Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts policies
The Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts is built on a combination of disciplines unlike that in any other program in the nation, comprising the schools of Art; Arts, Media and Engineering; ASU FIDM; Music, Dance and Theatre; The Design School; The Sidney Poitier New American Film School; and the ASU Art Museum.
The institute is dedicated to the following design principles:
- Creativity is a core 21st-century competency. Students in the institute develop the ability to be generative and enterprising, work collaboratively within and across artistic fields, and generate nonroutine solutions to complex problems. With this broad exposure to creative thinking and problem-solving, graduates are well-prepared to lead in every arena of the economy, society and culture.
- Design and the arts are critical resources for transforming society. Designers and artists must be embedded in their communities and dedicate their creative energy and talent to building, reimagining and sustaining the world. Design and the arts must be socially relevant and never viewed as extras or as grace notes. The institute is committed to placing designers, artists and arts-trained graduates at the center of public life.
- The institute is committed to enterprise and entrepreneurship. For most college graduates today, the future of work is unpredictable, nonlinear and constantly evolving. A recent study found that 47% of current occupations likely will not exist in the next few decades. Design and the Arts faculty, students and graduates are inventing the jobs and the businesses of the future; reimagining how design, art and culture get made and distributed; and coming up with new platforms and technology for the exchange of culture and the enrichment of the human experience. Legendary author and expert on city life Jane Jacobs talks about the abundance of "squelchers" — parents, educators, managers and leaders who tend to say no to new ideas. At the institute, there are no squelchers. All embrace the cardinal rule of improvisation: Always say, "Yes, and…"
- Every person, regardless of social background, deserves an equal chance to help tell the stories of this nation and the world. Creative expression defines everyone, what each aspires to, and how all hope to live together. The institute is committed to projecting all voices — to providing an affordable education to every student who has the talent and the desire to boldly add their creative voice to the world's evolving story.
- Effectiveness requires excellence. The ability to solve problems, build enterprises, and create compelling and socially relevant design and art requires high levels of mastery. By each being the best in their chosen fields, all can stretch themselves and their talents to make a difference in the world.
Students with questions about Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts policies or procedures may review the Herberger Institute Office of Student Success website, contact the office at 480-965-4495 to speak with advising staff, or contact the institute's dean's office at 480-965-0050.
Academic integrity
The Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts strictly adheres to the ASU student academic integrity policy. Academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, academic transactions and records. Possible sanctions include appropriate grade penalties, loss of registration privileges, disqualification and dismissal. Information about academic integrity also can be found on the school's academic integrity page.
Professionalism entails a set of skills critical for workplace and creative successes, and professional behavior creates an atmosphere that promotes safe and high-quality spaces for constructive learning as well as individual and community well-being. The institute expects students to show professional behavior with clients, members of the community and others in the university environment (e.g., classrooms, clinics, labs, studios), including members of the faculty and administration, other students and staff. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, including arriving on time with an open attitude to learning, engaging in ethical behavior, resolving conflicts in an appropriate manner at all times, holding partnership information confidential, and using prudence in written and verbal communications. Professionalism includes:
- attendance and punctuality
- following all university and studio safety protocols and behavioral expectations
- honesty and integrity
- respectful communication
- self-control
Notice of nondiscrimination
ASU prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students should review ASU's policy ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.
Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. As required by Title IX, ASU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that we operate, including in admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the ASU Title IX coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or to both. For more information, students should email titleixcoordinator@asu.edu, call 480-965-0696 for more information, or visit the office located at 1120 S. Cady Mall, INTDSB 284. For information on making a report, students should reference the Report It website.
Undergraduate policies
Academic standing
University academic warning
A new incoming first-year or transfer student with a cumulative GPA that has dropped below 2.00 at the end of the first semester (fall or spring) at ASU is placed on academic warning. All students who are placed on academic warning are encouraged to complete academic success modules online through Canvas. Students are also encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss any challenges they may have experienced in order to develop a plan to improve their standing.
If a student does not earn a cumulative GPA of a 2.00 or higher in their second semester, they are placed on probation.
On-campus students are required to enroll in UNI 220 Mindset Connections during their academic warning semester; this becomes a graduation requirement once a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. If a student is not successful in this course, they must enroll in the course until they successfully complete it.
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts academic probation
Students in any of the institute's degree programs are placed on probation when they fail to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Students on probation must observe rules or limitations imposed by the institute as a condition of retention. All students who are placed on probation are required to complete academic success modules online through Canvas. Students also are required to attend mandatory advising appointments in an effort to improve their academic standing.
On-campus students are required to enroll in UNI 220 Mindset Connections in the semester of their probation; this becomes a graduation requirement once a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. If a student is not successful in this course, they must enroll in the course until they successfully complete it.
Continuing probation
A student who is already on probation and earns a GPA of 2.00 or higher for the term but is not successful in raising their cumulative GPA above 2.00 is placed on continuing probation. Continuing probation is meant to acknowledge the student’s academic progress while still providing academic support to help them reach the required 2.00 GPA. Students on continuing probation must continue to attend mandatory advising appointments until they earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
If the student's ASU cumulative GPA is not 2.00 or higher and the conditions of probation have not been met after one semester on probation, the student is disqualified for a minimum of two full academic semesters. Disqualification is exercised at the discretion of the institute and becomes effective on the first day of the fall or spring semester following institute action. A disqualified student is notified by the dean’s office of the institute and is not allowed to register for a fall or spring semester at the university until reinstated. Students should consult with their academic advisor to discuss this academic standing and their options for returning to ASU.
Co-enrolled continuing probation program
Select disqualified students may participate in the co-enrolled continuing probation program at the discretion of their college or school. This program allows the student the opportunity to attend ASU during the fall or spring semester part time to take UNI 220 plus one ASU course while co-enrolled in at least eight credit hours at a Maricopa County Community College. The student selects these courses in consultation with their ASU academic advisor. If the student achieves a combined semester cumulative GPA of 2.50 upon completion of the term, they may continue regular enrollment at ASU for the upcoming semester.
If the student is receiving financial aid, they need to check with the financial aid office to see how participation in this program will affect their eligibility for financial aid.
A student who has been academically disqualified and seeks to return to ASU for either a fall or spring semester, at any time, and has met college admission standards is required to seek readmission to the university and reinstatement to the institute. Applications for readmission to ASU must be made to ASU Admission Services; the application for readmission automatically generates a letter of appeal for reinstatement to the institute for consideration.
All disqualified students should contact the Herberger Office of Student Success regarding procedures and guidance for reinstatement and returning to academic good standing. Disqualified students may attend summer sessions at ASU to raise their cumulative GPA. If a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher is achieved upon completion of summer coursework, the student may petition the institute for early reinstatement. The possibility of successful reinstatement is enhanced when students follow recommendations and meet established standards for summer coursework or coursework completed at other institutions. All students who are academically disqualified should contact an institute advisor to discuss their options.
Also available in the Office of Student Success is information on the college policies and procedures for student grievances with respect to grades, and various petitions regarding standards and graduation requirements.
Undergraduate academic advising is handled as a centralized activity within the institute. Students are encouraged to make appointments through the Herberger Institute Office of Student Success. Appointments are recommended and should be scheduled in advance with the lead academic advisor.
There are multiple ways to schedule an advising appointment:
- online through My ASU
- phone: 480-965-4495
- email: HerbergerAdvising@asu.edu
- in-person: Design South (CDS), room 101 (M–F, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) or Fusion on First (FOF), Room 320 (M–F, 8 a.m.–noon; 1–5 p.m.)
While the institute provides academic advising, it is ultimately each student's responsibility to fulfill academic and program requirements. Administration of program requirements is the responsibility of the head of the academic unit and the dean.
Credit and registration
Course load
First-semester freshmen and entering transfer students are not permitted to register for more than 18 credit hours in session C, or nine credit hours in session A and nine credit hours in session B. Continuing students who wish to register for more than 18 credit hours must meet the academic criteria for an overload petition and work with their academic advisor in the Herberger Office of Student Success. No student should assume that the petition for overload will be granted.
For summer sessions, the maximum course load is 14 credit hours, seven per six-week summer session. Overloads are rarely granted for these sessions, and requests must be petitioned to the Herberger Office of Student Success.
Audit grade option
Students may choose to audit certain courses; this option allows them to attend regularly scheduled class sessions, but they do not earn credit. Students should obtain instructor approval before registering for these courses. The option to audit is not available for all courses.
This grade option may not be changed after the add period.
Pass/fail or credit/no credit
The only courses accepted toward graduation with a grade of pass/fail or credit/no credit are those designated by the academic unit as such, or internships and field studies.
Transfer credits
While the university accepts credits transferred from other accredited institutions, transfer coursework must be equivalent in content and level of offering. Arts or design transfer credits are not applied to specific degree programs until they are reviewed and accepted by the appropriate academic units. The Design School and the School of Art require a review of samples of work in portfolio format from previous studio classes to evaluate some transfer studio credits.
Students are responsible for contacting their course instructors regarding the process of requesting and fulfilling requests for an incomplete. The grade of "I" (incomplete) can only be given by an instructor (and it is subject to unit director approval) when a student who is doing otherwise acceptable work is unable to complete a course (e.g., final exam or term paper) because of illness or other conditions beyond the student's control. The student must submit a request to the instructor to be considered for a grade of "I." A completed request must have the incomplete grade request form and include a justification, a listing of requirements that have not been fulfilled, and a proposed schedule of completion. The instructor reviews the request and determines whether to accept or deny the request. The instructor may propose modifications when submitting a copy of the accepted request to the appropriate office.
A grade of "I" in any course that is a prerequisite for sequential courses automatically denies the student enrollment in subsequent courses and could result in the student being administratively dropped from a subsequent course in which they are enrolled.
The student has a maximum of one calendar year from the date the grade of "I" is recorded to complete the course, but faculty can place lesser time limitations at their discretion. A student does not re-register or pay fees for a course for which an "I" has been received in order to complete the course. A grade of "I" for undergraduate coursework that has been on a student's record for more than one calendar year automatically changes to "E."
University withdrawal regulations apply to all courses. In certain degree programs of the institute, curricula are modular and sequential; because space in these programs is limited, a student is expected to progress through the curriculum with the class. To fully understand all potential repercussions of withdrawal from any courses, the student should discuss their plans with their academic advisor.
Degree requirements
Associate degrees
Students in the Associate of Arts programs should refer to their major map or curriculum checksheet and the university associate degree graduation requirements policy for minimum credit hour, GPA and other degree requirements.
Critical requirements
All Design and the Arts students must meet the program and critical requirements for their majors. Students who do not comply with the critical requirements are considered off track, and their records are placed on hold; students are required to meet with an institute academic advisor to have a hold removed. For more information about critical requirements, students should refer to the corresponding major map or curriculum checksheet.
Concurrent degrees
Students who wish to pursue concurrent degrees must have the approval of the colleges and institutes housing both majors. Students are approved for concurrent degrees if they meet the following requirements:
- They are in academic good standing (minimum 2.0 cumulative ASU GPA).
- They have completed at least six semester credit hours of major related course requirements for each degree (12 semester credits total).
- For the Design and the Arts degree, the six credit hours must be completed from the discipline’s prefix (e.g., GRA for graphic design; AME for media arts and sciences; ARS for art history).
- For a non-Design and the Arts degree, six credit hours must be major specific or major related.
- Music degrees require passing an audition; successful completion of the audition replaces the six credit hour requirement of music coursework.
Students who meet these criteria may request to pursue both degree programs by submitting a concurrent degree request form as part of the university approval process.
Change of major
For most academic units, a current ASU student has no additional requirements for changing majors. Current ASU students who wish to transfer to The Design School must be in good standing.
Students who change their major from a bachelor's degree to an associate degree can only make the change after the degree conferral date for each semester:
- Fall - mid-December
- Spring - mid-May
- Summer - mid-August
Undergraduate degree-seeking students who previously attended ASU in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts but have not been enrolled at ASU for up to seven consecutive fall or spring semesters may be eligible to return through quick re-entry. Students do not need to submit a new application or application fee, but they must contact an academic advisor in their program for registration.
Undergraduates who have been away from the university for eight or more semesters and want to return to ASU in a Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts program are required to apply for readmission through the ASU Admission Services office.
- Readmission is only considered after a student has remained out of the institute for a minimum of eight semesters.
- A student is required to supply proof that they are now capable of successfully completing courses in the discipline by the completion of at least 12 credit hours of appropriate coursework with a GPA of 2.50 or higher.
- If the readmission request requires a change of major, then admission decisions are made by the college that offers the intended major.
- If a student seeks readmission to their previous Design and the Arts major and that major requires a creative review, a new review may be required.
- If readmission is approved within the institute, the student returns with continuing probation status in the appropriate degree program.
Once readmitted, returning students are required to meet with an institute advisor before enrolling in courses at ASU.
Other special requirements
Creative reviews
A creative review (audition, interview, milestone, portfolio submission) is required for entrance into many majors in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. Students should visit the school's admission page for details.
Graduate policies
Advising is handled as a decentralized activity within the institute. To offer personalized attention, each academic unit establishes its own graduate advising procedures. Students are encouraged to make appointments through the central office of their major discipline. Students should consult their academic unit's website for general information about the programs, admission and advising procedures:
- School of Art: 480-965-6303
- School of Arts, Media and Engineering: 480-965-9438
- School of Music, Dance and Theatre: 480-965-3371
- The Design School: 480-965-3536
- The Sidney Poitier New American Film School: 602-496-5555
Students must fulfill all requirements of their graduate program to remain in good academic standing, and they must abide by all university policies, including those of the Graduate College and the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.