
Department of Aeronautical Management Technology
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology
Department of Information and Management Technology
Department of Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology

The Master of Technology degree program is offered by the faculty in four technology departments in the College of Technology and Applied Sciences. Courses are offered at the ASU East site. The areas of concentration include aeronautical engineering technology, aeronautical management technology, electronics and computer engineering technology, graphic communications technology, industrial management and supervision, manufacturing engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, and welding engineering technology.

See “Master of Technology” for more information on this professional degree.

Department of Aeronautical Management Technology
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William K. McCurry
(SIM 205) 602/727–1775





Admission. Applicants are expected to satisfy all requirements for admission to the Graduate College. Industrial experience beyond completion of a baccalaureate degree is strongly recommended. Applicants having deficiencies or not meeting the prerequisites may be required to complete them before being admitted to the Master of Technology degree program.

Program of Study. All candidates for the Master of Technology degree program are required to complete 32 semester hours. Additional courses may be assigned by the supervisory committee depending on the background of the candidate.

Students must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of approved courses. An applied project or research project is required. Upon completion of the approved course of study or during the last semester, an oral defense of the written applied or research project is required.

The program is designed for flexibility, permitting the student to select a combination of courses in a technical area and supporting area to meet individual goals.

Students may take courses in two areas of interest: aviation management and aviation human factors. Students will work with faculty advisor to define specific courses that satisfy degree requirements.

Final Examinations. A final oral examination in defense of the applied or research project is required.


Aeronautical Management Technology faculty interests and facilities support applied research in testing aerodynamics, fixed wing and helicopter performance, reciprocating and gas turbine engine development, aviation safety, and aviation management. Research support facilities consist of reciprocating engine and jet propulsion laboratories, materials and fabrication laboratories, nondestructive inspection laboratory, and a subsonic wind tunnel. The research activities complement course work supporting Master of Technology degree program emphases in aeronautical engineering technology and aeronautical management technology. These emphases are individualized to accommodate each student’s background and interests.

Aeronautical Management Technology (AMT) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology
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Robert W. Nowlin
(CLRB 164) 602/727–1137
Fax 602/727–1723




The faculty in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology offer a graduate program leading to the Master of Technology professional degree in Technology and a concentration in electronics and computer engineering technology. The technical areas of study available within this concentration include electronic systems, digital/computer systems, systems control and instrumentation, microelectronics, and electronics engineering technology education.

Admission and Proficiency Requirements. General admission requirements are outlined in Admission to the Graduate College” and under the Master of Technology “Admission” section. Admission and proficiency requirements and course work specific to the electronics engineering technology concentration may be obtained from the department.

Program of Study. The minimum requirements for the Master of Technology degree offered by the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology are as follows:

Technical area of emphasis (17)
Supporting area (9)
Research methods course (EET 500) (2)
Graduate seminar (EET 591) (1)
Applied project (EET 593) (3)
     Total minimum semester hours: 32

A minimum of 16 hours must be 500-level courses in the approved program. At least nine hours of 500-level course work must be included in the technical area of emphasis (18 hours minimum). A maximum of two semester hours of Applied Project (EET 593) may be applied toward the 16 hour, 500-level minimum. The applied project requires a supporting technical report and is defended in a final oral examination. All course work applied toward the minimum 32 hour total must be at the 400 and 500 level, excluding courses taken to remove deficiencies.

See “Master of Technology” for more information on this professional degree.


Research activities in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology emphasize, but are not limited to, systems and circuit applications, hardware design, fabrication and manufacturing in the technical areas of electronics engineering technology (with emphases in electronics, digital or systems control, and instrumentation), computer engineering technology, and microelectronics engineering technology. In addition, research activities in electrical/electronics, computer and microelectronics engineering technology education emphasize programs and projects for students interested in postsecondary teaching.

Master of Technology degree candidates find a broad range of applied project activities of interest to students and faculty, as well as the user-public in industry and education. Faculty research interests are concentrated in, but not limited to, the general areas and topics listed below.

Electronic Systems and Circuits. Analog and digital/data communication circuits and systems applications, antenna array systems, micro-strip techniques, MPSK signaling techniques in modern digital radio communications, coherent receivers and transponders, optoelectronic systems, microwave techniques, digital radio communications, digital signal processing and hardware design, and computer-aided design.

Digital Circuits and Systems and Computers. Digital systems logic design and applications, controller design and application, and programmed logic design and applications; digital IC switching circuits and logic design and applications; microcomputer and minicomputer hardware, programming, and interfacing and software systems application; computer-aided design and applications; automatic digital testing; computer process control hardware, techniques, and applications.

Systems Control and Instrumentation. Electrical power equipment and systems, control, and distribution; direct solar energy conversion; analog and digital process control components, instrumentation, systems, and process applications; electronic measurements and instrumentation circuits, systems, and applications; automatic test systems, test programming, and failure-tolerant design; computer-aided design; analog and digital simulation.

Microelectronics. Solid-state device design, testing, and fabrication; monolithic bipolar and MOS and thin-film/thick-film hybrid circuit fabrication and manufacturing techniques; vacuum vapor deposition and sputtering techniques and applications; new photolithographic processes; new computer-aided interconnection techniques and imprinted circuit techniques; device and system packaging; computer-automated manufacturing techniques; new hybrid materials and processing techniques; computer-aided design and manufacturing robotics applications.

Engineering Technology Education. Educational systems studies emphasizing curriculum and laboratory design and development in electronic/electrical, computer, and microelectronics engineering technology at the bachelor’s and master’s levels; studies involving faculty, student, administrative, and graduate characteristics; industry utilization and manpower needs; program curriculum and math science articulation requirements and characteristics; characteristics of excellence in engineering technology education; computer-aided educational design.

Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Courses
Computer Engineering Technology (CET) Courses
Microelectronics Engineering Technology (UET) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

Department of Information and Management Technology
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Thomas Schildgen
(CNTR92) 602/727–1781




The faculty in the Department of Information and Management Technology through the College of Technology and Applied Sciences, ASU East, offer a Master of Technology degree. The student may select one of the five areas below to meet the concentration area requirement of 15–26 hours: graphic communications technology and industrial management and supervision (areas of study may be in safety management; hazardous materials and waste management, and interactive computer graphics.

Admission. Applicants are expected to satisfy all requirements for admission to the Graduate College. Industrial experience beyond completion of a baccalaureate degree is strongly recommended. Applicants with deficiencies or not meeting the prerequisites may be required to complete them before being admitted to the Master of Technology degree program.

Program of Study. All candidates for the Master of Technology degree program are required to complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of graduate credit. Additional courses may be assigned by the faculty supervisory committee depending on the background of the candidate.


Master’s degree candidates are required to complete a research block that includes three courses (ITM 549 Research Techniques and Applications, ITM 598 Quantitative Research Analysis, and ITM 593 Applied Project).

The program is designed for flexibility, permitting the student to select a combination of courses in a technical area and supporting area to meet individual goals.

Final Examinations. An applied project is required. Upon completion of the approved course of study or during the last semester, an oral defense of the written applied or research project is required.

See “Master of Technology” for more information on this professional degree.

Research interests of the faculty in the Department of Information and Management Technology include computer-assisted design (CAD), graphic communications, Internet/Web development, multi-media, animation, 3-D modeling, hazardous materials and waste management, environmental regulations, remediation processes, interactive computer graphics, simulation and modeling of industrial process, operations management, manufacturing processes, motivation, quality control, production supervision, decision making, technical communications, industrial training.

Computer Graphic Communications (CGC) Courses
Environmental Technology Management (ETM) Courses
Industrial Technology Management (ITM) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

Department of Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology
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Dale E. Palmgren
(SIM 425) 602/727–1584
Fax: 602/727–1549





The faculty in the Department of Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology (MAET) in the College of Technology and Applied Sciences, ASU East, offer the Master of Technology degree. A minimum of 32 semester hours of approved courses is required. The flexible program permits the student to select a combination of courses in the relevant concentration and supporting areas to meet individual career goals in technology or to provide the foundation for further advanced study.

The MAET Department provides the student with a number of programs of study which presuppose a sound technical undergraduate degree. The programs are designed to provide the graduates with technical and professional skills that will facilitate preparation for and advancement in leadership positions in industry, education, government, and military. Laboratories and classrooms are well equipped and the faculty members administering the classes have the relevant teaching, research, industry and training experience and background. The major concentrations are manufacturing engineering technology, aeronautical engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, and welding engineering technology.

The student may select one of the above areas to meet the concentration area requirement of 15–18 semester hours. Careful program selection in coordination with a faculty advisor and/or advisory committee will be an essential aspect of this process resulting in a focused program for the student. The selection process also facilitates the potential for expanding the depth and breadth of the training the student may receive in related areas. The supporting area (nine to 12 hours) may be selected from outside the MAET Department upon approval from the supervisory committee. Applied Project (MET 593) and Research (MET 592) are also required.

Admission. Applicants are expected to satisfy all requirements for admission to the Graduate College. Industrial experience beyond completion of a baccalaureate degree is strongly recommended. Applicants with deficiencies or those not meeting the prerequisites may be required to complete them before being admitted to the Master of Technology degree program.

Program of Study. All candidates for the Master of Technology degree program are required to complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of graduate credit as follows:

Technical area of emphasis (17)
Supporting area (6)
Research methods course (3)
Applied project (MET 593) (3)
Research (MET 592) (3)
     Total: 32

Additional courses may be assigned by the supervisory committee depending on the background of the candidate. The program is designed for flexibility, permitting the student to select a combination of courses in a technical area and supporting area to meet individual goals.

Final Examinations. An applied project or research project is required, upon completion of the approved course of study or during the last semester. An oral defense of the written applied or research project is required.


Research interests of the faculty of MAET include computer-assisted design (CAD), computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), decision making, energy conversation system design and analysis, energy management, simulation and modeling of industrial processes, machinability, manufacturing processes, motivation, numerical control (N/C), quality control, robotics and automation, supervision, weld-ability of metals, and welding-related metallurgy.

The Aeronautical Engineering Technology faculty interests and facilities support applied research in testing aerodynamics, fixed wing and helicopter performance, and reciprocating and gas turbine engine development. Research support facilities consist of reciprocating engine and jet propulsion laboratories, materials and fabrication laboratories and a subsonic wind tunnel.

Aeronautical Engineering Technology (AET) Courses
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

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