Retention and academic standards

Class standing

A student’s class standing is determined by the number of credit hours earned, as shown in the table below.

Student Credit hours earned
Freshman 24 or fewer credit hours earned
Sophomore 25 to 55 credit hours earned
Junior 56 to 86 credit hours earned
Senior 87 or more credit hours earned
Graduate bachelor's degree from accredited institution


Academic good standing

For the purpose of retention, university academic good standing for degree-seeking students is defined as maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. This standard is in effect for all students regardless of catalog year.

Academic warning

An ASU student who does not achieve the minimum GPA standard at the completion of the first term of study receives an academic warning. If, after one term with an academic warning, a student still does not achieve the minimum GPA standard, the student is placed on probation for at least one additional term. If a student's minimum GPA first falls below the standard in a term that is not the student's first term at ASU, the student is placed on probation. Failure to return to good academic standing after being placed on probation may result in disqualification.

A student with an academic warning or on academic probation is considered in conditional good standing and is permitted to enroll.

A student who has received an academic warning or is on probation must meet with an academic success advisor to discuss academic success strategies for the subsequent semester and develop a success plan for returning to university academic good standing. That plan may require successful completion of the academic refresher course UNI 220 Mindset Connections.

Dean’s list

Undergraduate students are eligible for the dean’s list if they earn 12 or more graded credit hours (“A+”, “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, “D” or “E”) during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher. A notation regarding dean’s list achievement appears on the unofficial transcript. The dean's list is generated at the completion of the fall and spring semesters.

Satisfactory academic progress

The university is required to publish and enforce standards of satisfactory academic progress for certain students (e.g., student-athletes, students receiving financial aid, students receiving veterans benefits).

Certification of satisfactory progress for student-athletes is verified by the academic advisor and the dean’s designee for certifying satisfactory progress. Certification of satisfactory progress for students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits is verified by Financial Aid and Scholarship Services or the Pat Tillman Veterans Center, respectively. Students should contact their advisors or the appropriate office for additional information on satisfactory progress requirements.


A student’s college assumes responsibility for enforcing academic standards and may place on university academic probation any student who has failed to maintain good standing as previously defined. For purposes of probation and retention, an individual college may set higher GPA standards. A student on academic probation is required to observe any rules or limitations the college may impose as a condition for retention, including college-established policies regarding continuing probation.

Co-enrolled continuing probation program

Select disqualified students may participate in the co-enrolled continuing probation program at the discretion of their college or school. Under this program, the student takes UNI 220 Mindset Connections plus one ASU course selected by the student’s advisor. The student co-enrolls at a Maricopa County Community College with a schedule selected in consultation with the ASU advisor. Upon completion of the term, students with a combined semester cumulative GPA of 2.50 may continue regular enrollment at ASU. Parameters regarding the number of co-enrolled hours required are at the discretion of each college or school.


A student who is placed on probation at the end of a semester is subject to disqualification by the college or school at the end of the following semester if the conditions imposed for retention are not met.

Disqualification is exercised at the discretion of the college or school. A student is notified of disqualification by the dean of the college and is not allowed to register in a fall or spring semester at the university. If the student has already registered for a future fall or spring semester, the registration is canceled. A disqualified student who has not already been absent for a semester may contact the college advisor to see if reinstatement is possible. A disqualified student may not attend as a nondegree-seeking student. If a disqualified student elects to attend another university or two-year college, any credits earned there will not affect the ASU cumulative GPA. A course repeated elsewhere will not result in a replacement of a grade earned at ASU. Disqualified students must consult with an academic advisor to determine eligibility to attend ASU in the summer session in order to raise their ASU cumulative GPA.

Select disqualified students may participate in the co-enrolled continuing probation program. Information about this is available in the Glossary of Academic Terms, at probation.


Students not eligible for quick re-entry (i.e., because they have not been enrolled at ASU for more than seven semesters, completed their academic program, or were academically disqualified) must apply for readmission and submit applicable fees.

Candidates for readmission who are not in academic good standing are subject to college review.

A disqualified student who has not already been absent for a semester may contact the college advisor to see if reinstatement is possible.

Academic integrity

All students should be familiar with ASU's academic integrity policy.