.00
NUR 580Adult Health Nursing Assessment/Promotion Practicum (fall 1998)$45.00
PLB 108Concepts in Plant Biology$10.00
PLB 260Plants in Cities: Introduction to Urban Horticulture$20.00
PLB 300Comparative Plant Diversity$15.00
PLB 308Plant Physiology$30.00
PLB 310The Flora of Arizona$20.00
PLB 362Landscape Plants I$10.00
PLB 370Landscape Practices (spring 1998)$25.00
POR 101Elementary Portuguese$15.00
POR 201Intermediate Portuguese$15.00
REC 463Senior Internship$20.00
REC 494ST: Tourism and Public Lands$15.00
RUS 101Elementary Russian$15.00
RUS 102Elementary Russian$15.00
RUS 201Intermediate Russian$15.00
RUS 202Intermediate Russian$15.00
RUS 211Basic Russian Conversation$15.00
RUS 212Basic Russian Conversation$15.00
SED 478Student Teaching in Secondary Schools$25.00
SED 496Field Experience$10.00
SED 578Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools$25.00
SED 598ST: Using Math Manipulatives/Middle Schools$5.00
SPA 101Elementary Spanish$15.00
SPA 102Elementary Spanish$15.00
SPA 107Spanish for International Professions I$15.00
SPA 111Fundamentals of Spanish$15.00
SPA 201Intermediate Spanish$15.00
SPA 202Intermediate Spanish$15.00
SPA 207Spanish for International Professions II$15.00
SPE 478Student Teaching in Special Education$25.00
SPE 496Field Experience$10.00
SPE 498PS: Field Experience$10.00
SWE 101Elementary Swedish$15.00
SWE 102Elementary Swedish$15.00
SWE 201Intermediate Swedish$15.00
SWE 202Intermediate Swedish$15.00
THA 101Elementary Thai I$15.00
THA 102Elementary Thai II$15.00
THA 201Intermediate Thai I$15.00
THA 202Intermediate Thai II$15.00
THP 113Techniques of Theatrical Makeup$5.00
THP 213Introduction to Technical Theatre$40.00
THP 312Puppetry with Children$10.00
THP 340Scene Design$5.00
THP 345Lighting Design$15.00
THP 440Advanced Scene Design$5.00
THP 441Scene Painting$20.00
THP 444Drafting for the Stage$5.00
THP 445Advanced Lighting Design$5.00
THP 506Scenography$5.00
THP 512Puppetry Workshop$10.00
UET 415Electronic Manufacturing Engineering Principles$10.00
WST 294Women and Social Action$20.00

ADE 321Architectural Studio I$25.00
ADE 322Architectural Studio II$25.00
ADE 421Architectural Studio III$25.00
ADE 422Architectural Studio IV$25.00
ADE 510Foundation Architectural Studio$25.00
ADE 511Core Architectural Studio I$25.00
ADE 512Core Architectural Studio II$25.00
ADE 521Advanced Architectural Studio I$25.00
ADE 522Advanced Architectural Studio II$25.00
ADE 621Advanced Architectural Studio III$25.00
ADE 622Advanced Architectural Studio IV$25.00
CHM 101Introductory Chemistry2$10.00
CHM 107Chemistry and Society2$10.00
CHM 113General Chemistry2$10.00
CHM 114General Chemistry for Engineers2$10.00
CHM 115General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis2$10.00
CHM 116General Chemistry2$10.00
CHM 117General Chemistry for Majors I2$20.00
CHM 118General Chemistry for Majors II2$20.00
CHM 235Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 319Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors I2$20.00
CHM 320Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors II2$20.00
CHM 326Analytical Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 335General Organic Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 336General Organic Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 343Physical Chemistry Laboratory2$25.00
CHM 367Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 422Instrumental Analysis Laboratory2$25.00
CHM 424Separation Science2$25.00
CHM 431Qualitative Organic Analysis2$20.00
CHM 444General Physical Chemistry Laboratory2$25.00
CHM 452Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 464Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory$20.00
CHM 467General Biochemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 525Spectrochemical Methods of Analysis2$25.00
CHM 526X-ray Methods of Analysis2$25.00
CHM 527Electrical Methods of Chemical Analysis2$25.00
DSC 593Applied Projects$25.00
DSC 599Thesis$25.00
IND 360Industrial Design III$25.00
IND 361Industrial Design IV$25.00
IND 460Design Project I$25.00
IND 461Design Project II$25.00
INT 364Interior Design Studio I$25.00
INT 365Interior Design Studio II$25.00
INT 464Interior Design Studio III$25.00
INT 465Interior Design Studio IV$25.00
INT 466Interior Design Studio V$25.00
INT 467Interior Design Studio VI$25.00
PLA 361Landscape Architecture III$25.00
PLA 362Landscape Architecture IV$25.00
PLA 461Landscape Architecture V$25.00
PLA 462Landscape Architecture VI$25.00
PUP 361Urban Planning III$25.00
PUP 362Urban Planning IV$25.00
PUP 461Urban Planning V$25.00
PUP 462Urban Planning VI$25.00
PUP 572Planning Studio I: Data Inventory and Analysis$25.00
PUP 574Planning Studio II: Options and Implementation$25.00

Class Fees Paid in Class or at Location Listed
AET 300Aircraft Design I$0–$40.00
AMT 100Flight Safety I3
AMT 200Flight Safety II3
AMT 300Flight Safety III3
AMT 387Multiengine Pilot Ground School$17.00/hr
EPE 105Physical Education Activity: Scuba$35.00
EPE 305Physical Education Activity: Advanced Scuba$35.00

1Chemistry classes may also carry a deposit. See “Deposits.”
2Chemistry classes may also carry a nonrefundable special class fee. See “Special Fees.”
3Fees are variable and paid directly to contractor for rental of aircraft.

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