Professional Master’s Degrees
Master of Business Administration

The central theme of the program is to build and strengthen capabilities in knowledge and analysis of the functional areas of business, basic skills, and managerial abilities. Knowledge involves textbook and case materials. Basic skills include computing, writing and critical thinking, presentation and speaking, team and group work, interpersonal relations, and time management. There is a strong team emphasis throughout the ASU curriculum.

The M.B.A. program is supported by each of the eight academic units within the College of Business.

Admission. See the general requirements for admission to the Graduate College. All students applying to graduate business administration programs (except those applying to the M.S. degree in Economics) are required to take the GMAT. The TOEFL is required of all international applicants whose native language is not English or who are not graduates of an institution located in the United States. These applicants are also required to submit scores from the TSE. For more information on testing, call 609/771–7330 or write

Educational Testing Service
PO Box CN 6103
Princeton NJ 08541–6103

Students applying to the M.B.A. program are required to have at least two years of full-time work experience and to submit a statement of personal objectives for the degree program addressing commitment, goals, qualifications, and reasons for interest in the program. Applicants are to provide letters of recommendation commenting on the student’s motivation, commitment, achievements, work experience, and opportunity for success in the program. In addition to the above data, students are to communicate their interest for either the day, evening, or executive program.

Registration. Registration in courses numbered 502 and above is limited to students who have been admitted to a graduate degree program, have the approval of the M.B.A. program office, and have the prerequisites of calculus and computer literacy.

Structure of the M.B.A. Program. M.B.A. courses are open only to students admitted to the M.B.A. program.

Program Requirements. Before beginning the M.B.A. program, students must have demonstrated computer proficiency in the use of a spreadsheet package and word processing package and must demonstrate strong quantitative ability. Completion of advanced courses in mathematics (e.g., calculus) or statistics or an above average performance on the quantitative section of the GMAT is also required. The program consists of a minimum of 48 hours and is to be completed in two years. Students are admitted to the fall semester only and, generally, enter and graduate as a class.

The core courses are designed to provide a foundation in business knowledge and skills and must be taken in the prescribed sequence.

Elective courses build upon the business core and focus on the further development of an area of study.

The College of Business does not accept credits earned while students are in nondegree status; moreover, graduate business courses are not open to nondegree students.

Foreign Language Requirements. None.

Thesis Requirements. None.

Comprehensive Examinations. All students must successfully complete the comprehensive requirement established by the College of Business and Graduate College for the M.B.A. degree. The comprehensive exam is integrated with MGT 589 Strategic Management. Students passing this course with a grade of “A” or “B” satisfy the comprehensive exam requirement.

Dual/Concurrent Degree Programs. See College of Business, “Dual/Concurrent Degree Programs.”

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