W. P. Carey School of Business policies
The W. P. Carey School of Business is one of the largest and highest-ranked business schools in the country, repeatedly lauded by publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, the Princeton Review, and U.S. News & World Report. The school is internationally regarded for its leadership in business education, research productivity, and distinguished faculty, which includes a Nobel Prize winner. Students come from all over the world, and among them are dozens of National Merit Scholars.
The school's academic offerings are as diverse as they are abundant. Undergraduates can earn a degree in one of more than 30 degree programs, including 100% online business degrees, noncalculus-based degrees and flexible programs for working professionals. Its programs of study reflect and respond to the demands of business and industry today and beyond, and the school has dedicated career placement services. The school is located in the heart of the fast-growing Phoenix metropolitan area, which provides opportunities for internships, employment and networking. Classes are offered on ASU's Tempe, Polytechnic and West Valley campuses, as well as online.
Academic integrity
Academic dishonesty
The faculty of the W. P. Carey School of Business follow the guidelines on academic dishonesty in the ASU student academic integrity policy.
The W. P. Carey School of Business honor code may be found online. Additional resources and information may be found at the W. P. Carey academic integrity website.
Notice of nondiscrimination
ASU prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students should review ASU's policy ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.
Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. As required by Title IX, ASU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that we operate, including in admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the ASU Title IX coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or to both. For more information, students should email titleixcoordinator@asu.edu, call 480-965-0696, or visit the office located at 1120 S. Cady Mall, INTDSB 284. For information on making a report, students should reference the Report It website.
Undergraduate policies
W. P. Carey School of Business academic good standing
Academic warning
A new student is placed on academic warning when their ASU cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 at the end of their first fall or spring semester after grades are posted. Students on academic warning must meet with an academic advisor to discuss a plan for getting back into good standing, and complete the following tasks:
- Download and read through the academic warning information packet.
- Complete the Canvas course WPC Rising Scholars. Advising holds are not removed until this course is completed.
- Schedule an advising appointment through Advising SOS.
- Complete the optional survey if there is anything the advisor should know about the previous semester.
All business students, first-year through senior, must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for all courses completed at ASU to remain in academic good standing. If this standard is not maintained, the student is placed on university academic probation.
Students on university academic probation must see an advisor before further registration and must do one of the following:
- raise their ASU cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher to return to academic good standing
- obtain a semester GPA of 2.50 with no grade lower than "C" to be granted one additional semester on continued college probation and, at the end of the continued college probation period, return to academic good standing with a minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00 to avoid disqualification
W. P. Carey School of Business continued probation: If a student’s ASU cumulative GPA is still lower than 2.00 at the end of the probationary semester but the student has earned a semester GPA of 2.50 or higher with no grade lower than “C,” the student is placed on continued probation in the subsequent semester. The student then has only one more semester to raise the ASU cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher.
ASU continued probation: If a student’s ASU cumulative GPA is still lower than 2.00 at the end of the probationary semester, but the student has earned a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher with no grade lower than “C,” the student is placed on continued probation with ASU but is ineligible to remain in the W. P. Carey School of Business as a business student. The student must change to a major that is not offered through the business school.
A student who does not meet college probation requirements is academically disqualified and is not allowed to register in a fall or spring semester at the university. If the student has already enrolled in a future fall or spring semester, the student is dropped from those courses, and the registration is cancelled. A disqualified student may attend ASU during the summer session only immediately following the semester in which the student was disqualified.
A disqualified student must wait one year to apply for readmission to ASU. A student will not be readmitted to the W. P. Carey School of Business unless they also meet the following requirements:
Bachelor of Science programs
- A grade of "C" or higher in all required skills classes (ACC 231, ACC 241, CIS 105, ECN 211, ECN 212, ECN 221, MAT 210 and MAT 211)
- The student meets direct admission or is readmitted via Admissions Portfolio
Bachelor of Arts in business programs
- A grade of "C" or higher in all required skills classes (ACC 231, ACC 241, CIS 105, ECN 211, ECN 212, ECN 221 and MAT 210)
- The student meets direct admission or is readmitted via Admissions Portfolio
BA in entrepreneurial leadership or applied business and technology solutions programs
- There are no additional requirements for students to be readmitted to these majors, though the college can still exercise discretion when reviewing a student’s readmission appeal.
Disqualified students should contact their academic advisor immediately to determine what is needed to earn readmission to the university in the future.
Professionalism policy
The W. P. Carey School of Business is committed to promoting the highest levels of honesty, integrity and professionalism so as not to impede the personal, academic and social development of all students. Professionalism, broadly speaking, includes ethical decision-making, consideration of others and demonstration of personal accountability. Exhibiting professional behavior is integral to a positive learning environment within the university and promotes innovation, openness to diversity, integrity, and mutual respect for students, faculty and staff.
The behaviors that are practiced today become habits in the future. To that end, business students are expected to treat others as they wish to be treated. Students are to be considerate of classmates, professors, staff and recruiters in all aspects and commit to acting in a professional manner in all school settings, including classes, sponsored events and interviews. Students should be aware that they are representing the W. P. Carey School of Business and Arizona State University.
More information is available on the W. P. Carey professionalism policy website.
W. P. Carey School of Business offers undergraduate program academic advising at the Polytechnic, Tempe and West Valley campuses. Students may find personalized advising information and may schedule appointments in advance through Advising SOS.
Students are encouraged to schedule appointments each semester to ensure they are making progress toward their degrees. Advising is required for:
- newly admitted students, before enrollment for the first term (at orientation)
- first-year students, before enrollment for the second term
- seniors, upon completion of 87 or more credit hours
- any student who is off track with regard to eAdvisor tracking requirements
- any student who is on university academic probation
- disqualified students interested in attending ASU in the future
Additional information regarding academic advising is available online or through the W. P. Carey School of Business undergraduate programs office by calling 480-965-4227.
Credit and registration
Business majors may not enroll on a pass/fail basis in any course required for graduation. Pass/fail credits taken at another institution may be petitioned for use, but only if the student can demonstrate proof that the pass grade was equivalent to a "C" (2.00) or higher.
Transfer credit
Credit from other institutions is accepted, subject to the following guidelines:
Students planning to take their first two years of coursework at a community college or another four-year college should plan to take business and economics courses that are offered as freshman- or sophomore-level courses for transfer equivalency as supported through the Transfer Guide. Frequently, these lower-division courses are numbered 100 through 299, but that can vary with each transferring institution. A maximum of 30 credit hours of business and economics courses from community colleges are accepted toward a bachelor's degree in business, and these are applied as lower-division credits.
Business courses completed at a two-year college may not be used for upper-division transfer credit in the business core or major. Such courses may be acceptable for general university credit but may not be applicable toward the degree requirements of the major. Courses taught in the upper-division business core must be completed at an accredited four-year institution. Upper-division business course transfer credits are considered for upper-division business credit in the ASU major only if the course was taken at an AACSB International-accredited school. https://www.aacsb.edu/
Credit is granted for transferred courses deemed equivalent by the W. P. Carey School of Business to corresponding courses in the selected program of study and is subject to grade and ASU resident credit requirements. No grade lower than "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) transfers to ASU. To be accepted for credit as part of a degree program in business, all courses transferred from other institutions must carry prerequisites similar to those of the courses they are replacing at ASU.
Degree requirements
Associate degree
Students in the Associate of Science program should refer to their major map or curriculum checksheet and the university associate degree graduation requirements policy for minimum credit hour, GPA and other degree requirements.
Critical requirements
All business students must meet the critical requirements for their majors. Students who are required to follow eAdvisor tracking requirements yet do not comply with the critical requirements are considered off track, and a hold is placed on their records. These students must work with an advisor to have the hold removed.
Undergraduates in the W. P. Carey School of Business are expected to be strong academically, especially with regard to grades earned in business courses. Careful course planning in consultation with an academic advisor assists students in maintaining satisfactory academic performance and progress.
Concurrent degrees
ASU students not enrolled in a W. P. Carey School of Business degree program who wish to pursue a concurrent degree with the business school:
- must be in good academic standing
- must have completed 30 credit hours of college coursework
- must meet direct admission criteria for the degree program they wish to pursue
If direct admission requirements have been met, students should file a concurrent degree request form. Students who do not meet direct admission requirements for business degree programs must complete the Admissions Portfolio and be admitted before filling out the concurrent degree request form. Students are allowed a maximum of two concurrent degree request attempts.
Students currently enrolled in the W. P. Carey School of Business who wish to pursue concurrent degrees within the business school:
- must be in good academic standing
- must have completed 30 credit hours of college coursework with a grade of "C" (2.00) or higher
- must have completed at least six business skill courses or their equivalents AND must have completed or be enrolled in the remaining two business skills courses (MAT 211 not required if submitting for BA degrees):
- CIS 105 (or equivalent) — Computer Applications and Information Technology
- MAT 210 (or equivalent) — Brief Calculus
- MAT 211 (or equivalent) — Math for Business Analysis
- ECN 211 (or equivalent) — Macroeconomic Principles
- ECN 212 (or equivalent) — Microeconomic Principles
- ACC 231 (or equivalent) — Uses of Accounting Information I
- ACC 241 (or equivalent) — Uses of Accounting Information II
- ECN 221 (or equivalent) — Business Statistics
Business students who meet the criteria shown above should submit a concurrent degree request through the university approval process. Review and submission times are on the website. Business students are unable to change their major status after they are admitted to a concurrent degree program unless they submit a new concurrent degree request. The direct admission criteria only apply to a single major within the W. P. Carey School of Business; students are not able to freely change majors within their concurrent degree or dual concentration combinations. Students are allowed two concurrent degree request attempts.
Current business students who wish to pursue a concurrent degree outside the W. P. Carey School of Business should submit a concurrent degree request form and receive approval from both colleges (e.g., finance and psychology).
Major proficiency requirements
Students must receive a grade of "C" (2.00) or higher in upper-division courses for the major. If a student receives a grade lower than "C" in any course in the major, the course must be repeated. If a second grade lower than "C" is received in either an upper-division course in the major already taken or a different upper-division course in the major, the student is no longer eligible to take additional upper-division courses in that major.
Students seeking readmission after an absence from the university should follow university undergraduate readmission procedures.
Other special requirements
Student appeal procedure on grades
W. P. Carey School of Business students follow the university policy for the student appeal procedure on grades.
Because of the additional requirements for the BS degree program, students who do not meet minimum admission standards automatically are considered for the BA degree program in the W. P. Carey School of Business. First-year admission requirements for the BA program are the same as the university's first-year admission requirements. Transfer students who want to be admitted to the BA program must have a GPA of 3.00 for all transfer coursework and a GPA of 3.00 for all ASU coursework, and must meet university transfer admission requirements.
Graduate policies
All graduate students in the W. P. Carey School of Business are required to maintain minimum cumulative, graduate and iPOS GPAs of 3.00 (grade of "B"). Students should see individual graduate degree programs for additional requirements on satisfactory academic progress, probation and disqualification. In addition, they should review the graduate conduct and professionalism policy.
Advising of graduate students is normally handled by a graduate program's operations team members. Students must prepare a plan of study during the first semester of their degree program. Students are encouraged to begin discussions with their program coordinators or managers early in their studies so that coursework can be geared toward supporting their academic progress. All students, whether in a thesis or nonthesis option, must file a POS.
Students must fulfill all requirements of their individual graduate programs to remain in good academic standing, and they must abide by all university policies, including those of the Graduate College and the W. P. Carey School of Business.