Summer Sessions

Carol Switzer, M.S.


The summer sessions, offering more than 2,000 fully accredited courses, provide an opportunity for students to begin or continue academic work on a year-round basis. Summer courses are equivalent to fall and spring courses in content, credit awarded, and expected standard of performance. All ASU Main courses (except some EPE courses) are held in air-conditioned classrooms or laboratories. A limited number of courses are offered at off-campus locations.

There are three regular sessions, one of eight weeks and two of five weeks. The eight-week session and the first five-week session begin the same date.

During the summer, ASU also offers students the opportunity to earn graduate or undergraduate credit while studying in foreign countries through various Summer Study Programs. These programs are directed by ASU faculty and have been approved by the appropriate academic unit. For more information, visit the Summer Sessions Web site at

Admission and Registration. The admission and registration process for summer sessions begins when the Summer Sessions Bulletin is distributed.

Admission. All students must be admitted to ASU for the summer as a nondegree student before enrolling, except for continuing students attending ASU during the spring semester preceding the current summer. New ASU students admitted for the fall semester following the current summer must process the summer nondegree admission form before enrolling.

Nondegree graduate or undergraduate. An application form is provided in the Summer Sessions Bulletin. The submission of transcripts or test scores is not required for this status.

Readmission. ASU students not enrolled during the spring semester preceding the current summer must be readmitted. See “Readmission to the University.”

Conditional admission before graduation from high school may be granted. See “Admission before Graduation from High School.”

Advising. All students are strongly encouraged to seek academic advising before enrolling in summer courses. See “Academic Advising.”

Fees and Expenses. Summer sessions students pay for the actual number of semester hours enrolled, the Financial Aid Trust Fee, and the Student Recreation Complex fee. See the current Summer Sessions Bulletin.

Food Services. Meal plans are available. For more information, phone 602/965–3464 or write to

Marriott Food Service
Arizona State University
PO Box 870901
Tempe AZ 85287–0901

Housing. Air-conditioned dormitories are available for ASU Main students. For more information, phone 602/965–3515 or write to

Residential Life
Arizona State University
PO Box 870801
Tempe AZ 85287–0801

Immunization. Students born after December 31, 1956, are not permitted to register without proof of measles (rubeola) immunity or immunization given after January 1, 1980. See “Immunization Requirements.”

Parking. A decal is required to park at ASU. For more information, phone 602/965–6124 or write to

Parking Services
Arizona State University
PO Box 870704
Tempe AZ 85287–0704

Registration. Registration may be completed in person or by using InTouch. See the current Summer Sessions Bulletin.

A maximum of seven semester hours in each five-week session or nine semester hours in the eight-week session may be taken. Hours of enrollment in any other institution or independent learning course are included in the maximum allowable course load during any given session.

Summer Sessions Bulletin. The Summer Sessions Bulletin, which contains the class schedule, the nondegree admission form, and the registration procedure, is available the last week of January at the Office of Summer Sessions, ADM B167, and all registrar sites.

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