Department of Family Resources and Human Development

Richard Fabes
(COWDEN 106) 602/965–6978







For the B.S. degree in Family Resources and Human Development (see “Major Requirements”), students must select one of the following three concentrations shown in the “Family Resources and Human Development Concentrations and Options” table. Students are not being accepted to the B.A. program at this time.

Family Resources and Human Development Concentrations and Options

Family Resources and Human DevelopmentFamily resources and human development in businessFood service management
Family studies/child development
Human nutrition—dieteticsGeneral dietetics; Human nutrition

Family Resources and Human Development in Business

Food Service Management Option. The food service management option consists of 42 hours of the following required departmental courses:

FON 100Introductory Nutrition (3)
FON 142Applied Food Principles (3)
FON 344Nutrition Services Management L1 (3)
FON 442Experimental Foods (3)
FON 445Quantity Food Production (3)
MGT 301Management and Organization Behavior (3)
or MGT 394 Special Topics
MKT 300Principles of Marketing (3)
or MKT 394 Special Topics
AGB or business courses (6)
Total: 27

An additional 15 semester hours within the department must be taken to complete the major. The courses are determined by the students in consultation with their advisor.

In addition, the following courses are required:

CHM 101Introductory Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 231Elementary Organic Chemistry S1/S21 (3)
CHM 235Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory S1/S21 (1)
MIC 205Microbiology S22 (3)
MIC 206Microbiology Laboratory S22 (1)
Total: 12
1Both CHM 231 and 235 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both MIC 205 and 206 must be taken to secure S2 credit.

Additional business courses are selected in consultation with an advisor.

Family Studies/Child Development

The concentration in family studies/child development consists of the following core courses:

CDE 232Human Development SB (3)
CDE 430Infant/Toddler Development in the Family SB (3)
CDE 498Pro-Seminar (3)
or FAS 498 Pro-Seminar (3)
FAS 331Marriage and Family Relationships SB (3)
FAS 361Introduction to Family/Child Research Methods L1 (3)
FAS 370Family, Ethnic, Cultural Diversity (3)
FAS 431Parent-Adolescent Relationships (3)
FAS 435Advanced Marriage and Family Relationships SB (3)
FAS 440Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Therapy (3)
FON 100Introductory Nutrition (3)
Total: 30

In addition, 15 hours of electives must be taken, with at least six hours from the following:

CDE 337Early Childhood Intervention (3)
CDE 338Child Development Practicum (2–4)
CDE 437Observational and Naturalistic Methods of Studying Children L2/SB (3)
CDE 498Pro-Seminar (3)
or FAS 498 Pro-Seminar (3)
or FAS 499 Independent Study (3)
FAS 330Personal Growth in Human Relationships SB (3)
FAS 332Human Sexuality (3)
FAS 390Supervised Research Experience (1–3)
FAS 432Family Development (3)
FAS 436Conceptual Frameworks in Family Studies (3)
FON 450Nutrition in the Life Cycle I (3)
FON 451Nutrition in the Life Cycle II (3)

The remaining courses are selected in consultation with an advisor.

Human Nutrition—Dietetics

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has approved the human nutrition—dietetics concentration as a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). Graduates of a DPD program may apply for dietetic internships or preprofessional practice programs to establish eligibility to write the Dietetic Registration examination. In addition to the required courses, the following courses are required by both the ADA and the Department of Family Resources and Human Development:

BIO 201Human Anatomy and Physiology I S2 (4)
BIO 202Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
CHM 113General Chemistry S1/S2 (4)
CHM 231Elementary Organic Chemistry S1/S2* (3)
CHM 361 Principles of Chemistry (3)
Total: 18
*Both CHM 231 and 235 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Additional courses required by the American Dietetic Association for completion of DPD requirements must be selected upon consultation with an advisor. Most of the DPD requirements also satisfy College of Liberal Arts and Sciences graduation requirements.

The following departmental courses are required:

FON 142Applied Food Principles (3)
FON 241Human Nutrition (3)
FON 440Advanced Human Nutrition I (3)
FON 441Advanced Human Nutrition II (3)
FON 444Diet Therapy (3)
Total: 15

General Dietetics Option. For the general dietetics option, the following departmental courses are required:

FON 341Introduction to Planning Therapeutic Diets (3)
FON 344Nutrition Services Management L1 (3)
FON 445Quantity Food Production (3)
FON 446Human Nutrition Assessment Lecture/Laboratory (3)
FON 448Community Nutrition L2 (3)
FON 494ST: Nutrition and Health Promotion (3)
Total: 18

Human Nutrition Option. An additional 15 semester hours of courses within the department must be taken to complete this option. The courses are to be determined by the students in consultation with an advisor.


The minor in Family Resources and Human Development consists of 18 semester hours in which students must specialize in one of three emphases. These emphases consist of the following:

  1. family studies/child development;
  2. foods and nutrition in business; and
  3. nutrition.

Each of these emphases requires that at least 12 of the 18 hours must be in upper-division courses.

Family Studies/Child Development. The family studies/child development emphasis requires that students take the following courses:

CDE 232Human Development SB (3)
CDE 337Early Childhood Intervention (3)
FAS 331Marriage and Family Relationships SB (3)
FAS 440Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Therapy (3)
Total: 12

This emphasis also requires that two courses (or six semester hours) be selected from the following:

CDE 430Infant/Toddler Development in the Family SB (3)
CDE 437Observational and Naturalistic Methods of Studying Children L2/SB (3)
CDE 498Pro-Seminar (3)
FAS 431Parent-Adolescent Relationships (3)
FAS 432Family Development (3)

Foods and Nutrition in Business. The foods and nutrition in business emphasis requires that students take the following courses:

FON 100Introductory Nutrition (3)
or FON 241 Human Nutrition (3)
FON 142Applied Food Principles (3)
FON 344Nutrition Services Management L1 (3)
FON 394ST: Computers in Nutrition and Foods (3)
FON 442Experimental Foods (3)
FON 445Quantity Food Production (3)
Total: 18

Nutrition. The nutrition emphasis requires that students take the following courses:

FON 241Human Nutrition (3)
FON 341Introduction to Planning Therapeutic Diets (3)
FON 440Advanced Human Nutrition I (3)
FON 441Advanced Human Nutrition II (3)
FON 444Diet Therapy (3)
Total: 15

This emphasis also requires that one additional upper-division course (three hours) be selected from among the following:

FON 446Human Nutrition Assessment Lecture/Laboratory (3)
FON 448Community Nutrition L2 (3)
FON 450Nutrition in the Life Cycle I (3)
FON 451Nutrition in the Life Cycle II (3)
FON 531Recent Developments in Nutrition (3)
FON 532Current Research in Nutrition I (3)
FON 533Current Research in Nutrition II (3)


Family Resources and Human Development. The major teaching field consists of 42 semester hours in family resources and human development and six hours in interior design. Major courses required are as follows:

CDE 232Human Development SB (3)
CDE 337Early Childhood Intervention (3)
FAS 330Personal Growth in Human Relationships SB (3)
FAS 331Marriage and Family Relationships SB (3)
FAS 431Parent-Adolescent Relationships (3)
FON 100Introductory Nutrition (3)
FON 142Applied Food Principles (3)
FRD 451Field Experience (1–12)
HEE 461Presentations in Home Economics (3)
HEE 480Methods of Teaching Home Economics (3–4)
HEE 481Teaching Occupational Home Economics (3)
Total: 31–43

Also required are two interior design courses.

The College of Education has additional requirements for teacher certification: Arizona Teacher Proficiency Exam (professional knowledge only); 35 hours within the Professional Teacher Preparation Program; and the following courses:

POS 110 Government and Politics SB (3)
or POS 310 American National Government SB (3)
POS 311Arizona Constitution and Government (2)
or POS 417 The Arizona Political System SB (3)


The faculty in the Department of Family Resources and Human Development offer programs leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Consult the Graduate Catalog for requirements.

Child Development (CDE) Courses
Family Studies (FAS) Courses
Food and Nutrition (FON) Courses
Family Resources and Human Development (FRD) Courses
Home Economics Education (HEE) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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