ASU East

Charles E. Backus, Ph.D.

Arizona State University’s third campus, ASU East, opened at the Williams Campus in the fall of 1996, serving more than 1,000 students in degree programs offered by the College of Technology and Applied Sciences and the School of Agribusiness and Resource Management. These unique “get down to business” programs are offered at no other Arizona campus, and they are tailored to help students develop knowledge and skills specifically needed in the businesses and industries of the 21st century. In 1997, East College was created to provide support courses for existing programs and to generate new degree programs at ASU East.

ASU East, a residential campus, is transforming the facilities inherited from Williams Air Force Base into an academic village. The campus includes excellent educational facilities: modern classrooms and laboratories, a 21st-century electronic library, and state-of-the-art computer equipment. ASU East offers unique residential opportunities. Faculty, staff, and students live, teach, work, and learn together in a growing, diverse academic community offering a choice of traditional residence halls or two- to five-bedroom homes. Other amenities include a dining hall, bookstore, campus union, free parking, and abundant recreational facilities.

ASU East is a student-centered campus that offers many of the features of a small college in a rural area while providing access to the resources of a major research university and the amenities of a large metropolitan area. A shuttle service provides transportation between ASU East and ASU West. The 600-acre ASU East campus is easily accessible via major interstate routes.

For more information, check the Web site at, e-mail, or call 602/727–EAST (3278).


The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation of ASU Main includes ASU East. In addition, ASU East programs in Aeronautical Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering Technology, and Manufacturing Engineering Technology are accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (TAC of ABET).

Academic Organization and Administration

The chief operating and academic officer of ASU East is the provost. There are two colleges and one school at ASU East administered by deans. These academic units develop and implement the teaching, research, and service programs of the institution. Additional support for the academic mission of the campus is provided by Library Services and Information Technology, each administered by a director. See “ASU East Administrative and Academic Personnel.”


Students are encouraged to take advantage of the skill and knowledge of the advising professionals available to them in the academic units and to seek academic advising early.

For more information or to schedule an advising session, contact an academic advisor.

Academic Advising

College or School
College of Technology and Applied SciencesCNTR 10602/727–1252Mon.–Fri. 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Appointments are recommended.
School of Agribusiness and Resource ManagementCNTR 20602/727–1585Mon.–Fri. 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Appointments are recommended.

ASU East Graduate Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations

Administered by
Concentrations: agribusiness management and marketing; food quality assurance
M.S.School of Agribusiness and Resource Management
Concentrations: aeronautical engineering technology, aeronautical management technology, electronics and computer engineering technology, graphic communications technology, industrial management and supervision, manufacturing engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, welding engineering technology
M.Tech.College of Technology and Applied Sciences

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