Department of Physics and Astronomy

Howard G. Voss
(PS F470) 602/965–3561





Students majoring in Physics may pursue one of two options.

Option I. Designed for students who wish to pursue physics at the bachelor or graduate degree levels, option I consists of the following required courses:

PHY 150Physics I (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)1 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)1
PHY 151Physics II S1/S2 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S2 (4)
PHY 302Mathematical Methods in Physics II (2)
PHY 310Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3)
PHY 311Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3)
PHY 314Quantum Physics I (3)
PHY 315Quantum Physics II (3)
PHY 333Electronic Circuits and Measurements (3)
PHY 334Advanced Laboratory I (2)
PHY 412Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter III (3)
PHY 416Quantum Physics III (3)
PHY 441Statistical and Thermal Physics I (3)
PHY 465Advanced Laboratory II (2)
Total: 45
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Supporting mathematics courses are as follows:

Choose between the two combinations of MAT courses below (12 or 10)
     MAT 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
——— or ———
MAT 290 Calculus I N1 (5)
MAT 291 Calculus II (5)

Additional courses in physics and related fields are selected with the approval of the advisor. French, German, or Russian is strongly recommended to fulfill the foreign language requirement.

Option II. The interdisciplinary option II is designed for students who wish to obtain an undergraduate physics preparation for entry into other professions or graduate programs. A total of 53 hours are required, including the following courses:

Choose between the two combinations of MAT courses below (12 or 10)
MAT 270 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I N1 (4)
MAT 271 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAT 272 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (4)
——— or ———
MAT 290 Calculus I N1 (5)
MAT 291 Calculus II (5)
PHY 150Physics I (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)1 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)1
PHY 151Physics II S1/S2 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Physics S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II Physics S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S2 (4)
PHY 302Mathematical Methods in Physics II (2)
PHY 310Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3)
PHY 311Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3)
PHY 314Quantum Physics I (3)
PHY 315Quantum Physics II (3)
PHY 333Electronic Circuits and Measurements (3)
PHY 334Advanced Laboratory I (2)
PHY 412Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter III (3)
PHY 441Statistical and Thermal Physics I (3)
Total: 52 or 50
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

The remaining courses are selected from physics and an area of concentration as approved by the student’s advisor. Examples of possible areas of concentration are astronomy, astrophysics, materials science, physical chemistry, applied mathematics, geophysics, biological physics, philosophy of science, scientific journalism, and premedical and prelaw programs. French, German, or Russian is strongly recommended to fulfill the foreign language requirement.

Emphasis in Astronomy

The astronomy faculty offer courses in astronomy both for nonscience majors and for science and physics majors. For an emphasis in astronomy, the following courses (or their equivalents) should be taken:

AST 321Introduction to Planetary and Stellar Astrophysics S1/S21 (3)
AST 322Introduction to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics S1/S22 (3)
AST 421Astrophysics I (3)
AST 422Astrophysics II (3)
AST 499Independent Study (3)
Total: 15
1Both AST 113 and 321 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both AST 114 and 322 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.


The minor in Astronomy consists of a minimum of 24 semester hours. Required courses are as follows:

AST 113Astronomy Laboratory I S1/S21 (1)
AST 114Astronomy Laboratory II S1/S22 (1)
AST 321Introduction to Planetary and Stellar Astrophysics S1/S22 (3)
AST 322Introduction to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics S1/S22 (3)
PHY 150Physics I (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)3 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)3
PHY 151Physics II S1/S2 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)4 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)4
PHY 252Physics III S1/S2 (4)
Approved electives (4)
Total: 24
1Both AST 113 and 321 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both AST 114 and 322 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
4Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Electives are chosen with the approval of an astronomy advisor from upper-division courses in physics and astronomy.


The minor in Physics consists of a minimum of 29 semester hours. Required courses are as follows:

PHY 150Physics I (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)1 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)1
PHY 151Physics II S1/S2 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S2 (4)
PHY 302Mathematical Methods in Physics II (2)
PHY 310Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3)
PHY 311Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3)
PHY 314Quantum Physics I (3)
Approved electives (4)
Total: 30
1Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
2Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Electives are chosen with the approval of the physics advisor from upper-division courses in physics and astronomy.


Physics. Two options are available for physics as the major teaching field.

Option One. The major teaching field consists of 42 semester hours. Required courses are as follows:

PHY 150Physics I1 (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 151Physics II S1/S21 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)3 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)3
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S21 (4)
PHY 302Mathematical Methods in Physics II (2)
PHY 310Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3)
PHY 311Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3)
PHY 333Electronic Circuits and Measurements (3)
PHY 361Introductory Modern Physics (3)
or PHY 314 Quantum Physics I (3)
PHY 480Methods of Teaching Physics (3)
or PHY 484 Internship: Physics Teaching (3)
Approved electives (10)
Total: 42
1PHY 111, 112, 113, and 114 or equivalents may be substituted for PHY 150, 151, and 252 on approval of the advisor.
2Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

Electives are chosen in physics or other closely related fields, subject to the approval of the advisor.

Option Two. The interdisciplinary 60-hour option two consists of 30 semester hours in physics and an additional 30 semester hours in either chemistry or mathematics. The physics portion of this program requires the following courses:

PHY 150Physics I1 (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 151Physics II S1/S21 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)3 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)3
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I4 (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S21 (4)
PHY 302Mathematical Methods in Physics II (2)
PHY 310Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3)
PHY 311Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3)
PHY 333Electronic Circuits and Measurements (3)
PHY 361Introductory Modern Physics (3)
or PHY 314 Quantum Physics I (3)
PHY 480Methods of Teaching Physics5 (3)
or PHY 484 Internship: Physics Teaching (3)
Total: 32
1PHY 111, 112, 113, and 114 or equivalents may be substituted for PHY 150, 151, and 252 on approval of the advisor.
2Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.ote-text
4Physics/Math option: MAT 274 plus MAT 342 may be substituted for PHY 201.
5Physics/Chemistry: CHM 480 may be substituted for PHY 480.

Minor Teaching Field. The minor teaching field consists of 24 semester hours. Required courses are as follows:

PHY 150Physics I1 (4)
or PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics S1/S2 (3)2 and PHY 122 University Physics Laboratory I S1/S2 (1)2
PHY 151Physics II S1/S21 (4)
or PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism S1/S2 (3)3 and PHY 132 University Physics Laboratory II S1/S2 (1)3
PHY 201Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
PHY 252Physics III S1/S21 (4)
PHY 314Quantum Physics I (3)
or PHY 361 Introductory Modern Physics (3)
PHY 480Methods of Teaching Physics (3)
or PHY 484 Internship: Physics Teaching (3)
Approved Elective (3)
Total: 24
1PHY 111, 112, 113, and 114 may be substituted for PHY 150, 151, and 252, or equivalents, on approval of the advisor.
2Both PHY 121 and 122 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.
3Both PHY 131 and 132 must be taken to secure S1 or S2 credit.

The remaining hours are selected from upper-division courses in physics or astronomy (including AST 113 and 114), subject to approval of the advisor.


The faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy offer programs leading to the degrees of Master of Natural Science, M.S., and Ph.D. Consult the Graduate Catalog for requirements.

Astronomy (AST) Courses
Physical Sciences (PHS) Courses
Physics (PHY) Courses

Omnibus Courses: See omnibus courses that may be offered.

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