Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Stephen S. Yau
(GWC 206) 602/965–3190





Computers have a significant impact on our daily lives, and this impact is likely to be even greater in the future as computer professionals continue to develop more powerful, smaller, faster, and less expensive computing systems. Computer science and computer engineering deal with the study, design, development, construction, and application of modern computing machinery. Other important topics include computing techniques and appropriate languages for general information processing, for scientific computation, for the recognition, storage, retrieval, and processing of data of all kinds, and for the automatic control and simulation of processes.

The curricula offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering prepare the student to be a participant in this rapidly changing area of technology by presenting in-depth treatments of the fundamentals of computer science and computer engineering. The department offers two undergraduate degrees: a B.S. degree in Computer Science and a B.S.E. degree in Computer Systems Engineering.


A minimum of 128 semester hours is required for the B.S. degree in Computer Science and the B.S.E. degree in Computer Systems Engineering. A minimum of 50 upper-division semester hours is required. In addition to the requirement for a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher, all computer science and computer systems engineering students must obtain a minimum grade of “C” in all CSE courses used for degree credit.


In addition to fulfilling school and major requirements, majors must satisfy all university graduation requirements. See “University Graduation Requirements.”


Computer Science—B.S.

The faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering offer a B.S. degree that prepares the student for a career in computer science. A student pursuing a B.S. degree must complete the First-Year Composition requirement, the General Studies requirement, department degree requirements, the computer science core courses, a senior-level breadth requirement in the major, technical electives, and unrestricted electives. More detail on these requirements is available at the department office, on the department Web site, or e-mail questions to

The following list specifies departmental requirements for the B.S. degree in Computer Science.

First-Year Composition

ENG 101, 102First-Year Composition (6)
or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)
or ENG 107, 108 English for Foreign Students (6)
Total: 6

General Studies/Department Requirements

Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences

HU/SB electives (18)

Literacy and Critical Inquiry

L1/L2 electives (6)

Natural Sciences/Basic Sciences

PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Science elective3 (4)
Total: 12


ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
MAT 243Discrete Mathematical Structures (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
MAT 342Linear Algebra (3)
Total: 21
General Studies/department requirement total: 57

In addition, the following courses constitute the Computer Science core:

Computer Science Core

CSE 120Digital Design Fundamentals (3)
CSE 200Concepts of Computer Science N3 (3)
CSE 210Data Structures and Algorithms I N3 (3)
CSE 225Assembly Language Proramming and Microprocessors (Motorola) N3 (4)
or CSE 226 Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Intel) N3 (4)
CSE 240Introduction to Programming Languages (3)
CSE 310Data Structures and Algorithms II (3)
CSE 330Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
CSE 340Principles of Programming Languages (3)
CSE 355Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3)
CSE 360Introduction to Software Engineering (3)
CSE 430Operating Systems (3)
Total computer science core: 34
Computer science breadth requirement: 18
Each student must complete 18 hours of CSE 400-level courses.
Technical electives: 6
Each student must complete six hours of courses chosen from the computer science technical elective list and approved by the student’s advisor.
Unrestricted electives: 7
Total: 31
Degree requirements total: 128
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3This elective may be satisfied by any physics courses requiring PHY 131 as a prerequisite or any laboratory science for majors in the discipline and satisfying the S1 or S2 General Studies requirements (except PHS 110, PHY 101, 105, 111, or 112).

Computer Science Program of Study

Typical Four-Year Sequence

First Year

First Semester

CSE 200Concepts of Computer Science N3 (3)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
Total: 13

Second Semester

CSE 120Digital Design Fundamentals (3)
CSE 210Data Structures and Algorithms I N3 (3)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
Laboratory science S22 (4)
Total: 17

Second Year

First Semester

CSE 240Introduction to Programming Languages (3)
MAT 243Discrete Mathematical Structures (3)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)
HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
Total: 17

Second Semester

CSE 225Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Motorola) (4)
CSE 310Data Structures and Algorithms II (3)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S23 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S23 (1)
HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
L1 elective (3)
Total: 17

Third Year

First Semester

CSE 330Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
CSE 340Principles of Programming Languages (3)
MAT 342Linear Algebra (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
Unrestricted elective (4)
Total: 16

Second Semester

CSE 355Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3)
CSE 360Introduction to Software Engineering (3)
CSE 430Operating Systems (3)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
Unrestricted elective (3)
Total: 18

Fourth Year

First Semester

400-level CSE computer science breadth electives (9)
L2 elective (3)
Technical elective (3)
     Total: 15

Second Semester

HU, SB, and awareness area course1 (3)
400-level CSE computer science breadth electives (9)
Technical elective (3)
     Total: 15
1Engineering students may not use aerospace studies (AES) or military science (MIS) courses to fulfill HU and SB requirements. See the School of Engineering, “Selected nonengineering topics.”
2This elective may be satisfied by any physics courses requiring PHY 131 as a prerequisite or any laboratory science for majors in the discipline and satisfying the S1 or S2 General Studies requirements (except PHS 110, PHY 101, 105, 111, or 112).
3Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Computer Systems Engineering—B.S.E.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers a B.S.E. degree that prepares the student for a career in computer systems engineering. This degree program provides training in both engineering and computer science. The following list specifies departmental requirements for the B.S.E. degree in Computer Systems Engineering.

First-Year Composition

ENG 101, 102First-Year Composition (6)
or ENG 105 Advanced First-Year Composition (3)
or ENG 107, 108 English for Foreign Students (6)
Total: 6

General Studies/Department Requirements

Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences

ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
or ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles SB (3)
HU/SB electives (13)
Total: 16

Literacy and Critical Inquiry

CSE 423Microcomputer System Hardware L2 (3)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
Total: 6

Natural Sciences/Basic Sciences

CHM 114General Chemistry for Engineers S1/S2 (4)
or CHM 116 General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
PHY 361Introductory Modern Physics (3)
Total: 15


ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
MAT 243Discrete Mathematical Structures (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
MAT 342Linear Algebra (3)
Total: 28
General Studies/department requirement total: 65

Engineering Core

CSE 200Concepts of ComputerScience N3 (3)
CSE 225Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Motorola) (4)
ECE 210Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (3)
ECE 301Electrical Networks (4)
ECE 334Electronic Devices and Instrumentation (4)
Total: 18

Computer Science Core

CSE 120Digital Design Fundamentals (3)
CSE 210Data Structures and Algorithms I N3 (3)
CSE 240Introduction to Programming Languages (3)
CSE 310Data Structures and Algorithms II (3)
CSE 330Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
CSE 340Principles of Programming Languages (3)
CSE 355Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3)
CSE 360Introduction to Software Engineering (3)
CSE 421Microprocessor System Design I (4)
CSE 422Microprocessor System Design II (4)
CSE 430Operating Systems (3)
Technical electives (4)
Each student must complete four hours of courses chosen from the computer science technical elective list and approved by the student’s advisor.
Total: 39
Degree requirement total: 128
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Computer Systems Engineering

Program of Study

Typical Four-Year Sequence

First Year

First Semester

CSE 200Concepts of Computer Science N3 (3)
ECE 100Introduction to Engineering Design N3 (4)
ECN 111Macroeconomic Principles SB (3)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 270Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
Total: 17

Second Semester

CHM 114General Chemistry for Engineers S1/S2 (4)
CSE 120Digital Design Fundamentals (3)
CSE 210Data Structures and Algorithms I N3 (3)
ENG 102First-Year Composition (3)
MAT 271Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
Total: 17

Second Year

First Semester

CSE 225Assembly Language Programming and Microprocessors (Motorola) (4)
MAT 243Discrete Mathematical Structures (3)
MAT 272Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
PHY 121University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S21 (3)
PHY 122University Physics Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
Total: 15

Second Semester

CSE 240Introduction to Programming Languages (3)
CSE 330Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
ECE 210Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (3)
MAT 274Elementary Differential Equations (3)
PHY 131University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S22 (3)
PHY 132University Physics Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
Total: 16

Third Year

First Semester

CSE 310Data Structures and Algorithms II (3)
ECE 300Intermediate Engineering Design L1 (3)
MAT 342Linear Algebra (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area courses3 (7)
Total: 16

Second Semester

CSE 340Principles of Programming Languages (3)
CSE 360Introduction to Software Engineering (3)
CSE 421Microprocessor System Design I (4)
ECE 380Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving N2 (3)
HU, SB, and awareness area course3 (3)
Total: 16

Fourth Year

First Semester

CSE 355Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3)
CSE 422Microprocessor System Design II (4)
CSE 430Operating Systems (3)
ECE 301Electrical Networks I (4)
PHY 361Introductory Modern Physics (3)
Total: 17

Second Semester

CSE 423Microcomputer System Hardware L2 (3)
ECE 334Electronic Devices and Instrumentation (4)
HU, SB, and awareness area course3 (3)
Technical electives (4)
Total: 14
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Engineering students may not use aerospace studies (AES) or military science (MIS) courses to fulfill HU and SB requirements. See the School of Engineering, “Selected nonengineering topics.”

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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