Creative Writing

Interdisciplinary Faculty

Jewell Parker Rhodes
Director, Executive Committee
(LL C346) 602/965–7454

Regents’ Professors: Dubie, Rios; Professors: Boyer, Carlson, Rhodes; Associate Professor: Goldberg; Assistant Professor: Pritchard


Professors: Bedard, Mason; Associate Professors: Edwards, Engel; Assistant Professor: Reyes

Faculty of the Creative Writing Committee offer an interdisciplinary Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing. The program is offered jointly by the Department of English in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Department of Theatre in the College of Fine Arts.


One of the unique features of this interdisciplinary program is that, because it utilizes faculty research, creative activity, and teaching interests of two academic units, a student may tailor a course of study to fit individual needs, talents, and goals. The Department of English administers the program and reviews the applications for admission. In the English Department, the studio/academic program requires poets and prose writers to divide work equally between writing workshops and literature courses. This flexible curriculum allows candidates time to study with several gifted writers and scholars in a stimulating atmosphere, time to get quality advice on writing, and time to explore and develop their talents. In the Theatre Department, the studio/academic program emphasizes the collaborative process of playwriting. Working with actors and directors, playwrights’ workshops include informal readings, staged readings and workshop production of students’ plays.

See “Master of Fine Arts” degree.


Research and scholarly endeavors inform the creative work of the faculty, which includes publication of poetry, fiction, and drama; collaborative production with musicians, fine printers, and visual artists. Special research courses are offered on contemporary perspectives emphasizing such topics as “Magical Realism,” “The Long Poem,” “Pedagogy Forum for Creative Writers,” “The Literature of Obsession,” “Sexing the Modern,” “Internship for Community Outreach,” “Literary Management for Theatre,” and other multigenre literature and writing courses.

Research and creative activity is enhanced by vigorous faculty and student involvement in producing a national literary magazine, Hayden’s Ferry Review, an ASU student publication. Creative writing faculty and graduate students participate in public outreach programs, including workshops at ASU for adults and high school students in rural and metropolitan areas of the region. Public lectures and readings by faculty members, original play productions and reader’s theatre, and a regular series of public readings, lectures and conferences featuring writers of national renown provide a forum for exchange among artist, audience, scholar, and student. Recent conferences, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and other agencies, have brought together writers, editors, and publishers, focusing attention on issues in publishing creative work.

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