Department of Dance

Claudia Murphey
(PEBE 107A) 602/965–5029





For advising purposes, all students registering in a Dance degree program enroll through the College of Fine Arts. Each degree program and area of specialization has its own check sheet that describes the particulars of course sequence and special requirements. These check sheets are available in the Department of Dance office.

Placement Examinations. All students who enroll in dance major technique courses are required to take part in a placement audition to determine their levels of technical proficiency in modern dance and ballet. Official dates for auditions are set for the orientation periods that precede the fall and spring semesters of each academic year. Transfer students who have completed music theory for dance, dance production, or choreography courses at another institution are also required to take placement examinations in these areas before enrolling in intermediate or advanced levels of course work.



The faculty in the Department of Dance in the College of Fine Arts offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the undergraduate level with emphases in four areas of concentration: choreography, dance education, dance studies, and performance. All new Dance majors are admitted into the preprofessional program. Students audition or petition for admission into one of the Bachelor of Fine Arts dance concentrations after three semesters of study. Transfers may request admission into the B.F.A. degree after one semester in residence. Further details may be obtained from the Department of Dance.

Graduation Requirements. In addition to fulfilling the major requirements, students must meet all university graduation requirements and college degree requirements. At least 45 semester hours, must be upper-division courses. See “University Graduation Requirements” and College of Fine Arts, “College Degree Requirements.”

Core Curriculum. The Dance major consists of a minimum of 54 semester hours in the dance core. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. First-semester students in the preprofessional program should take the following courses:

DAN 134Technique and Theory of Modern Dance (3)
DAN 135 Technique and Theory of Ballet (2)
ENG 101First-Year Composition (3)
Dance elective (1)
General Studies courses (6)
Total: 15

The following courses make up the core curriculum:

Technique. Twenty-six semester hours in ballet and modern technique are required.

Performance. Two upper-division courses are required.

Theory. The following dance theory courses are required:

DAH 100Introduction to Dance HU (3)
DAN 221Rhythmic Theory for Dance I (2)
DAN 222Rhythmic Theory for Dance II (2)
DAN 340Dance Kinesiology (4)
Total: 11

Choreography. The following courses are required:

DAN 264Improvisational Structures (3)
DAN 265Approaches to Choreography (3)
Total: 6

History. Choose two from the following three courses:

DAH 201Cross-Cultural Dance Perspectives HU, G (3)
DAH 401Dance History I (3)
DAH 402Dance History II (3)

Production. Choose one of the following two courses:

DAN 210Dance Production I (3)
DAN 211Dance Production II (3)

Dance Concentration Curriculum. Each concentration in the dance curriculumchoreography, dance education, dance studies, and performanceis composed of 25 semester hours.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses are required for the choreography specialization:

DAN 228Dance Notation I (3)
DAN 321Music Literature for Dance (3)
DAN 364Choreography and Accompaniment (3)
DAN 365Advanced Choreography (2)
DAN 480Senior Performance in Dance (4)
Total: 15

Production. Choose one of the following two courses:

DAN 210Dance Production I (3)
DAN 211Dance Production II (3)

Additional requirements are listed on the check sheet available from the Department of Dance.

Dance Education

Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses are required for the dance education specialization:

DAN 321Music Literature for Dance (3)
DAN 359Dance Education Theory (3)
DAN 364Choreography and Accompaniment (3)
DAN 365Advanced Choreography (2)
DAN 480Senior Performance in Dance (4)
Total: 15

Production. Choose one of the following two courses:

DAN 210Dance Production I (3)
DAN 211Dance Production II (3)

Dance Methods. Choose two of the following three courses:

DAN 350Methods of Teaching Modern Dance in Secondary Education (3)
DAN 351Methods of Teaching Ballet (3)
DAN 357Children’s Dance (3)

Additional requirements are listed on the check sheet available from the Department of Dance.

Dance Studies

Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses are required for the dance studies specialization:

DAH 495Dance Research Sources (2)
DAH 496Senior Thesis Project (2)
Total: 4

Twenty additional hours approved by an advisor must be taken in no more than two related fields. Additional requirements are listed on the check sheet available from the Department of Dance.


Core Curriculum. See “Core Curriculum” for the courses that make up the core curriculum.

Specialization. The following courses are required for the performance specialization:

DAN 321Music Literature for Dance (3)
DAN 380Performance Studies Practicum (2)
DAN 480Senior Performance in Dance (4)
THP 101Introduction to the Art of Acting (3)
Total: 12

Production. Choose one of the following two courses:

DAN 210Dance Production I (3)
DAN 211Dance Production II (3)

Performance. Choose from the following three courses (6 semester hours are required):

DAN 371Dance Theatre Performance/Production (1–3)
DAN 471Dance Arizona Repertory Theatre (6)
DAN 494Concert Dance (2)

Additional requirements are listed on the check sheet available from the Department of Dance.

A student pursuing the B.F.A. degree in Dance Education may also choose to become certified to teach dance (K–12) in Arizona public schools. Students should apply to the College of Education in the middle of the sophomore year. To be considered for admission to the teacher certification program, students must complete an admission portfolio specified by the College of Education, which may include completion of the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST). Students should be advised that at least 20 additional semester hours are required to complete certification requirements. For more information, consult the dance education advisor and College of Education Office of Student Affairs.


The department offers a minor in Dance consisting of 18 semester hours of course work, including 12 upper-division hours. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses. Dance minor requirements include:

Performance or choreography (3)
Technique (6)
Theory (6)
Electives (3)

Interested students should contact the Department of Dance for specific requirements and admission procedures.


A total of 60 semester hours of graduate credit is required: 30 hours of dance studio; 12 hours of dance theory; nine hours of electives; and nine hours of individual project (choreography, performance, or other approved project). In addition to the studio concentrations in choreography and performance, specialized areas of emphasis are available within the 60-semester-hour program. In consultation with the Graduate Director specific interests, needs, and abilities establish a Program of Study that directs course work in alternative directions.

Dance History (DAH) Courses
Dance (Dan) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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