Department of Communication

Jess K. Alberts
(STAUF A412) 602/965–5095






The Department of Communication exists to advance the understanding of message-related human behavior for the purpose of improving communicative interactions. Teaching, research, and service are directed to the continued development of knowledge and application of principles of communication. Courses of study are designed to provide students with relevant programs adapted to individual academic and professional goals.


A minimum GPA of 2.50 is required for enrollment in all upper-division courses and COM 207. A minimum GPA of 2.25 is required for enrollment in COM 110, 241, 250, and 263.

Communication Major Requirements. Undergraduate students may be admitted to major status after meeting all of the following requirements:

  1. College of Public Programs major status admission requirements (see “Major Status Admission Requirements”); and
  2. completion of 12 semester hours of Department of Communication core course requirements (COM 100, 207, 225, 308) with a minimum grade of “C” in each.


B.A. and B.S. Degrees

The B.A. Option 1 degree requires a minimum of 50 semester hours. The B.A. Option 2 and B.S. degrees require a minimum of 51 semester hours each. The minimum hours include 12 semester hours of departmental core courses plus 38 (or 39) semester hours of required and optional courses. Of the minimum required hours for each degree, at least 21 semester hours must be 300- or 400-level courses.

Of the required and optional 38 (or 39) semester hours, 15 semester hours must consist of two pairs from the following list of five sets of courses and one additional introductory course from a third set.

COM 110Elements of Interpersonal Communication SB (3)
or COM 310 Relational Communication (3) and COM 410 Interpersonal Communication Theory and Research SB (3)
COM 241Introduction to Oral Interpretation L1/HU (3)
and COM 441 Performance Studies HU (3)
COM 250Introduction to Organizational Communication SB (3)
and COM 450 Theory and Research in Organizational Communication SB (3)
COM 263Elements of Intercultural Communication SB, C, G (3)
and COM 463 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research SB, G (3)
COM 321Rhetorical Theory and Research L2/HU, H (3)
and COM 421 Rhetoric of Social Issues HU (3)

Of the minimum 38 (or 39) semester hours, another 15 semester hours must be communication electives, only three hours of which may be 100- or 200-level courses. A minimum grade of “C” is required in each course except for a maximum of six semester hours of “Y” credit available to qualified students in COM 281, 382, and/or 484.

Of the minimum 38 (or 39) semester hours, for students seeking the B.A. degree either intermediate competency (typically eight semester hours) in a foreign language or COM 407 and six semester hours of upper-division related courses are required. For students seeking the B.S. degree, COM 408, three semester hours of General Studies N2 (statistics), and three semester hours of General Studies SB courses beyond the College of Public Programs’ requirement are required.

To assure the breadth and depth of their education, all Communication undergraduates must complete the university General Studies requirements prescribed by the College of Public Programs and the Department of Communication. For descriptive information on these requirements, refer to “General Studies” and “University Graduation Requirements.” Students in the College of Public Programs are required to take an advanced composition course (which will meet the General Studies L1 requirement), and additional courses in the humanities and fine arts, and social and behavioral sciences. Although many Communication courses meet the university General Studies requirements for L1, humanities and fine arts, and the social and behavioral sciences, students must take an advanced composition course from the list provided by the College of Public Programs for their L1; a total of nine hours of humanities and a total of 15 hours of social and behavioral sciences from disciplines other than Communication.

Students should consult their advisors for current information concerning College of Public Programs and Department of Communication lists of courses applicable to General Studies requirement and for information concerning differences in requirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees.


Communication. An academic specialization in communication is offered to students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree with a major in Secondary Education. As the major teaching field, the academic specialization in communication consists of a minimum of 40 semester hours in communication (including COM 480 Methods of Teaching Communication). Students must complete all courses required by the university and the College of Public Programs. Students must complete the following Department of Communication core courses:

COM 100Introduction to Human Communication SB (3)
COM 207Introduction to Communication Inquiry (3)
COM 225Public Speaking L1 (3)
COM 281Communication Activities (1–3)
COM 308Empirical Research Methods in Communication L2 (3)
COM 480Methods of Teaching Communication (3)
Two pairs of the five pairs of courses plus one additional introductory course from a third set listed under “B.A. and B.S. Degrees” (15)
Minimum total: 31

Students must also take three of the following courses:

COM 222Argumentation L1 (3)
COM 230Small Group Communication SB (3)
COM 312Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation (3)
COM 319Persuasion and Social Influence (3)
COM 325Advanced Public Speaking L1 (3)

Students should consult the College of Education to ascertain the General Studies requirement for this degree.

As the minor teaching field, the academic specialization in communication consists of a minimum of 28 semester hours in communication. Students must take the following courses:

COM 100Introduction to Human Communication SB (3)
COM 225Public Speaking L1 (3)
COM 281Communication Activities (1–3)
COM 480Methods of Teaching Communication (3)
Minimum total: 10

Students must also take two of the following courses:

COM 110Elements of Interpersonal Communication SB (3)
or COM 310 Relational Communication (3)
COM 241Introduction to Oral Interpretation L1/HU (3)
COM 263Elements of Intercultural Communication SB, C, G (3)
COM 321Rhetorical Theory and Research L2/HU, H (3)

Students must also take three of the following courses:

COM 222Argumentation L1 (3)
COM 230Small Group Communication SB (3)
COM 312Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation (3)
COM 319Persuasion and Social Influence (3)
COM 325Advanced Public Speaking L1 (3)

In addition, COM 207 Introduction to Communication Inquiry may be taken, since it is a prerequisite for many COM courses.

Communication Internships

Internships consist of supervised field experiences and are available to upper-level undergraduate students with major status and a GPA higher than 2.50 (COM 484) and to graduate students (COM 584). An application for internship must be completed in the semester before the intended term for an internship. Contact the department for specific deadline dates. Internships must receive prior approval from the departmental coordinator of Internship Programs before student registration for the course. Internships may be taken once or repeated for credit up to a total of 12 semester hours, but not more than six semester hours may be applied toward the major.


The minor in Communication consists of required courses COM 100 plus COM 225 or 259, and nine additional semester hours, at least six of which must be upper-division. Nine of the total 15 semester hours must be ASU Main resident credits. No pass/fail, “Y” credit, or credit/no-credit courses will be allowed. Communication courses which are required for one’s major may not also count for the minor. All prerequisite and GPA requirements must be met. The “C” minimum requirement must be met for each class.


In addition to offering a Master of Arts degree program, the Department of Communication also administers the interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy degree program in Communication. Consult the Graduate Catalog for the requirements and areas of concentration.

Communication (COM) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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