College of Business

Larry E. Penley, Ph.D.


The College of Business is a professional school that pursues excellence in instruction and research. The pursuit of excellence in programs of instruction implies that the college admits only students who are especially well qualified for the study of business and who will, upon graduation, compete successfully for highly desirable positions, both nationally and internationally.

The mission of the College of Business is to expand the knowledge of business and to educate men and women for managerial leadership through research activities and professional educational programs that address issues of importance to future managers in a world characterized by racial, cultural, and gender diversity in the work force; demands for continuous improvements in quality; growing technological sophistication; and globalized markets.

The College of Business is a comprehensive research school of business that selects and retains faculty based on their ability to use their teaching and research skills to fulfill its mission.

The College of Business, through its research support, its Seidman Institute programs and centers, and its doctoral programs develops knowledge that is important to managers and the management of organizations. It endorses joint research projects that are not only supported by business but include managers as partners in the research objectives, process, and outcomes.

The College of Business anticipates that its mission will lead to research and professional degree programs that will result in its being recognized among the top schools of business in the U.S. Strategies to achieve its mission include an emphasis on the M.B.A. degree, increasing its quality such that it is competitive with the best 25 programs found at other large public schools of business, and developing a curriculum that incorporates the knowledge, skills and abilities identified in the mission of the college.

Strategies also include, relative to the doctoral program, raising admission standards, increasing stipends, assuring that students possess the teaching and research skills necessary for placement at peer schools of business. Consistent with the mission, an additional strategy is to improve retention and graduation rates of minority students through programs at the M.B.A. and doctoral levels.

Finally, the college will, through its Seidman Institute, increase the level of funded research by adding support services to facilitate grant preparation and by clarifying the mission of research centers as liaisons between faculty and businesses.


The college’s seven academic units and several centers serve more than 1,400 graduate students enrolled in eight graduate degree programs. Academic units contributing to graduate offerings include the School of Accountancy and Information Management, the School of Health Administration and Policy, and the Departments of Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Management, and Marketing. The Seidman Institute serves as the college’s focal point for applied research, and several centers are organized in conjunction with the Seidman Institute: the Arizona Real Estate Center, the Bank One Economic Outlook Center, the Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies, the Center for Business Research, the Center for Financial Systems Research, the Center for Services Marketing and Management, and the Lincoln Center for Ethics.


The M.B.A. program is the premier professional degree in the College of Business. The college offers the traditional full-time program, an Executive M.B.A. program, an evening program for working managers, and a program for high technology professionals at the ASU Research Park. The faculty also offer the Ph.D. degree in Economics and in Business Administration, with concentrations in accountancy, finance, health services research, information management, management, marketing, and supply chain management. Other master’s offerings include the Master of Accountancy, Master of Health Services Administration, and M.S. degrees in Information Management and in Economics, an interdisciplinary program leading to a M.S. degree in Statistics, and the Master of Taxation.

College of Business
Graduate Degrees, Majors, and Concentrations

Administered by
AccountancyM.Acc.School of Accountancy and Information Management
Business AdministrationM.B.A.College of Business
Business Administration
Concentrations: accountancy, finance, health services research,1 information management, management, marketing, supply chain management
Ph.D.College of Business
EconomicsM.S., Ph.D.Department of Economics
Health Services Administration M.H.S.A.School of Health Administration and Policy
Information Management M.S.School of Accountancy and Information Management
StatisticsM.S.2 Committee on Statistics
Taxation M.Tax.School of Accountancy and Information Management

1 Applications for this program are not being accepted at this time.
2 This program is administered by Graduate College. See “Graduate College.”


Applicants to all degree programs must meet the minimum Graduate College academic requirements. Acceptance is based on the applicant’s previous college record, all relevant data provided with the application, and scores from the Graduate Management Admission Test or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). GRE scores are required for the Economics programs only. Some degree programs require the submission of a statement of purpose from applicants and letters of recommendation. In addition, Test of English as a Foreign Language and Test of Spoken English scores are required of international applicants whose native language is not English.


Dual/Concurrent Degree Programs. The College of Business and the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird) have developed a dual degree and cross-registration graduate program for students interested in both business administration and international management. Thunderbird is an internationally recognized private graduate school, located in the Phoenix metropolitan area, offering course work in international studies, modern languages and world business. The dual degree program is designed to allow a limited number of qualified graduate students to pursue a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree at ASU and a Master of International Management (M.I.M.) degree at Thunderbird. Consequently, students in the dual degree program may earn their degrees earlier than those who pursue the degrees separately. Applicants must be regularly admitted to both the M.B.A. and M.I.M. programs and must petition for acceptance into the dual degree program through the school of initial attendance. Dual degree program participants and regularly admitted full-time students in the M.B.A. program may petition to take selected course work at Thunderbird at no additional tuition fees after completion of one year and prerequisites for Thunderbird are complete.

The College of Business and the Groupe Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Toulouse have developed a dual degree program for students interested in business administration and international management. Call 602/965–3332 for more information.

The college also offers the following concurrent degrees: Master of Business Administration/Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Economics/Juris Doctor, Master of Business Administration/Juris Doctor, Master of Business Administration/Master of Health Services Administration, Master of Health Services Administration/Juris Doctor, and Master of Health Services Administration/Master of Science in Nursing.

Separate applications are required for each degree and each application is reviewed independently. It is recommended that the student apply simultaneously to both of the dual/concurrent degree programs. The M.B.A./J.D. is best completed by attending one year in the law school, then attend the M.B.A. program after the first or second year, and finally return to the law school to complete the third year. Students will not be admitted from the law school after the third year.

L. William Seidman Research Institute. The L. William Seidman Research Institute encourages, promotes, and supports multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and applied research on a wide range of business topics. The institute serves as the “port-of-entry” for applied business research in the College of Business as well as an incubator to transfer knowledge to the business community. The institute also acts as a facilitator for postdoctoral, continuing, and executive business education that is taught by ASU faculty and contributes funding for operations.

Arizona Real Estate Center. The Arizona Real Estate Center collects and analyzes data concerning the multifaceted real estate market to provide insight into solutions for problems confronting the real estate industry.

Bank One Economic Outlook Center. The Bank One Economic Outlook Center serves as the economic forecasting unit of the college and is responsible for the publication of the Arizona Blue Chip, Western Blue Chip, and Blue Chip Job Growth Update. The center sponsors seminars and workshops on the national and regional economies.

Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies. The Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies is a national affiliation agreement between the College of Business at ASU and the National Association of Purchasing Management. The center conducts in-depth research into the problems facing the purchasing profession today and the requirements of the future.

Center for the Advancement of Small Business. Endowed with private funding, the center’s mission is to enhance the formation and management of small- and medium-size companies to enable them to compete in the global economy of the 21st century. The primary goal is to ensure that ASU students from all disciplines are provided with programs that prepare them for positions of leadership in small- and medium-size businesses.

Center for Business Research. The Center for Business Research collects, analyzes, and disseminates information on the economy and business climate of Arizona. Analyses of Gross State Product, prices, income, employment, and demographic data for Arizona are made available to business and the general public. The center coordinates interdisciplinary sponsored-research efforts to provide useful information to business and a learning experience for students and faculty researchers.

Center for Financial System Research. The Center for Financial System Research serves the national financial, policymaking, and academic communities through research, publications, conferences, and educational programs. The focus of these activities is on the changing nature of the domestic and international financial system with such specific areas as the interaction between financial markets, deposit insurance reform, the deregulation of financial institutions, the financing of mergers acquisitions, securitization, and the effect of government policy on financial markets receiving recent attention.

Center for Services Marketing and Management. The Center for Services Marketing and Management is North America’s leading university-based center for the study of services marketing and management. The center conducts extensive research in the field, offers specialized education and training to services executives, and provides the latest services information to organizations engaged in banking, insurance, health care, tourism, transportation, and other service industries. Its charter members include some of America’s foremost services firms and nonservices firms that are using service and quality as a competitive edge.

Joan and David Lincoln Center for Ethics. The Joan and David Lincoln Center for Ethics conducts research and offers educational programs on ethical issues in business, government, and the professions.

Manufacturing Institute. The Manufacturing Institute is a joint venture of the College of Business and the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, established to enhance manufacturing research and industrial collaboration at the interface between the two colleges. The mission of the institute involves integrating aspects of manufacturing in both the business and engineering areas, helping to fulfill ASU’s goal of becoming one of the leading educational and research institutions in both manufacturing enterprise and manufacturing process technology issues.

Industry-University Cooperative Center for Health Management Research. This cooperative research program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Network for Healthcare Management, the School of Health Administration and Policy, and a group of corporate members representing the health care industry, pools the resources of 14 universities across the United States and Canada. The center pursues research on behalf of its corporate (industrial) members, and disseminates information about research and successful innovations and management practices from other industries, countries, and health care organizations.

Dean’s Council of 100. The Dean’s Council of 100, a prestigious group of area business leaders, represents the college’s innovative partnership between business and education. A major goal of the council is development of private support for the priority needs of the College of Business. Membership is by invitation only.

Economic Club of Phoenix. The Economic Club of Phoenix is composed of business, labor, government, and academic leaders who recognize that, as frontrunners in one of the nation’s fastest-growing metropolitan areas, they need information and access to expertise to deal effectively with rapid economic changes. Its programs bring current and future leaders together and provide them with the opportunity to meet and hear influential speakers.

Council of Emeritus Advisers. The Council of Emeritus Advisers founded by the College of Business and Dean’s Council of 100, is a select group of retired executives who advise the dean and invite nationally known experts to Arizona as visiting scholars, lecturers, and speakers.

Dean’s Board of Excellence. The Dean’s Board of Excellence is composed of young business and community leaders committed to promoting excellence by awarding outstanding student and faculty performance. The Dean’s Board of Excellence also enhances relations between the college and the business community through a discussion forum and communications with the dean.

M.B.A. Council. The M.B.A. Council plays an active role in linking students with business leaders and the corporate community to enhance the M.B.A. student experience. The M.B.A. Council also assists to unite alumni and promote the national reputation of the M.B.A. program.

Washington Campus. The one-month Washington Campus program at Georgetown University provides graduate business students with an in-depth understanding of the federal government and its relationship to the business community. ASU is one of 17 select universities that offer this unique opportunity each summer. Participants earn graduate credit, observe the intricacies of national politics, and enjoy the excitement of the nation’s capital. Competitive scholarships are available to business graduate students to cover the costs of lodging, meals, and instructional expenses.


The College of Business offers one of the most modern and sophisticated environments available for professional graduate study. The college facilities provide attractive and comfortable classrooms, computer systems, study areas, a television studio, modern auditoriums, and a graduate student reading room and lounge. Both mainframe interactive and networked microcomputer facilities are available free of charge to graduate students throughout the two business buildings. Also refer to the description of computing facilities and services.

Black Student M.B.A. Association

The Black M.B.A. Association is an organization of ASU M.B.A. students dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of its members, promoting attributes of the M.B.A. program to the local business community, promoting awareness within the African American community of business, education, and economic development, and assisting the development of career opportunities for its members.

Collegiate Volunteer Council

The Collegiate Volunteer Council (CVC) was created to foster volunteerism incorporating the assistance of students, faculty, and staff. Its goal is to provide value-added contributions to the community by assisting those in need. Traditional projects have included volunteering at the Special Olympics, the Papago Park Clean-up, the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, and holiday food and toy drives.

Graduate Women in Business

The purpose of the Graduate Women in Business (GWB) is to promote the professional and personal development of women graduate students. As part of the National Network of Graduate Business School Women, GWB provides a link among women graduates in accredited business programs nationwide. The ASU chapter is open to men as well as women and offers activities and seminars in professional development and gender issues.

Hispanic M.B.A. Student


The Hispanic M.B.A. Student Association (HMBASA) was created to meet the needs of Hispanic M.B.A. students. Members participate in a wide range of community services, coordinate a variety of professional development programs, and are offered the opportunity to become members of HMBASA’s professional affiliated organization, the National Society of Hispanic MBAs. All M.B.A. students are encouraged to join and participate in HMBASA activities.

International Business Association—M.B.A.

The primary mission of the International Business Association (IBA) is to assist M.B.A. students acquire the substantive knowledge, job-search skills, and personal contacts necessary to enter the prosper in international business. IBA conducts seminars and panel discussions on important international business topics. These events—which generally are open to students, faculty, and others—address topics such as global or regional economic issues, cultural conflicts in cross-border activities, and job hunting strategies.

Masters Consulting Group

The Masters Consulting Group (MCG) is a fully incorporated, nonprofit organization run solely by M.B.A. students. MCG provides opportunities for M.B.A. students to work as professional consultants in different functional specialties. Thus, students can complement their course work with real world experience.

M.B.A. Asia Student Association

The MBAsia is a professional and social organization focused on promoting Pacific Rim opportunities for graduate business students. It strives to offer an exchange of learning through seminars, panel discussions, and conferences open to the whole community. MBAsia is also a forum for global, cultural, social interaction at events such as the monthly Asian Lunches and the semiannual Asian Dinner. Membership is open to any graduate business students with an interest in the Pacific Rim.

M.B.A. Association

The M.B.A. Association at ASU is an independent, professional organization whose purpose is to provide a fully recognized, formally structured representative body through which M.B.A. students may act or communicate in concert on items of interest. The M.B.A. Association sponsors an intensive agenda of experiences outside the classroom which include leadership development activities, executive presentations, career enhancement seminars, and social events.

M.B.A. Student Ambassadors

The ASU M.B.A. Student Ambassadors are dedicated to promoting, developing, and participating in the community relations and recruitment activities of the M.B.A. Program. The ambassadors interact with many different groups including students, alumni, faculty, and administrative staff.


Information sessions are held daily (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 p.m.) in the M.B.A. Program Office, BA 140. M.B.A. brochures may be obtained at the office, by e-mail at, or by calling 602/965–3332.


The College of Business and its School of Accountancy and Information Management are accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The AACSB is the recognized accrediting agency in the field of business education. The School of Health Administration and Policy is accredited by the Accrediting Commission on Education for Health Services Administration.

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