College of Health Solutions policies


The College of Health Solutions translates health research and discovery into practice and prepares students to address the challenges facing people who wish to stay healthy, improve their health, and manage chronic disease. Programs are offered in a wide variety of disciplines such as biomedical informatics and biomedical diagnostics, kinesiology, sports and exercise science, health sciences, health care delivery, nutrition, population health, and speech and hearing science. Students, faculty and staff at the College of Health Solutions work together toward a common goal of improving health outcomes by optimizing health and human performance across the life span and addressing systems of health care and health needs of populations. Graduates of the college are distinctly prepared to make an impact in the health workforce and shift the focus of health from sickness to wellness.

Health equity and inclusion
The College of Health Solutions is on a mission to improve the mental and physical health of both larger and immediate communities by better understanding the challenges that individuals and populations face, while striving to be part of the solution. The college is committed to the idea that every member of society should have the opportunity for good health and wellness throughout their life span. In an effort to actualize this ideal, the college embraces and supports greater justice, diversity, equity and inclusion in everything it does, including teaching, research, service and clinical practice.

Students can learn more about the College of Health Solutions’ commitments to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Academic integrity

Academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, laboratory work, academic transactions and records. The ASU academic integrity policy is strictly enforced, and for students found in violation of this policy, possible sanctions include appropriate grade penalties, loss of registration privileges, disqualification and explusion.

For more information, undergraduate students should refer to the college's undergraduate student forms and policies site, and graduate students should review the Graduate College's policies and resources for academic integrity.

Notice of nondiscrimination

ASU prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students should review ASU's policy ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (PDF).

Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. As required by Title IX, ASU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that we operate, including in admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the ASU Title IX coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or to both. For more information, students should email, call 480-965-0696, or visit the office located at 1120 S. Cady Mall, INTDSB 284. For information on making a report, students should reference the Report It website.

Undergraduate policies

Academic standing

The standards for GPA and the terms of academic warning, academic probation or continuing probation, disqualification and reinstatement are identical to those of the university, as set forth under the retention and academic standards policy.

Academic good standing

For the purpose of retention, university academic good standing for degree-seeking students is defined as maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. This standard is in effect for all students, regardless of catalog year.

Academic warning and probation

An ASU student who does not achieve the minimum GPA standard at the completion of the first term of study receives an academic warning. If, after one term with an academic warning, a student still does not achieve the minimum GPA standard, the student is placed on probation for at least one additional term. If a student's minimum GPA first falls below the standard in a term that is not their first term at ASU, they are placed on probation. Failure to return to good academic standing after being placed on probation may result in disqualification.

If a student is placed on academic warning or probation, they receive communication from the college indicating next steps and requirements.

Students on academic probation receive an advising hold and are required to complete the academic refresher course UNI 220: Mindset Connections. UNI 220 appears on the student's DARS as a graduation requirement.

Continuing probation

Students are placed on continuing probation when their cumulative GPA is below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters but they have shown academic progress and have not earned lower than a "C" (2.00) in any course in their most recent semester.


Students are disqualified from the College of Health Solutions and ASU if their cumulative GPA remains lower than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters after they have been placed on probation. Students who are disqualified cannot enroll in classes at ASU for a minimum of two semesters (fall and spring). Disqualified students may take courses during the summer to raise their GPA; however, this does not guarantee reinstatement for the following fall semester. Disqualified students must apply for readmission or reinstatement for the semester in which they wish to return to the university. The college does not reinstate students into any major that prepares students for professional school or professional credentialing, nor does the college reinstate students into majors in which they have twice failed to complete a required course at ASU.

eAdvisor tracking

In addition to being in university good academic standing, students in the College of Health Solutions must adhere to critically tracked requirements. For more information on critically tracked courses, students should review the My Major Map progress for their degree program, which is accessible through My ASU. Students are off track if they fail to meet one or more critical requirements, as stated in terms 1-4 of their major map, in a given fall or spring semester. All off-track students receive a hold that requires them to meet with their academic advisor and set a plan for getting back on track with their degree program.

Students who remain off track for two or more consecutive semesters may be required to change majors.


The Student Success Hub in the College of Health Solutions is committed to maximizing the academic, social and personal experiences of students by providing high-quality, student-centered academic advising. Academic advisors are trained to know degree requirements and can assist students with planning their courses in an appropriate sequence; they also ensure that students have the resources necessary to reach their career goals in health and health care. Students can direct most university-related questions to their advisor, who can guide them to available resources. Advisors are available to meet with students in each of the undergraduate programs in person or by phone or Zoom.

Students can monitor their own academic progress using tools such as their graduation audit, their major map or their curriculum checksheet found on My ASU. The DARS Explainer Experience provides more information.

The following students receive academic advising holds and are required to consult with their academic advisor to be eligible to register for courses:

  • all new first-year and transfer students
  • students newly readmitted to the university
  • students not in satisfactory academic standing status (e.g., probation, continuing probation, off-track status)

Pre-health advising

Pre-health advising supports students who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine, veterinary medicine, optometry, dentistry, chiropractic medicine, pharmacy, occupational therapy or physical therapy, or who want to become a physician assistant. Pre-health advising offers guidance on career pathways, application timelines, prerequisites, personal statement reviews and mock interviews, including multiple mini interviews.

Credit and registration

Course load limit

For fall or spring semesters, a minimum full-time course load for an undergraduate student is 12 credit hours. The maximum course load for which a student may register is 18 credit hours during a fall or spring semester, with a maximum of nine credit hours in session A or B; the load limit is a total of 18 credit hours for any combination of sessions. The summer session load limit is seven credit hours for each six-week session and nine credit hours for the eight-week session; the load limit is a total of 14 credit hours for any combination of sessions.

A student who wishes to register for more than the maximum credit limit per term must petition to obtain an approved overload before registration. Additional instructions to petition can be found on the college's undergraduate student forms and policies site.

Graduate credits earned by undergraduate students

Undergraduate students interested in taking graduate-level credits while enrolled in a bachelor's degree program must adhere to the university policy for graduate credits earned by undergraduate students. Before registering for a graduate-level course, undergraduate students must petition the College of Health Solutions Academic Standards and Grievances Committee through their academic advisor for permission to enroll in a specific course.

Accelerated bachelor's plus master's degree programs may use a maximum of 12 preadmission credits, which may include up to a maximum of 12 credit hours shared between the programs. Students in accelerated programs should contact their advisor to ensure proper sharing of credit hours. Students who have been accepted to an accelerated degree program do not have to petition the standards committee to take the shared courses.

Late registration

Students who request to enroll in a course after the university add deadline should be aware that this exception to university policy is not guaranteed to be approved.

To register for a class after the add deadline, students are required to obtain authorization from the instructor and the college. The course in question must have open seats, and the student must meet the prerequisites. Students who wish to request late registration for a College of Health Solutions course must follow the steps below in the order in which they are listed:

  1. Fill out an enrollment change request form.
  2. Obtain the instructor's signature by having them sign the form, or have the instructor send an email confirming their approval to add the course late.
    • Late add requests are only considered with instructor approval during the following time frames:
      • First week of A and B session courses (end of the fifth business day from the first day of the session)
      • Second week of C session courses (end of the 10th business day from the first day of the session)
      • Any late add requests beyond these time frames are not considered.
    • Many classes and labs have attendance policies. Confirm with the instructor whether adding the class late means that the missed days count toward total absences.
    • Students should ask the instructor if they are allowed to make up any work they missed by adding the class late.
  3. Obtain authorization from the College of Health Solutions:
    • Send the signed form and approval, including all pertinent attachments, to the advising office via email:
    • Or obtain authorization in person at the following locations:
  4. Submit the approved form to the University Registrar Services office:
    • Once the advising office has provided authorization, submit the form to any Registrar location for processing.

For questions, students can call the College of Health Solutions at 602-496-3300 or toll free at 844-857-3348.

The College of Health Solutions may approve a late add, late drop or late withdrawal for a CHS course that is due to extenuating or extraordinary circumstances beyond the student's control. The student must outline extenuating circumstances in an email statement and attach the enrollment change request form along with a written statement or email of support from the instructor of the course. These requests should be sent to

Degree requirements

Experiential learning

Bachelor's degree programs in the College of Health Solutions require students to complete a credit-bearing experiential learning opportunity. Students must complete at least three credit hours of experiential learning that will be determined by their degree program. This requirement is satisfied by a variety of opportunities, including translational research, internships and other hands-on experiences. Students can find detailed information on how this requirement can be completed for their specific degree program on the College of Health Solutions experiential learning site.

Concurrent degrees

Students at Arizona State University are permitted to pursue concurrent degrees as long as they meet the requirements for both programs and receive permission in advance from the college or colleges offering their chosen majors. College of Health Solutions students are required to meet specific criteria before starting the university approval process. Students interested in applying for a concurrent degree should consult with their academic advisor about the feasibility of a pursuing a concurrent degree as it relates to their overall graduation plan.

If a student is adding a concurrent major outside the college, the university approval process must be completed for both the College of Health Solutions and the college of the other major.

Students earn a separate diploma for each degree. Degrees may not be too closely related and are reviewed by an academic advisor during the approval process. For a student to add a concurrent degree, there must be a minimum of 30 distinct credit hours of coursework in each degree program.

The College of Health Solutions minimum requirements to add a concurrent degree are:

  1. sophomore standing or higher
  2. minimum ASU cumulative GPA of 3.00
  3. minimum of 12 credit hours of coursework completed in the first major
  4. minimum of nine credit hours of coursework completed in the second major


Undergraduate degree-seeking students who previously attended ASU but have not been enrolled at ASU for up to seven consecutive semesters are eligible to return through quick re-entry. Students do not need to submit a new application or application fee, but they must contact an academic advisor in their program for registration. Exceptions may apply, including for students on leaves of absence and students who serve in the military.

Students who have been disqualified from ASU and would like to return to a major in the College of Health Solutions are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an assistant director of academic services to discuss requirements and recommendations. Disqualified students must follow ASU procedures for readmission. Exceptions may apply, including for students on leaves of absence and students who serve in the military. The college does not reinstate students into any major that is meant to prepare students for professional school or professional credentialing, nor does the college reinstate students into majors in which they have twice failed to complete a required course at ASU.

Graduate policies

Academic standing

Each graduate program in the College of Health Solutions adheres to specific academic requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the expectations listed in their respective graduate program handbook.

Academic advising

It is important for graduate students in the College of Health Solutions to cultivate the following skills in their development as health professionals:

  • accept feedback in a positive manner
  • assume responsibility for learning
  • communicate with others in a respectful and confident manner
  • modify performance in response to feedback
  • proactively identify problems and possible solutions

Academic advising at the graduate level is facilitated by graduate support staff in the Student Success Hub.

Faculty advisors meet with students in the academic area of concentration.